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Are all smokers junkys ?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
  • Date de début Date de début
Don't you see the contradiction? First you say all smokers are "stinking , stupid ,vain , asocial , weak , junky shit heads", then when I come with an argument which you can't say anything against you say that's what you were saying, when it's obviously not...? You even suggested you'd like to kill them all! Wow that's some nice respect man.
maybe you should laugh a bit more instead of feeling attacked ;)
There's nothing humorous about this thread... I don't mind people having their own opinion, but the way GOD articulates his opinion is not respectful. (freedom of disrespecting anyone you want, I guess?)

I fail to see the purpose of this thread. What do you want to share with us? Stereotypes like: all smokers are anti-social and vain?

When I'm smoking in public I am ALWAYS trying to see if I'm bothering someone. Just the other day I was waiting for my train, smoking, and someone standing close to me coughed, to which I reacted by moving a couple of meters away from him. Is that anti-social?

Smoking sucks I know, hate me for it. Sugar is bad as well, should I hunt down every sweet-tooth in town? No, I let them do to their body whatever they want.

VerusDeus a dit:
Just the other day I was waiting for my train, smoking, and someone standing close to me coughed

I usually answer like Bill Hicks:"You're lucky you don't smoke. I smoke and I don't even have a cough like that" :P
GOD a dit:
Psychoid , your post is one big lie from start to finish . Your twisting what i say and trying to have a go at me , AGAIN . Start being honest , objective and neutral and forget your grudge against me .

I'm being as honest and neutral as possible. Please prove me wrong if you can. I have no grudge against you. Please show me where you made a distinction between respectful smokers and "junkies" before I made it, cause I really can't find it.

I'm not saying you meant what I'm saying you said (how could I? I'm not in your head), but that's still the meaning of what you wrote.

I can understand that "I would gas them if they weren't already gassing themselve" is a joke, but I think it's a pretty bad one...

Let me remind you your first statement:

"I think cigarets are for stinking , stupid ,vain , asocial , weak , junky shit heads and if they werent already gassing themselves i`d gas them ."

If you say cigarettes are for "stinking , stupid ,vain , asocial , weak , junky shit heads", then that means you are also saying that all people who use cigarettes are "stinking , stupid ,vain , asocial , weak , junky shit heads". Am I wrong or not?
I think smoking is just something that people do for their 'image', just too make them fit in or look cool. Thats what I think anyway.

I dont see any point in smoking at all though, it does nothing for you other than give you cancer. If it got you high, then i could understand, but id rather do jenkem than smoke.
cockknocker - PM me if you want to buy good jenkem
Smoking is a trap.

As youngsters we see older people smoking and think that we need cigarettes to achieve this level of maturity, Those who dont are often in the company of other youngsters who are smoking and thru peer pressure take it up to "Fit in". Then there is the other people that dont smoke, They avoid smokers and often see it as dirty.

Those roped into smoking soon learn that they have been con'd. It tastes shite, Smells bad, Costs a silly amount of money a year and they are now addicted and the shit life of trying to quit can begin. Its not an extreme addiction in 99% of cases, I would imagine. I cant see some one addicted to cigarettes on withdrawrel killing some one to get a cigg :lol:

Also I dont think of some one that smokes as weak, Its just a social thing that can often become a coping mechanism in stressfull situations. Maybe becuase it gives time for the brain to think while the lungs are occupied? :)

P.S. When white man found tobacco it lead to abuse. However, every culture before western civilization had a place for it.
Sticki, it's because cigarettes are a phallic symbol. Just like cars, guns, ...
I think its a very stupid habit. But to each his own, if certain people want to waste their money on them let them as long as they don't blow smoke on me. I get damn annoyed when people light cigarettes in my car.

Personally i never touch cigarettes. Last time it was when i was trying to fit in at 13/14 years of age.... i think i tried 4-5 cigarettes and then just quit. Now i might use some burnt tobbaco (mint) to make my hash joint, once in a while.
I smoked my first cigarette because I was curious, and started smoking when I discovered aromatised cigarillos, which I found tasted good at that time (fortunately I find them even more disgusting than cigarettes now). I started by smoking 2 or 3 a day,. and it quickly increased to 5, then 10. I never smoked for my image, as I never considered smoking a good thing and something that gives you a good image (I thought the complete opposite in fact). I always felt ashamed of doing something so stupid. Yes, stupid, because it doesn't do any good, and does a lot of harm. Some might say it relaxes them... no it doesn't. It just kills the stress that the need for a cigarettes generated, and this is what makes you feel relaxed after smoking one. Once you realize this it becomes easier to quit. The next step is understand how your mind is playing tricks with you to make you believe smoking a cigarette would be a good idea.
restin a dit:
Sticki, it's because cigarettes are a phallic symbol. Just like cars, guns, ...

Not sure if I follow what you mean?

How can you compare cars, guns and cigarettes in relation to a phalic symbol?
"How can you compare cars, guns and cigarettes in relation to a phalic symbol?"

if any of them are in your mouth your f*ked
:lol: Well, it is a symbol for being a man, being "grown up". You surely are aware that cars are often used to "compare dicklength" if you word it like that. Guns are used in movies and increase the "coolness" resp. "manliness" of the protagonists. And losing the gun (in a fight e.g.) is like losing your...well...respect. Same goes for cigarettes. Although they are demonized nowadays, you've surely seen older movies where the guy smokes...as a symbol of his coolness.

Tell me this guy's not cool:

And yeah, I equalize coolness with phallic comparison...
lol :lol:
I gotta admit, that sucka is coool.

But no where near the galactic coolness of the Fonz. He didnt need ciggarettes to be cool.

Psychoid a dit:
Let me remind you your first statement:
"I think cigarets are for stinking , stupid ,vain , asocial , weak , junky shit heads and if they werent already gassing themselves i`d gas them."
This was split from the "Wich cigarettes do you like best" thread

cockknocker a dit:
I think smoking is just something that people do for their 'image', just too make them fit in or look cool. Thats what I think anyway.
Looking cool smoking is so 1860
Or junior high....

cockknocker a dit:
If it got you high, then i could understand
It does, if you do it once every 2 weeks

As for "the fonz"
He's seriously a douchebag
People who are(or need to be) cool are douchebags

Humphry Bogart's also not cool.

Or maybe I'm the only one in the world that has absolutely nothing with "being cool" or "coolness" other then cool being used to give an opinion about music.
Or maybe I'm the only one in the world that has absolutely nothing with "being cool" or "coolness" other then cool being used to give an opinion about music.

I'm not cool, I am me.
I agree, if any of the above 3 are in your mouth your fucked.

However the "My Dick is Bigger Then Yours" term, I cant relate to ciggs. I understand with cars, I have seen and also compared in this measuring competition.

Maybe at one point it was seen as a phalic symbol when soldiers and other Mens Men, such as actors and the famous smoked. Now, Men and Women smoke. I find it hard to see the connection, personally :)