GregKasarik a dit:
deal with it IRL. Having suffered from a major specific anxiety disorder, I find meditation to be the best for this. It will also dramatically improve the overall quality of your trips.
+1000 i can't say this any better, coming from a very similar place.
GregKasarik a dit:
"However, the core issue issue with anxiety in tripping is that one of the effects of the shrooms is to promote muscle tension, which your brain then interprets as a possible fear response, and which you experience as anxiety."
"...associate anxiety with tripping and it will become a classically conditioned learnt response. On subsequent trips, you'll start to feel anxious about feeling anxious."
recognizing this is the first step in renouncing it, and being rid of the mental association or conditioning.
GregKasarik a dit:
To get around this, you could consider taking a small dose of a sedative, or sleeping tablet, such as Valium, or Temaz along with the shrooms (these can be obtained legally via a prescription from your doctor). Sedation will lessen the tendancy for your muscles to tense up, thereby removing the intial trigger to the whole thing. After a few trips without the sedative, you should find that the conditioned response has eased off and you can get on with enjoying the trip without any noticable anxiety response whatsoever.
although you ARE right, in a closed off test tube environment, if the person actually STOPPED taking the drugs after a couple times. unfortunately, people in the real world are not exempt from temptation in the real world. that's part of the lesson that psychedelics has taught me, and so i think, to introduce something SO powerful, (SO opposite... :?: ), and SO addicting to such a PURIFYING experience is like pouring coffee grounds in your cup. you took them out for a reason. sure, it'll get you going, and yeah, you can remove them if you want, but hey, it's already there, and im ok for NOW, so who cares?
except coffee grounds dont make you steal from your loved ones to obtain more. coffee probably wont get you evicted, nor make you shoot up. SOOOO, YES, your right, it's not fair to compare coffee to opiates, SO, dont treat them so casually in suggesting their use, just because you or i can rise above their grasp.
i would NOT put faith in MOST people to have the self control to be exposed to such chemicals in an unregulated manner. once someone learns how to obtain them you have opened a can of worms on THEIR hands. addiction to opiates and similar derivitaives is no joke, and i think, to associate something entirely opposite of the world of psychedelics, TO the world of psychedelics... would, and could, produce disastrous results to the psyche of the one using.
remember, these people are trying to overcome something that they have let become conditioned, why would you replace a naturally conditioned problem with an artificially conditioned problem??? =running in circles
i had a friend roughly two months ago, ingest opium tea somewhat soon before a mushroom trip.
she thought she was dying. she said that she felt like she could not breathe and that nothing she did made it any better. she was constantly slipping in and out of consciousness, and in reality she was fine, but in her head
she was fighting for her life. i wont tell the entire story because it would take to long, my only axiom here is that the way people
will take drugs (especially unsupervised, unregulated), and the way people
should, is rarely, IF EVER the same.
GregKasarik a dit:
Also, I also use nitrous quite extensively when tripping. While this ramps up the intensity to a whole new level, nitrious is an anasthetic, so may also help with the feelings of anxiety. But please don't take my word for it, as this is only an uneducated guess and most likely would only work for someone experiencing low to moderate levels of anxiety. Any comments from people for whom anxiety is an issue would be welcome.
i've heard of people doing this alot lately. idk, i was always under the impression that this kills a large amount of braincells... anyone care to comment? **edited out a blurb about nitrogen, not nitrous oxide**