We don't have to do anything, but.. from a pure survival perspective, we've become aware that it is important to preserve the diversity of the biosphere if we as a species will be able to.. survive.
I agree that we're not above animals in an objective sense, I find the idea absurd. But there are definite historical reasons humans think that way, it's the result more than it is the cause. A definite hierarchy exists on our planet. Animals have been made to serve our needs, labor for us, feed us, and they aren't capable of organized rebellion to defend themselves when we drive a species into extinction for a few more acres of farmland. Plus, lots of humans get a thrill from dominating animals.. they pay money to go hunt and shoot animals for sport, train animals to do tricks etc. I mean, other than being able to think we are above animals, we have the technological capability to go with it (and opposable thumbs) and one capability is going to reinforce the other, and it has.. probably that's why major religions evolved to teach that humans have a divine purpose that is "above" animals in their grand scheme of things. It's only very recently that we've seen a major societal push to change the way we treat animals, and a lot of that comes from what seems to be an empathetic perspective.