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An ant-colony is taking over my pot

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Shamanita
  • Date de début Date de début
you could encourage another species of ant to enslave the ones living in your pot
What the fuck !!!!!

Napalm the bastards , dig all the soil up around where the plant was in a 300 meter radius and at least 4 meters deep and then incinerate it .

Or......much , MUCH better ,

Go to your lokal garden center , buy some chemical for killing ants , mix it up , all of it , and inject it into your jugular vein . Then the problem is solved .

What the fucking hell are you talking about ? Why murder ants ? Better go and get treatment for your phobia . What the fuck have ants done to you ? Have you ever seen a plant that ants have killed ? Have you ever heard of ants doing anything any damage ? The whole fucking planet lives in symbiosis and has done for millions of years . LEAVE ANTS ALONE .

I have an ant colony liveing in a 65 liter plant pot in my bed room . They dont hurt me and i dont hurt them . Strangely enough my whole apartment is infested with spider mites and silver fish......exept the bed room .

Just a thought but have you ever seen an ant in a skuba diver outfit ? NO . They can swim but they dont build there nests under water . = ( NO , NO dont drown them , dumb shits ) , just water your plants enough . If you had they wouldnt have built a nest there in the first place .

If you have aphids its because you didnt spray your plants . ( or maybe because with YOUR mind set youve already destroyed the natural balance in your garden...... with another irational phobia and more hiroshima tactics ? ) .

Also learn about companion plants . Some are good for discourageing parasites and others are good for encourageing parasite killers to settle in your garden .
I didn't really expect this to happen anytime soon but I totally agree with GOD. Ants do not harm plants unless they use the plant to farm aphids like Mr. Smith said earlier. Just let them be.
If you want to get rid of them in a friendly way get an empty pot and fill it up with soil like the one MJ is housing in. Keep it nice and moist, not wet. Then place some cut up lemon near/around their nest. Ants hate lemon and they might move their nest if there's a suitable location nearby, which would be that other pot. Be sure they can reach the other pot easily.
@ GOD; i had a disturbing week behind my back so my first reaction was indeed to nuke them :p
Now, a few days after the ant-incidents, i think a lot more peaceful about it. I even think the colony doens't live in the pot anymore. I moved the pot daily to another location (in and outside the greenhouse, around my yard), maybe that disturbulated them to keep on living in the pot.

If i see any aphids on me weed or morning glories, i'm just going to make some tobacco-sollution and spray it on them, as nicotine is supposed to kill any arthropode.
But as long as the aphids are only housing on my dad's lettuce, i won't harm them :p

Besides, some interesting (off-topic) information about ants is that there are some tropical species (species of the genus Acromyrmex and Atta) that cultivate a type of fungus. The ants 'feed' the fungus with leaves and the ants eat (parts of) the fungus. This fungus is only been found in ants nests so far. ANd when the ants build a new nest somewhere, they take a piece of the fungus to their new place to cultivate it there..

just fyi :p
But first we practice on you .
I was going to suggest a thing that I learned in the video 6 ways mushrooms can save the world.

The trick is too get the ants to feed on some kind of fungus, then the fungus starts to grow inside them, and a mushroom pops out of their head.

I'm against ant violence btw. But I say kill mosquitoes and their young.