What the fuck !!!!!
Napalm the bastards , dig all the soil up around where the plant was in a 300 meter radius and at least 4 meters deep and then incinerate it .
Or......much , MUCH better ,
Go to your lokal garden center , buy some chemical for killing ants , mix it up , all of it , and inject it into your jugular vein . Then the problem is solved .
What the fucking hell are you talking about ? Why murder ants ? Better go and get treatment for your phobia . What the fuck have ants done to you ? Have you ever seen a plant that ants have killed ? Have you ever heard of ants doing anything any damage ? The whole fucking planet lives in symbiosis and has done for millions of years . LEAVE ANTS ALONE .
I have an ant colony liveing in a 65 liter plant pot in my bed room . They dont hurt me and i dont hurt them . Strangely enough my whole apartment is infested with spider mites and silver fish......exept the bed room .
Just a thought but have you ever seen an ant in a skuba diver outfit ? NO . They can swim but they dont build there nests under water . = ( NO , NO dont drown them , dumb shits ) , just water your plants enough . If you had they wouldnt have built a nest there in the first place .
If you have aphids its because you didnt spray your plants . ( or maybe because with YOUR mind set youve already destroyed the natural balance in your garden...... with another irational phobia and more hiroshima tactics ? ) .
Also learn about companion plants . Some are good for discourageing parasites and others are good for encourageing parasite killers to settle in your garden .