Amanita to be included in the Dutch mushroom ban

Well, we all know where prohibition leads to. More irresponsible use and more people being criminalized because of their behaviour. Until, in the end, all drugs are prohibited, except the ones produced by pharmaceutical companies. In the meantime, costs of police and incarceration of these 'criminals' will lead to more government spending, making people need to work harder and harder to just live their lifes. In the end, nobody is allowed to get high, just the taxes. A system like this isn't sustainable and will fall, because of its own burocratic labyrinth. Brave new world, here we come! Governmentality tries to conduct our behaviour, but in the end it only makes itself impossible. We do not need guidance, we need the trust that we will use our freedom in the best way we can.
when you said "inquisition" you said it all.

next: datura and brugmansia.
after that, mandrake.

they don't just burn us in a stick because it was too obvious.
there are already ideas that are forbidden, and therefore this does not suprise me.
it wouldn't suprise me at all that the internet as we know it would be one day shut down.
my final thought on this one: perhaps the people who are making pressure to all of this happening should have some history lessons.
If they want to arrest us, come get us, we won't fight, scream, we just go lovingly. And then let a judge decide, in the light of truth, experience and scientific argument, that there is no reason AT ALL, to punish us.

You know what that just reminded me of?
Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.
Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience, then? I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward. It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right. The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right. It is truly enough said that a corporation has no conscience; but a corporation of conscientious men is a corporation with a conscience. Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice.
Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience (orig. title "Resistance to Civil Government", 1849

This man really had some great ideas that are still more than useful with current attempts to force laws upon us that the majority neither needs nor wants.

ladies and gentlemen, nothing has been banned and i bet nothing will be banned, unless you all give up hope.
Mr. Klink is just like every other ordinairy politician, he's just having a "power-trip" :lol: and therefore you shouldn't take him serious!

Besides that, if i'm not mistaken mushrooms AREN'T BANNED (yet)
De ministerraad heeft ermee ingestemd dat de Algemene maatregel van bestuur wordt voorgelegd aan de Eerste en Tweede Kamer (voorhangprocedure van vier weken) en voor advies aan de Raad van State wordt gezonden. Daarna treedt de regeling in werking.
For it only says our Ministeries have only agreed on banning them and now the proposal is passed on to the parliament.
Which consist out of 2 chambers: the 2e chamber, which has coalitions, debates and there is power left to change a proposal and our 1e chamber which only debates, inspects and THEN approves it or SENDS IT BACK to the ministeries for adjustment.
and if so, this process is repeated and just like everything in the netherlands, it becomes "GEDOOGD" (legal yet illegal, and it's up to the police to decide if it is worthy to waste there time on such matter).
Suddenly the Pharmacratic Inquisition, which talks about the Amanita muscaria in relation to Christianity a lot, becomes even more relevant.

interesting video...some interesting stuff but not really to be taken seriously,sorry. You can't take pics from the internet and interpret them. E.g. when they talk about the two amanita mushrooms looking like easter eggs and then talking bout Eastern etc. ... well...okay...also the sun is not nearer to earth in summer ...
Whe i was at primari school playing football was prohibited, when a profesor watched us playing inmediatly they confiscate the ball with wich we where playing. After several balls rapted and losed by the profesors we started to play with paper balls, then with our owns socks, and we finished choosing playing with rocks, sometimes they were to big that we hurt our feets...

I think that if this fool banning capricious movement continious we will finish smoking rocks...
People should just ignore the ban and continue what they are doing. Grow mushrooms, share with friends, organize journey circles in your homes. We do this as well and we refuse to put any more energy in the ignorance of people that are blatantly misguided.

If they want to arrest us, come get us, we won't fight, scream, we just go lovingly. And then let a judge decide, in the light of truth, experience and scientific argument, that there is no reason AT ALL, to punish us.

I agree with this 100%. Take your use into your own hands. Fuck the government, this is your life, and you should be allowed to do what you want to do with it. Your culture can do one thing, but you can also turn around and do the other. My uncle once said, "If your culture is following a set of rules, and you are going the exact opposite, then you know your on the right path." This proabably doesn't apply for a lot of you, but for my culture here in Canada it sure does. I'm not going to let the government get in my way of expanding my mind; this is my life, people need to take control of what they love and stop worrying about the decisions their government make. I'm sure if you use responsibly, you will have no interactions with the law.

But about the ban with Amanita Muscaria; it is completely irrational, and they are taking it from one extreme; complete legatilization; to another extreme, complete illegalization. People in this world really need to wake up, and look at what this world is doing. People are just lost.

Very, very stupid decision of our beloved christian Ab klink! The Amanita Muscaria grows almost everywhere here in Holland! In fact, he is now even promoting the use of the Fly Argic!

Damn, this guy has made me so goddamn angry with his truly irrational (christian) laws! :x I Hope he burns in his christian hell! :evil:
lol its true ... its really a promotion then if it grows everywhere ... oh man this is so sad

what about information instead of prohibiton?? does the government think it protects the stupid people and doesn't giove them enough reason for letting them decide themselves??

nooo.... prohibiton is the right way!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just now I read in Christian Rätsch's Plants of Love about Fly Agaric that "Overdose (more than ten mushrooms) may cause toxic manifestations. Deaths have rarely been reported; the cause has been in doubt."

No one is going to eat that many Amanitas. Isn't one or two enough for a trip?
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Just now I read in Christian Rätsch's Plants of Love about Fly Agaric that "Overdose (more than ten mushrooms) may cause toxic manifestations. Deaths have rarely been reported; the cause has been in doubt."

No one is going to eat that many Amanitas. Isn't one or two enough for a trip?

I guess the reason the Amanita is part of the ban, is because our government is watching us, and Azarius. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to visit these days and realize that yes, all the mushrooms are gone, except Amanita's.

Btw, cannanbis is illegal and it is also illegal to put adds and posters depicting cannabis in the public space. Naturally, the same will go for the Amanita and other psychoactive mushrooms soon.

What I want/am going to figure out, is how many actual Amanita representations we have in Christian art in old churches in the Netherlands. Because wouldn't it be cool to have old, antique windows taken down because they have a forbidden plant depicted?

Smash'em in ;)

And have Hallmark take back all those Amanita based christmas cards as well.

And when we are at it, let's hang Santa Claus as well since we all know, he IS symbolic for the Amanita.
Pretty preposterous that the amanita's also gonna get banned, as I know some playground's where there are amanita mushrooms made from iron :roll:
gammagoblin a dit:
Pretty preposterous that the amanita's also gonna get banned, as I know some playground's where there are amanita mushrooms made from iron :roll:

A ban on any plant is preposterous, especially from a Christian politician since it implies, God failed when he created those plants.
strong arguments, heartcore.
but i think god really failed when he created cristianity.