Amanita to be included in the Dutch mushroom ban

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
The current Dutch Minister of Health, Welbeing and Sports has published his proposal for a ban on all consciousness-altering mushrooms, including the Amanita muscaria, or the Fly Agaric. His reasoning for including this mushroom is that after the ban on Psilocybe cubensis goes in effect, people might try Amanita as an alternative, which is dangerous because "Amanita muscaria is poisonous."

Rrrright... And so what are you going to ban next? And next? And next?

The following text is in Dutch: Ontwerp van een besluit houdende wijziging van lijst I en II behorende bij de Opiumwet


Caduceus Mercurius in 1976

Oh, for those who can't read the Dutch text, the following species are included:

A. mushrooms containing psilocybine and psilocine:

agrocybe farinacea
conocybe cyanopus
conocybe kuehneriana
conocybe siligineoides -
conocybe smithii -
copelandia affinis -
copelandia anomala -
copelandia bispora -
copelandia cambodginiensis -
copelandia chlorocystis -
copelandia cyanescens -
copelandia lentisporus -
copelandia mexicana -
copelandia tirunelveliensis -
copelandia tropica -
copelandia tropicalis -
copelandia westii -
galerina steglichii -
gerronema fibula -
gerronema solidipes -
gymnopilus aeruginosus -
gymnopilus braendlei -
gymnopilus intermedius -
gymnopilus lateritius -
gymnopilus liquiritiae -
gymnopilus luteofolius -
gymnopilus luteoviridis -
gymnopilus luteus -
gymnopilus purpuratus -
gymnopilus sapineus
gymnopilus spectabilis -
gymnopilus subpurpuratus -
gymnopilus validipes -
gymnopilus viridans -
hypholoma gigaspora -
hypholoma guzmanii -
hypholoma naematoliformis -
hypholoma neocaledonica -
hypholoma popperianum -
hypholoma rhombispora -
inocybe aeruginascens
inocybe coelestium -
inocybe corydalina corydalina
inocybe corydalina erinaceomorpha
inocybe haemacta
inocybe tricolor -
mycena cyanorrhiza
panaeolina foenisecii
panaeolina rhombisperma -
panaeolina sagarae -
panaeolina microsperma -
panaeolus africanus -
panaeolus ater
panaeolus castaneifolius -
panaeolus fimicola
panaeolus microsporus -
panaeolus moellerianus -
panaeolus olivaceus -
panaeolus papilionaceus
panaeolus retirugis
panaeolus rubricaulis -
panaeolus sphinctrinus
panaeolus subbalteatus
panaeolus venezolanus -
pluteus atricapillus -
pluteus cyanopus
pluteus glaucus -
pluteus nigriviridis -
pluteus salicinus
pluteus villosus -
psilocybe acutipilea -
psilocybe angustipleurocystidiata -
psilocybe antioquensis -
psilocybe aquamarina -
psilocybe argentipes -
psilocybe armandii -
psilocybe aucklandii -
psilocybe australiana -
psilocybe aztecorum -
psilocybe aztecorum bonetii -
psilocybe azurescens -
psilocybe baeocystis -
psilocybe banderiliensis -
psilocybe barrerae -
psilocybe bohemica -
psilocybe brasiliensis -
psilocybe brunneocystidiata -
psilocybe caeruleoannulata -
psilocybe caerulescens -
psilocybe caerulescens ombrophila -
psilocybe caerulipes -
psilocybe carbonaria -
psilocybe chiapanensis -
psilocybe collybioides -
psilocybe columbiana -
psilocybe coprinifacies -
psilocybe cordispora -
psilocybe cubensis -
psilocybe cyanescens -
psilocybe cyanofibrillosa -
psilocybe dumontii -
psilocybe eucalypta
psilocybe fagicola -
psilocybe fagicola mesocystidiata -
psilocybe farinacea -
psilocybe fimetaria -
psilocybe fuliginosa -
psilocybe furtadoana -
psilocybe galindoi -
psilocybe goniospora -
psilocybe graveolens -
psilocybe guatapensis -
psilocybe guilartensis -
psilocybe heimii -
psilocybe heliconiae -
psilocybe herrerae -
psilocybe hispanica -
psilocybe hoogshagenii hoogshagenii -
psilocybe hoogshagenii convexa -
psilocybe inconspicua -
psilocybe indica -
psilocybe isabelae -
psilocybe jacobsii -
psilocybe jaliscana -
psilocybe kumaenorum -
psilocybe laurae -
psilocybe lazoi -
psilocybe liniformans -
psilocybe liniformans americana -
psilocybe mairei -
psilocybe makarorae -
psilocybe mammillata -
psilocybe meridensis -
psilocybe mexicana -
psilocybe moseri -
psilocybe muliercula -
psilocybe natalensis -
psilocybe natarajanii -
psilocybe ochreata -
psilocybe papuana -
psilocybe paulensis -
psilocybe pelliculosa -
psilocybe pericystis -
psilocybe pintonii -
psilocybe pleurocystidiosa -
psilocybe plutonia -
psilocybe portoricensis -
psilocybe pseudoaztecorum -
psilocybe puberula -
psilocybe quebecensis -
psilocybe ramulosa -
psilocybe rostrata -
psilocybe rzedowskii -
psilocybe samuiensis -
psilocybe sanctorum -
psilocybe schultesii -
psilocybe semilanceata
psilocybe septentrionalis -
psilocybe serbica -
psilocybe sierrae -
psilocybe silvatica -
psilocybe singerii -
psilocybe strictipes -
psilocybe stuntzii -
psilocybe subacutipilea -
psilocybe subaeruginascens -
psilocybe subaeruginosa -
psilocybe subcaerulipes -
psilocybe subcubensis -
psilocybe subtropicalis -
psilocybe subyungensis -
psilocybe subzapotecorum -
psilocybe tampanensis -
psilocybe tasmaniana -
psilocybe uruguayensis -
psilocybe uxpanapensis -
psilocybe venenata -
psilocybe veraecrucis -
psilocybe villarrealii -
psilocybe wassoniorum -
psilocybe weilii -
psilocybe weldenii -
psilocybe wrightii -
psilocybe xalapensis -
psilocybe yungensis -
psilocybe zapotecorum -

B: mushrooms containing muscimol and ibotenic acid:

amanita muscaria muscaria
amanita pantherina
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :?: :?: :?: :?: :evil: :evil: :cry:

This is pure madness
:shock: What the hell are they trying to do?? I like old traditional conservationist people, because they care about young people... but in the wrong way... this is not good :cry:
Tragic ,the song which we all learn when we are todlers "op een rode paddestoel ,rood met witte stippen ,zat kabouter pinnemuts heen een weer te wippen..." Is now about an illegal drug.
Maybe this helps to show people it's ridiculous...
when i saw the topic, i was like WTF???

ban amanita? are the gonna destroy all the amanitas in the woods?

Sorry for stating the obvious, but:

That's seriously messed up!

Banning amantia is taking things further than too far: I can buy dried amantia in my local smartshop, and I'm in britain, a country that I would have assumed is quite restrictive...

Sorry to say it but that government of yours needs getting rid of, when's your next election? any chance that the rest of your country feels the same way?

I agree, this is unbeliavable! Like said above, I can even get Fly Argic, and I live in the land of the DEA. This man needs to be assassinated for spreading his ignorance and lies!
what - the - hell.

how can you actually make something illegal that grows in almost every fucking forest?

the problem here is not to illegalize natural plants. take cannabis, for example: illegal in almost every country in the world, and, at the same time, it is available as always, specially in summer festivals and so on.
it's all about closing the circle on the witch hunt!
it's another reason they have to hunt YOU down.

perhaps one day they will illegalize meditation.
have you seen the big piles of wood at your door ? they are going to burn all books we spoke of in the other book-thread.
One day, Truth and Reason will have their place among our species.

There is much information. But 'people', only ear what TV's, Newspapers and the Loonies that rule our countrys tells them. And they swallow it without questionning.

When people find Truth and Reason, things will be different. The question is: When?

I just hope we don't need violence (once again) to regain our rights as Human Beings.

Rymmen a dit:
HeartCore a dit:
I love christians ...

Anyway, sucks to be part of the human race. I have no hope in the direction we are headed.

But I really do... There is no point not loving them.

People should just ignore the ban and continue what they are doing. Grow mushrooms, share with friends, organize journey circles in your homes. We do this as well and we refuse to put any more energy in the ignorance of people that are blatantly misguided.

If they want to arrest us, come get us, we won't fight, scream, we just go lovingly. And then let a judge decide, in the light of truth, experience and scientific argument, that there is no reason AT ALL, to punish us.

And if not, hey, free room and food for a couple of years ;)
HeartCore a dit:
Rymmen a dit:
HeartCore a dit:
I love christians ...

Anyway, sucks to be part of the human race. I have no hope in the direction we are headed.

But I really do... There is no point not loving them.
You seem to have come to a new insight. And I totally agree.
holy moly

it is first amanita ban ever, right? and its in netherlands.. damn, the world is full of surprises