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Amanita Muscaria!!!

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Hey Acid Burn!!

Xmas & New Years rocked this year!!!
I managed to make enough pure psycobin for 12 people. I converted my basement to a recreational room and a lab. It was off the hook this year. I stocked up on trippy black light posters, glow in the dark stars, lava lamps, glow sticks.. The list goes on and on...

I really really would have preferred MDMA but that's not available at the moment. Hopefully that will be remedied in the next week or so. /forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Glad to know you had lots of fun,mine was very cool too,we all took acids("hands of Ra") and we had a very good and srong trip,specially watching a powerfull fireworks show lying on the beach...POWERFULL.I was suposed to get some MDMA too,but i got coke instead,but we all had lots of fun and that's what really matters.HAPPY 2004 TO ALL!!!
how do you make pure psycobilin???

did it hitted nice? heavy trip?
Well it's a little complicated. Maybe one of these days I'll have my notebook published. /forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Basically I grow mycelium in a petri dish and do a standard Psycobin extract.
Hi guys!
I had a fantastic new year's eve. I got some liquid LSD that was great, and rocked all night /forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I hope you all enjoyed it!
Why don't your grow the shrooms also ? more psylocin and cybin to extract ! (?)

I did about 200 Ugs of acid with a friend 2nd christmas-day it was an ok trip (first time) not extremely much viuals (closed eye better) but with some nitrous, weed and good music it was awesome /forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I've used LSD with MDMA and nitrous... Awhsome dudes!!
It could be done either way. Growing the shrooms or from the mycelium. The only difference is time. You can extract more psycobin faster from mycelium as opposed to waiting for full birth.

From start to finish you're looking at 30 days to grow them as opposed to 4 days to extract it from a petri dish.

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