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Alternatives for alcohol?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Djones
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tryptonaut a dit:
Alcohol is just a bad substitute itself. Nothing beats mdma as a party drug.
If I could control the world, mdma would be sold everywhere, nobody would need alcohol. And we would all have more fun, more party and more sex. Without all the alcohol violence! 8)

But then we'd have millions of people feeling terribly exhausted, during working days :D
DevXavier a dit:
GHB is the only thing that comes close

Ether will produce similar effects as well, although much shorter and a lot more negative side effects. Like killing millions of braincells in a go.

Eleborate please. What side effects and a reliable source that supports the science about killing braincells.
Brugmansia a dit:
DevXavier a dit:
GHB is the only thing that comes close

Ether will produce similar effects as well, although much shorter and a lot more negative side effects. Like killing millions of braincells in a go.

Eleborate please. What side effects and a reliable source that supports the science about killing braincells.

http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/ether/e ... osha.shtml
it also doesn't seem healthy to sniff ether.
after effects mention headaches => probably brain damage / unhealthy chemicals in brain.
LOL, I misread Dev's post, I thought he was referring to G. ;)


* Pleasant mental and/or body high
* Increase in energy
* Euphoria
* Sense of calm and serenity
* Meaningful spiritual experiences
* Enhanced sense of connection with the world (beings or objects)

I strongly experience the marked bold point when insufflated 2 or 3 keydots Ket. And it is definitely a substitute, although you won't get loose in speech and dancing. Euphoria sometimes excessively or totally not.
salvia tea. or even a tincture, that way you can drink it socially with other ppl drinkin beer, but it wont hurt you. however there is still a small risk of overdose, as with alcohol but its salvia, so you know what kind of overdose you get from that.....
and i would only reccomend that if you are very familiar and comfortable with her effects.
Malaeus a dit:
salvia tea. or even a tincture, that way you can drink it socially with other ppl drinkin beer, but it wont hurt you. however there is still a small risk of overdose, as with alcohol but its salvia, so you know what kind of overdose you get from that.....
and i would only reccomend that if you are very familiar and comfortable with her effects.
salvia tea? that doesn't make sense in any way. first of all, you can't absorb salvorin in your stomache.
and salvia would make a horrible party drug. I made the experience that, wether you feel nothing really special, or you burst out in excessive laughter, or you trip balls, without being in your body..
I wouldn't enjoy any of those effects when partying..
a threshhold dose of LSD.
My latest discovery is Gingko Biloba! It's a nice herb, easily available, not too expensive.

The effects include:
more energy(not really alcohol-like)
increased social skills
fading behavorial boundaries
and slight gigglyness
In the past decade I've read hundreds of articles on Ginkgo Biloba, and none of them have hinted at any of the things you mention. Ginkgo Biloba improves the blood circulation in the brain (and finger tips for example), that's all. No short-term psychoactive or stimulating effects have been reported by users (my clients for example) or researchers. If you experience these effects however, it's most certainly due to a placebo effect (good one Forkbender!) because someone told you Ginkgo would have these effects.
Alternatives for alcohol ?

hmmm.... how about..

a car accident

an aids infected prostitute

a stint in the military

dentistry without anasthetic

a cop marrying into the family

...get it?
i wouldn't go for g. more loose of water, easily overdosed. but it's surely the closest to alcohol.
wathc out for dxm, i've got cyp2d6-defficiency, like 12% of west-european ppl; gives weird effects sometimes. dxm is also far more addictive then alcohol. but it's true in little doses it's compareable to alcohol.smoother and clearer in mind. but i get a fucked up hang-over whatever the dosage i took.almost impossible to work properly the next day.weekend use only.

but the question is more what dosage and what effect do you like in alcohol...
there are herbs of all kinds for the 'relaxed' feeling
if it's more the social side i guess mdma is nice if you can get your hands on pure one(pills often mixed with amfetamine).
i also heard kratom is a nice replacement, as it's both relaxed and stimulant, but no personal expierence with it.

My latest discovery is Gingko Biloba! It's a nice herb, easily available, not too expensive.

The effects include:
more energy(not really alcohol-like)
increased social skills
fading behavorial boundaries
and slight gigglyness
In the past decade I've read hundreds of articles on Ginkgo Biloba, and none of them have hinted at any of the things you mention. Ginkgo Biloba improves the blood circulation in the brain (and finger tips for example), that's all. No short-term psychoactive or stimulating effects have been reported by users (my clients for example) or researchers. If you experience these effects however, it's most certainly due to a placebo effect (good one Forkbender!) because someone told you Ginkgo would have these effects.

Well the weird thing is, no one ever told me what the effects would be when I decided to try it. Actually I bought some herbal drink, knowing nothing about it's gingko content, I drenk it and went to work. Half an hour later I was pretty euphoric, and energetic similar to caffeine.

Btw: I've read about it on erowid, wikipedia, you name it and they all said something about Gingko stimulating ATP-production.

But then again maybe you're right, and it was just placebo. Nevertheless did I enjoy my multiple experiences with it. So maybe we should add to the list of alternatives for Alcohol: Placebo? :P

Seriously though, Gingko may not be a worthy drug to get high from, it certaintly is a great herb!
ever thought of abstinence? :P :) :D :lol:
How about a barbiturate
During the stage after mild intoxication, the user's speech may be slurred and a loss of coordination may become noticeable

When taken in high doses, barbiturates can cause serious side effects, including "unpredictable emotional reactions and mental confusion", noted the Independent. Judgment becomes severely impaired and the user may experience mood swings.

Sounds pretty much like alcohol to me..
I agree, lol!

Good one.
2-methyl-2-butanol could be the best alternative to ethanol (ethyl alcohol) for regular use. It creates no toxic aldehydes, has no hangover, is more euphoric, more social and with nearly no side effects or loss of coordination at 2 to 6 mL. 5 to 8mL makes the user sleepy. 8mL or less seem safe. It has an extensive past and has been used medicinally. It could be the alternative that could be used the most frequently if it were very easily available.

2C-x chemicals seem interesting because they have some effects at sub-hallucinogenic doses. 2C-C at low doses could be relaxing. 2C-I at low doses are energetic. 2C-D at low doses improves memory. Maybe mixing one 2C-x with another 2C-x at low doses to get the low dose effects of both. 2C chemicals may hold powerful nootropic potential.

MDxx chemicals (MDMA, MDEA, MDPR , MDPH, ect.) could be the once monthly alternative some people would try. It would be the best one ever, even if it can't be used often. The precautions like staying hydrated with water and electrolytic drinks, keeping the room very cool, taking quercetin with it to rewiden constricted blood vessels due to MDxx, taking 5-HTP and Tryptophan afterwards to replace the precursors to serotonin and help serotonin build back up in the brain faster. Spacing the time between each roll, ect. It's extremely fun and you throw a rave at someone's house and dance for hours while the energy and warmth flows throughout your body.
the alternative of alcohol could be a tobacco. it also kills but has less number of risk when compared to alcohol
Maybe some catnip tea. I read that it calms your nerves and makes you relaxed. It's safer than alcohol. It's also safe for cats. I think it has no LD50. You know what else has no LD50. CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), both found in cannabis. I'd personally stay away from it because it makes you lazy. I wish I had catnip (contains nepetalactone) or some MDxx (MDMA, MDEA, ect.). Catnip makes you relaxed, but not high or lazy. Catnip is also used as a mosquito repellant. Maybe using both DEET and Nepetalactone as a repellant would be awesome! ecstasy doesn't make you lazy. It's like very energetic and euphoric and you feel like moving around and dance for hours when there's music while feeling like pure love is flowing throughout your body and then you feel warm.
I hate catnip now. It's nothing but a pointless dizzyness.