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Alternatives for alcohol?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Djones
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Glandeuse Pinéale
I know Ghb is in some ways comparable to alcohol.
But I wonder if there are things which could replace alcohol.
I'm not seeking something which is very much alike, but just something which is equal in terms of fun and such, but without the negative effects of alcohol.
GHB is the only thing that comes close

Ether will produce similar effects as well, although much shorter and a lot more negative side effects. Like killing millions of braincells in a go.
I like kava way more then alcohol. The effects of kava aren't anyway similar to alcohol but you can go out and have just as much fun and actually remember it later.
I'd recommend DXM. At low dosages its effects are really similar to alcohol, only better. 300mgs should be ok for this purpose, given your weight is around 70kilos or so. Munching 10 tablets if a lot easier than drinking unbeliavable amounths of ethanol. The only downside could be that there's no DXM in pill form your local drugstore. Forget about drinking coguh syrups for that purpose.At least I wouldn't do that if I were you.
A placebo.
afer a dit:
I'd recommend DXM. At low dosages its effects are really similar to alcohol, only better. 300mgs should be ok for this purpose, given your weight is around 70kilos or so. Munching 10 tablets if a lot easier than drinking unbeliavable amounths of ethanol. The only downside could be that there's no DXM in pill form your local drugstore. Forget about drinking coguh syrups for that purpose.At least I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Well I could get Darolan caps.
Isn't that really just the same as the syrup?
And will DXM not be harmful to the body?
My latest discovery is Gingko Biloba! It's a nice herb, easily available, not too expensive.

The effects include:
more energy(not really alcohol-like)
increased social skills
fading behavorial boundaries
and slight gigglyness

This is however what the effects are for me so I can't guarantee a nice experience. But I do think it's worth a try.
It's a great herb when you're going to work too, and combines fantastic with cafeine.
How much of it do you eat man?? :shock:
Well I could get Darolan caps.
Isn't that really just the same as the syrup?
And will DXM not be harmful to the body?
Hm I haven't heard of Darolan, we use Dexofan here).The "good" tablets must contain only dextromethorphan hydrobromide. Read what the package says.
According to my experience, DXM is not dangerous if not used it enormous quantities and too often.At least it has never caused a hangover or any sort of after-effects . Well it may be a little harmful, but definitely not as much as alcohol.
Taking 300-400mgs twice a month shouldn't afffect your health.I'm not a physician, of course, all I say is based on my personal experience, experiences of my friends and what I've read on the internet.
why you want a substitute for alcohol? just smoke half a joint before the party :)
If you consider alcohol dangerous, then DXM is definitely dangerous. Even in low qualities. It's also nastier than alcohol in terms of side-effects. I've also talked to people who claim to feel a lasting brain damage after frequent use (like a moderate dose every week for a few months having a lasting effect of a few years).

I'm not saying to avoid DXM, just letting you know it's not so nice, lol.

There's also that BIG danger of Olney's Lesions which is very cloudy and many people are unsure of it's validity.

Make sure to check the FAQ on erowid about DXM. It's like a holy fucking bible. I wish there was something like it for every drug.
Olney's lesions were demosntrated to appear after the extensive usage of Ketamine.The presumption was made that DXM, being of similar action, could cause these lesions, too. However, no case studies have been performed to prove this theory.
At least that's what I read a long time ago on DXM FAQ.
Yes Wetstaples is right, DXM is not a drug to play with carelessly, but I can't agree that alcohol is less harmful than DXM. It's actually a non-prescription drug, and I doubt that it's dangerous in low quantities. As for the low dosages' effects, DXM FAQ says that they cause positive after-effects rather than negative ones. That's what I've experienced,though. Anyway, you MUST read the full DXM FAQ on erowid before seriously sticking to it.
Yeah, Olney's Lesion is tricky because it's possible but not proved. I was just throwing it out there. =P

And even though it's prescription, it's such a small dose and used so infrequently, it's safe like that. But you're going to be using it in doses several times higher than the normal one (I don't know how many mg is in a usual pair of table spoons, but I think it's less than 50mg at least). Add on to that the fact you're likely to be using it more often than every time you get a cough (ie: every time you want an alcohol alternative).

Or I could be wrong about the details. I guess the details don't matter anyway, and we can just agree that it's not relatively safe. =P
Ghb or benzos might be a good alternative ..
It will do you just as good...
Hahaha, damn, are we going homeless Russian style??
the best alternative is definitively G. IMO it's even better than alcool. Only problem it is a short trip (3hours).
Try this year's Norwegians A. Muscaria,
they're a blast at 5 g you are drunk whole day!!
it never happened the other years...
usually 5 grams is a nice threshold dose of A. muscaria...but then again it aint good for your nephrons on the long run
but guess what! neither is ethanol!! :P
Alcohol is just a bad substitute itself. Nothing beats mdma as a party drug.
If I could control the world, mdma would be sold everywhere, nobody would need alcohol. And we would all have more fun, more party and more sex. Without all the alcohol violence! 8)