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allergic to psilocybin mushrooms???

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion skimandala
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Matrice Périnatale
how do you know if you are allergic?
You cant get tests, Because people would suspect you.
and you would have to tell the doctors at the hospital if you had been taking them...

Is it possible to be allergic to them?

this is my main concern :?
You can be allergic to anything. Depends on the person.
You could try to do your own skin test . Prick two little holes in the skin of the inside of your forarm with a clean needle and drop a dop of mushroom tea on one and a drop of water on the other and see if the skin goes red , if it itches and if you get a blister . But i`m not a doctor so i cant say if this will prove that you are not alergic to them , but it will prove that you are alergic to them if you start to itch and it goes red and swells .
What would suspect you to believe you are allergic? You said in one of your other posts that your dad is a shaman. I'm sure he has A LOT of experience with mushrooms. Chances are you are not allergic because it would maybe run in the genes, but just incase I would follow GOD's advice.

im not allergic, but i just wanted to make sure other people may be allergic coz' if i try them with people who are and don't know about it, i might have a bad situation on my hands. :axe:
If you worried about that, just take a small dose.
If you don't get strange reactions, then you can try the next time you do shrooms, a larger dose, and so on.
Interesting question actually. Never heard of anybody being allergic to psilocybin mushrooms. But why not actually... And now I'm thankfull not to be allergic...
It really would suck if you where allergic to mushrooms,
i am soo glad that im not :P
But then again the chance that you are allergic is really small.

And the skin test is indeed a safe way to check for allergies.
If we could find numbers on this, maybe we can find some supporting (although indirect) evidence for McKenna's Stoned Ape Theory.

I never heard of anyone being allergic to psilocybine mushrooms.
forkbender, for mckenna's theory to be fully true, it is a long shot. let's suppose that all european natives are not allergic. did the mushrooms grew here ?
what about africa ? let's not forget that all the apes were not just all gathered under a tree. they were really scatered around the globe. what dates does mckenna point out ? do psilocybin mushrooms grow in indonesia, for example ? if they don't grow there (just an hipothesis, i am not sure of the fact and could be anywhere else), the apes have no chance to consume them, and therefore, they have been selected naturally.
did psilocybin affected them as much as it does to us ?
it is a very difficult thing to prove, even with numbers. other fields of interest, for example, linguistics, say that the improvement between homo sapiens and sapiens sapiens was caused by the need of language, and that only, could revolucionize our apes. ufologists say that was a monolith (and kubrickists too :wink: ). i think we should look at mckenna's theory like OUR view of that time. because it is interesting to us, as their theories are to them. we, as self-entitled psychonauts, some times use psychedelics, because they are shortcuts between worlds, and we have all the interest that this thing that we discovered was also used by our most remote ancestors. because we doing it against the society tabus, because it is forbidden, and it is a thing that it is most cherished by those who really understand it. this is our way of showing everyone that we are on the right track, and they were the ones who have been wrong all the time.
that's my view of it. mckenna, as a very bright person, and all of his ideas very supported and brightly argumentated, had his share of crazyness and weirdness (i am remembering timewave zero, for instance). just because he said so, doesn't make it true.
I know, I know. I just thought of how the reaction of humans to psilocybine mushrooms can show that they have used them before and that non-allergy might be an evolutionary advantage. I don't necessarily think McKenna is right, as there are other probable causes to be found. The idea that Europeans didn't have local shrooms (they do, however :wink: ) doesn't mean that they didn't use them prior to moving here (as you may or may not know, human originates from africa, from where it spread around the globe ca. 200000 years ago).
HappyMind a dit:
If you worried about that, just take a small dose.
If you don't get strange reactions, then you can try the next time you do shrooms, a larger dose, and so on.
eating shrooms and not getting strange reactions might be an allergic reation.
forkbender, perhaps where have to look to the place where psilocybin mushrooms originated.
there's something funny about that theory of the outer space mushrooms, now that i think of it. if the shroom is from outer space, howcome there is far more strains in america than in the rest of the world ? hypothetically, asia should have more strains, since it is the largest, and therefore has more probability of a spore landing there.
JosVU a dit:
HappyMind a dit:
If you worried about that, just take a small dose.
If you don't get strange reactions, then you can try the next time you do shrooms, a larger dose, and so on.
eating shrooms and not getting strange reactions might be an allergic reation.
