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Alienation anyone?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 632
After i've been here at Iceland, with no internet at home.....
I need to communicate with people on my level of life.
If not, im gonna go even more insane.

oh i was just wondering, if this is normal amongst psychonauts.
i would say so

i find it frustrating talking to 'normal' people alot of the time, at least when you try to go deeper and they look at you like wtf are u on about?
Well, I did experience that for a while, but that was inbetween the time of getting more conscious and understanding and excepting that people weren't that far yet.
I'm not saying it's a race, everybody in his/her own pace
It would be egoistic to think that you're better or further then anybody else.

I can imagine it being hard from time to time to feel like you're the only one "awake"
Fortunately I have a lot of "open" friends

What's normal anyway?
I usually find this necessity of communicate, so extremly, a weakness. If I was strong, I could resist to the necessity of talking about my experiences.
would be a pleasure, but not a necessity

But that's just me, and how I approach it.
I feel fine with a little help of my friends
Hint: there are no normal people. It is too easy to see 'the rest' as normal, making yourself comfortable in your own private little world.
Forkbender a dit:
Hint: there are no normal people. It is too easy to see 'the rest' as normal, making yourself comfortable in your own private little world.

I agree.
Why always look for a mirror image.
It's very interesting to hear what other people have to say. To have a look in there world.
It doesn't matter what you talk about. Just be with people and listen to them.
Why not?

Ofcourse there are those people who are unpleasant to be around.
When I dislike people I alsway's look inside myself. What is it about there behaviour that upsets me. And why do I let myself be upset.
Hint: there are no normal people. It is too easy to see 'the rest' as normal, making yourself comfortable in your own private little world.
Well, there are certain values that are acknowledged by society, which I would still call normal.

But if I understand the topic right it is rather physical isolation than psychological, isn't it? I only have this in holidays and it sucks after say 2 weeks...I am sorry for your situation :?
i hear you psylosopher.. i spent a couple years in the middle of nowhere in my early 20's, my only companions being fundamentalists and joe sixpacks. by the end of year 2 I was on meds, then I said fuck the meds and moved far away.

Hint: there are no normal people

I agree as well, but when you are isolated in a small community, in a culturally and racially.. homogeneous society, "normal" is the standard of the culture you are surrounded by. Which generally is a product of whatever mass media pop culture is marketed to the area. It can be a frustratingly shallow, conformist world in which to live
I dont mind being on my own at all . I lock myself in my flat for weeks at a time and enjoy it . When i go out and mix i enjoy that to . Try to make the best out of every situation you land in and if you dont like it change it ...... or change you .
GOD a dit:
Try to make the best out of every situation you land in and if you dont like it change it ...... or change you .

Exactly the conclusion I came to :D In my case I wasn't going to become a religulous wingnut again and I wanted to meet new people, so it was time change myself and my surroundings!
i'm really a social person, and talking to like minded people, such as you guys is pretty therapeutic for me...because just recently i moved from my home town to a place pretty far away from my friends, or anyone i know really.. id be insane if i didnt have this internet connection!..maybe not insane in the clinical sense, but id be bored outta my gourd...there is really nothing to do here aside from nature walks...maybe i could go look for some amnitas or psilo's..im not sure which ones grow here though (North Carolina)
I know what you mean.
I feel alone in this sense of school, it's almost hard for me to approach someone in a way that I know I'll be good friends of theirs.
Because the mindsets and planes of existence that we're at are very different.

We're all just people though
but yeah
so many ideas are repressed! esp. in western society
where so much of the youth wastes their time discussing
tv and who did what and purple kangaroos

I get bored sometimes.
Part of the reason I can't wait to move out & meet some more cultural and
"awake" people.

it's a little dead around this here sometimess :)
I grew up in the city, there is always something to do around here.
Never a dull moment.
Whenever I am in the need to talk I can ring a friend.
However sometimes I am fantasising about leaving this stinking city.
i definitely feel alienated from the people that live in my current town... but maybe that's because i haven't stumbled upon like minded people.
Mr.Smith a dit:
i never talk about "deep" things to those who arent interested. theres no point, even when it comes to science. somebody once told me they didnt believe in science, like it was god or faeries i was discussing

Why the fuck would anyone want to hang out with a superficial or stupid person and talk about things they don't understand. When i hangout with 'normal' people i prefer activities or hanging out in groups.

I think at times people should stop categorizing people and just accept them as they are.[/u]
"people should stop categorizing people and just accept them as they are."

This is an important key . Everyone has something to give , share , help . Nobody gets on with and agrees with everyone . We are diferent and thats one of the spices of life . Imagine a very intelligent person . How does he survive surrounded by people that are as thick as pig shit ? Who inspires him ? Who can he learn from ? Who has anything to offer him ? How lonely his life must be .

The alienation thats being talked about is a matter of growing up , a phase between childhood = living in a family , protection and leaving the family and being independant .
Two of the rules I live by "we are all deeply flawed individuals (myself especially" and "when anyone thinks they have the answer- run away!"

It is far too easy to think that you, and those that think like you, are enlightened and the masses are asses... I occassionally fall into this trap as well.

But "Normal" people never cease to amaze me- as far off as I might think they are they, more so then the "enlightened", prove to me their may be hope.

Ok- maybe you aren't going to find the person in your area who knows the truths DMT revealed to you, but you may find the person who knows the truth that has yet to revealed to you.
