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AGE OLD TOPIC- Psychedelics, Dissociatives, or Deliriants?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mystikherb642
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Which class of hallucinogen is your first choice?

  • Psychedelics

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Dissociatives

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Delirants

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Nombre total d'électeurs


So I know this comparison thing gets tossed around a lot, but I'm interested. Which class (or classes) of hallucinogen do you find most beneficial/fun for what you get out of tripping? Many people disagree but I personally feel like all three have benefits in their own way, though not all of them are for everybody by any means.

Based on my experience, I feel that psychedelics are particularly good for building upon your "spiritual-foundation" (using this term in a very interpretive way, seeing as this means different things to different people). They've done very well for me in the ways of showing me desires and feelings that were buried down and forgotten about, as well as the balance to accept things I can't change or forgive myself and others for wrongs in the past. Psychedelics have also been very helpful tools for navigating my inner morals, and have often brought up remorse for my past wrongs that I had never atoned for. They also show me the light and beauty that truly is in everything and have inspired me to always strive to do better for myself and others. Another thing that stands out with psychedelics, I feel, is the appreciation and love they help develop for nature and all that it's provided us- of any of the three classes of hallucinogen, psychedelics for me most require time outside in meditation with the REAL world. The only negative thing I've noticed about psychedelics (which I can also be a positive thing if you are using these substances as a tool and look at them in a healthy way) is that often times the realizations and introspection they bring can be be unpleasant and often shocking bringing about negative feelings (i.e. into territory where thoughts drift into the starts of what could potentially be what people call a 'bad trip'). I have always appreciated them for this, however, because the dark places your head can go to exist before you ever trip, and this confrontation of them can be used to get over dark feelings you've had in you for years.

Dissociatives have had a whole other realm of use for me. My first trips I ever took were with this class, and in those days I was younger and before hand did not really know what "tripping" was. I had smoked weed a good bit but nothing before that had taken me so deep into my head for what feels like eternity. The merit in this class of hallucinogen to me is it's power to break-down. You're thoughts and feelings, your movements, your ability to process... all of them are broken down until all you are is a numb, calm, basic form of your own subconscious (definitely with larger doses). While psychedelics can make you extend into all of the world and feel everything, dissociatives will pull you back into yourself for an introspective journey that allows you to see yourself and your life without bias. Without the extreme emotional journey that psyches bring, you can calmly in deeply examine your plot in life and truly determine how you want to act. This is, of course, through my experience and this may easily not be how others feel about these substances, and it definitely did take practice and concentration to be able to use them as tools for myself.

Deliriants may be my least-prefered of the three, and often disliked by many trippers out there, but I do believe they have their own uses; and from a purely objective perspective, I believe the experience of this class of hallucinogen is one worth having. Whereas psychedelics in high doses (particularly DMT) can evoke a dream-like state where images from your subconscious are projected on your reality, you (usually) are still connected to your "awake" self and can recognize these as "visions" or "hallucinations" (similarly with high doses of dissociatives). However, the main thing I've noticed with deliriants is that while you are obviously very heavily under the influence of a substance and at most moments can recognize this, the hallucinations can be so deeply subconscious and convincing that they quite often can be completely accepted to be true. You may be talking to an old friend for hours before discovering that they were never there. Here in I feel is the benefit that neither other class can provide- while they can simulate a dream, deliriants can really take you so deeply into your own subconscious that a lot of what you experience is a dream. And, just as when you wake from a very obviously deep and personal dream, you can analyze and think about what you saw subconsciously that you could not control. This class for me has been used as a tool to see what's happening in my mind that I'm not immediately aware of.

So for me, I'd say my preference goes in the order I posted
1) Psychedelics
2) Dissociatives
3) Deliriants

But I obviously really enjoy all three and have found therapeutic uses for all three of them. I'm was born for this stuff, though, heh heh.

I'm very interested though in what you all think? Have you had different experiences or thoughts on these? Any different preferences?
plants have done so much for us and by saying so little.
I would have to say my list differs slightly to yours:

1) Dissociatives
2) Psychedelics
3) Deliriants

Although, to be fair I have to say that Deliriants shouldn't be on my list at all. I find that psychedelics are alright if you are looking for a good time and really want to party, and enhance the experience.

I have done weed at a party for example and it lets you dissect everything that is happening, and for me the dissociative effect makes for kind of a bad party, unless it's a philosophical party, and you are all sitting around pondering the meaning of the universe or something :)

I tend to like a dissociative when I need to work on a big project and I am all stressed out, because it allows me to look at the project from all angles, forget about the stress and pressure, and really focus on solutions to problems, or how to implement new things.

I think that if not abused, and used properly, dissociative drugs can be utilized to a great benefit, while many may disagree with me, I certainly feel that in some cases it has really helped me get through some things. For example, fear of traveling, it allowed me to go on a "trip" for an extended period and really enjoy it, take everything in.

OK, time to get off the soap box...