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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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i believe that it is merely a placebo to treat our weird anti-social societies' anxiety in social scenarios. drinking doesn't help one socialize with people they dont like (feel uncomfortable) being around, and from my experience, tends to further cement stereotypical memes as the main form of connecting/communication/entertainment. i personally find it highly counter-productive.

in all my experience, if a group of people doesn't contain any people with social anxiety (people manifesting "awkward" silences, and creating tensions, like "sooo...") then there isn't really an issue in connecting/socializing.
I've had quite a few psychological, social and artistic breakthroughs while intoxicated.
this is merely my personal opinion. i dont doubt what you say is possible or has happened, i just personally believe in more constructive approaches as far as my experience goes. i've had my fair share of intoxication; it's a matter of me balancing the pluses and minuses in my eyes, and with alcohol in comparison to all the other avenues out there, i just can't do it. i hope you can understand where im coming from. :)
I understand. I had 2 drinks the other night and woke up slightly light headed. I think it is time for me to put drinking on a high shelf for a long while.

all things in moderation, of course.
I probably had 12 beers last night, (i drink a lot on the weekends) and i had one of the most socially productive nights in a long time. We took a machete to all the intragroup dramas last night, and everyone went home happy.

Do i give all the credit to the alcohol. No. It was done through my amazing leadership and social skills. With enough presiverence we can over come any obstacles or get out of any perdicament by working together and having self control.
I am 28 years old, and last week i got a little drunk for the first time in my whole life. I never liked the taste, and where never interested in getting drunk, so that's why i normally would never drink any alcohol.

Most of my friends and people i know did, and since i had experimented with lots of psychedelics etc i just became interested to get a better understanding about what happends when you drink to much alcohol. So i id give it a try....

And i will probably never do it again, damn man. With all respect, i just can't understand why people do it, and especially not why people get addicted to it. There is just nothing else then stupid thoughts, and dizziness. And although i where alone, i can't imagine that it would help me to get more social.

The only thing i thought i had afterwards, was that maybe many people do it just to suppress the fear. But really, i can't understand why else, people would like it...
When I drink at a party I am either in 2 moods:

1. WOOOOO!!!
2. What an incredible night. I must think.

#1. often causes me to go painting, do ridiculous things like jump off of trains (ouch), climb on buildings, vandalize police vehicles, write on walls, etc.

#2. often causes me to escort myself away from the party, have a visual exchange with the night sky or the city scape or the wilderness (wherever I am). I few deep breaths, a few tears of awe and enjoyment, a whirling sense of how small I am in the globe.

I very much enjoy both 1 and 2. However #1 I sometimes regret a few things - I've worked on that so I have some mental checklist of "Will I regret this tomorrow?" I am much better now :). #2 makes me very anti-social or only social to very close friends with a need to have deep conversation.

If I'm in mood #1 I often mess with people. Sometimes they pick up on it, which is fun, because I've found someone intelligent that I'd like to further a conversation with. If they don't pick up on it, I continue an internally funny conversation which gets very awkward very quickly. I tend to lose all conversational constraints when intoxicated to a mild degree (even 2-3 drinks).

I would give you an example but I am quite sober.
hi everyone i have somewhat of a problem with dmt use and sorry in advance if this is the wrong place to put this. over the last year or i have been introduced to dmt and have took copious amounts in this time and never really noticed any difference in myself apart from opening my mind to new ideas and thinking alot more about everything in different ways. the problem i am having is when i read dmt trip reports i start to feel the symptoms of a dmt trip like my pc screen starts to move and patterns from what ever i look at get transferred to where ever i look. this only happens when i read trip reports or sometimes when i think about tripps i also get a rush of emotions like when tripping. this really scares me that i have done some damage to my brain
No worries, this is completely normal. Its not damage.

What happens in a DMT trip is the mind explodes with chemical releasals - the brain is hardwired to identify problems, label them as dangerous or not, and tell you to act accordingly.

Something like a DMT trip is incredibly intense on the psychology (but not physically intense, like MDMA or amphetamines), and thus provokes an equally intense response from the brain. So, in order to prepare itself, and try to accommodate such an intense experience, the brain tries to condition itself accordingly.

There was an experiment done in the 60's where doctors took patients into a room, explained to them they were going to hurt them.
What they did was take a branding iron, make it red hot in front of the patient, then walk behind them and drop the branding iron, and pick up an ice cube.
The would then put the icecube to the patient's back, which is followed by what you can imagine - a horrendous scream of pain and agony, crying, etc.

The people developed huge welts, entire back seemed to be irritated, and so on.
Of course the ice cube didn't actually do anything, the brain was anticipating a traumatic (intense) experience, and thus prepared for it.

What you're experiencing is the same thing.

No worries, it shows your brain is fine. :)
thanks you so much man. yeah that makes sense and makes me feel at ease as this was constantly in my mind. thanks for taking the time to respond to me
Hello. I will make a note here, that 0 have done my own extraction, and doing my own testing. No breakthrough on about 4-5 serious attempts. However 0 believe my device to have been improper for those times. 0 have since produced a pretty fine device. Also a 'Sitter' that is not fidgety or anxious. Not to not be alone, 0 also recommend. My first and best attempt was truly awesome {and inspiring enuff to continue experimenting} That said, all the other times were just with weed. My friend really likes that.
0 experienced high anxiety every other time past the first. 0 am telling myself it is because my own 'expectations' have limited me tremendously. One time when 0 puffed from my favorite bowl with minute weed in and some ashes at favorite location, horses, in the night...NO expectations...i was given a short tutorial by the "Gate-Keepers",
"it is not time for you to break thru ...Your time-line in this life must be adhered to (having some veils lifted at this (that) point could have negative effects)...Meditate every day, relaxing entire body....and when the time is right...You will know. Go forth with confidence and be Happy."
So have fresh b a t c h...going sometime this week to best friends place and have another go.

Thanks for being here.
was making a shot out of a cranberry and spilt it into my egg whites, whiped it up nuked1:03 and enjoyed the hell outa my Alligator Ride
15mg max New research Chemicals can be deadly. Dont do anything illegal I wouldent 12-18 hrs of Brain Dammage:toimonster: