A small dose of speed clarifies the visual aspect of mushrooms for SWIM and gives him energy to be active when shroom lethargy kicks in.
Haven't tried with speed, but I have taken some ephdra extract with mushrooms for exactly the same reasons and I have experienced ecstatic trips with it.
I never liked coke so much because it makes me greedy. I can't consume that little bit that would be enough for a nice party. I have to consume it all once I started. Not a good idea and too expensive.
First time I snorted coke I had way too much with the first line (~1/3g) and started "flying" 20 minutes later. Couldn't feel my legs and feet from the waist down, but it was awesome - quite a psychedelic feeling in my opinion.
I always loved amphetamines and mdma - never experienced a single negative side effect. Instead of feeling "speedy" on speed, it actually calms me down and makes me feel great and full of power at the same time. It instantly turns me from slightly sociopathic into Mr. Charming. No wonder I was having abuse issues with amphetamines... I quit for a long time (done speed twice in the last 8 years)
I'd like to do it once in a while, but I'm afraid of getting involved again with people who do it. I might fall back into old habits if I can get it too easily...
The best example was when I got a bag of good speed two years ago, I used like 1/3 the night we bought it, it was great. The next day I felt like shit and snorted a little during the day to ease the depression. The same night instead of going to sleep early I took some again and went for a walk through the city. The next day I met with some colleagues and friends at the beer garden (none of them drug users), but I snorted a line before I went, then after two beer I snorted the rest and convinced some friends to go to a club the same night.
I just can't keep a bag of speed for only one day without touching it...