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acid report and question

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i feel an urge to speak about this, and i'll try to be clear.
yesterday i've had the greatest trip ever. it was the most hellish trip i've ever heard about. i took some acid (it was told it was very strong) after lunch. then, i needed some space, and drove to a cliff with a nice view. alone. i took the blotter, and waited. i phoned my friend and missed him a lot.
then, it started. the anxiety was the most fucked up i've ever witnessed. then, i entered a paranoid and stressful situation like no other. the visuals were nice, everything was ok. then, i took a step further with a joint near the peak. i battled with myself over 5 hours not to throw myself off the cliff. i never had suicidal tendencies, and i have none now. this acid brought up the most cruel and hellish visuals i could ever think of.
then, a very strange think happened. i tied my wallet under my car, so i wouldn't throw it away. when i was coming down, i searched everything. i didn't knew who i was, my name, nothing. i didn't even knew where i lived. i had a paper on my hand telling me: "you are tripping on lsd. everything will be normal in a couple of hours. M loves you". did i wrote this ? i don't remember, but i sure did. i hanged on to that paper crying over the cliff, as the sun went down. the visuals were immense at this point. the background seemed like a painting (eduard munch is a good reference), and the paper i wrote (which was the only think that reminded me of me) turned yellow and old, like it had 200 years. a man came to me (i don't know if he was real, his face looked like a demon) and told me that i had something tied under my car. it was my wallet.
at the peak of the trip i had the most intense ego-loss i ever experienced. all my 5 senses were shut. i really felt dead (not for the first time, but it is always very emotional). when i began to fall into me, i was in the biggest orgy in hell. this i will not talk about, let's just say i had to fuck with gruesome beings.
then, the typical bliss after a bad trip came.
my question is...what was the app. potency of this blotter ? i did ONE!
well I think it is really really hard to determine how much it was ..
every trip is different .. I like to believe that if bad trips happen... they needed to happen, 1 thought can be enough to get you there .. and anxiety always makes things 10 times worse ..

but from what I know most blotter these days (if ur lucky) don't contain more then 250 mics or so
after thinking about it for a while, and reading countless erowid report's on LSD, DO-, and various RC's, i still cannot find anything to explain this trip.
the first thread of this post, written be me, sucks a lot, it is hard to understand. please if any of you has any ideas, say something, because you have no idea how this is important to me. since that day, my life has been changed.
it all comes to a single moment in that trip. it started with the mixing of the sound. i could no longer tell where the sounds were coming from. cars that passed near by, seemed that they were airplanes, and the sound would "loop", and make all kinds of effects. i did not enjoy these effects, as i tried it to get some new thoughts, but it was bearable.then, i laid down on my seat, and time started slowing down. but i don't mean like a very high cannabis dose. time slowed down, and i heard my heartbeat with the sound effects..go slower, slower, slower, and the effects started slowing down as well, and i saw this OEV of two dots reaching one point, very bright, and time stopped. i just had time to think: "so this is it? am i dead ? how peaceful". and everything was completely bright, like a photograph of the sun. but it was pitch dark at the same time.

then, after two weeks, i tried another blotter (from the same batch...same substance 100% sure). this time, alone at my house. i started listening to classical music. when the sound effects started, i new i was going for a ride. it took 1h for it to hit me. it lasted about 8-10h. the sound FX this time were different, everything had an echo. but it did not made me find any fun in it. i was sad, and i had a great set and setting. i got so paranoid i locked all my house and wrote dozens of post-its to myself. but this time was different. i was getting a numbness, a very strong numbness on my left side. i tried push-ups (have you tried doing those with crazy tracers ? it is insane), and all sorts of exercises. it did nothing. i had a stamina like an ox. and i am a very weak character: i run 1Km and have to lie down for a week. then, the same sensation of slowing down came. i knew it was coming, because it was the most emotional part of the trip. the ego loss, the meeting with eternity. i had not asked for it, but i was glad i was going to experience it again. it was not like shrooms. it was stronger. perhaps i haven't done a strong shroom dose.
but the heart began pounding again, the sound effects were at full throttle (i could control everything i heard, even to change the pitch of a song in real time, add a beat, you name it), and time started to slow down....and slower...and slower...and i felt my heart like this....pum, pum, pum, pum.....pum, pum.....pum....pum....and the two points met again at this bright spot. everything turned white, and i was in eternity, but not like the first time. the numbness ruined it all. i started to panic, and thought that i was going to have a stroke. i phoned a friend for help and he said: "you're having a stroke, you're fucked". some friend, hum ? i started crying and with deep fear. my heart was pounding like crazy for the entire 8-10h. this is not a thing to say to a fellow that just came down from this kind of trip. i was fragilized, and i did not knew i should belive in my friend or in me. i lacked reason. i did not knew what was right or wrong. in the middle of the trip, i could easily had set my house on fire. i could have undressed and went for a walk.
so my thoughts is that this was not LSD. i do not know what it was, and i ask you to tell me what you think. it is very important to me. all this happened with just one blotter the first time and one blotter the second.
i think i never had just a fragile, emotional, religious experience...i just want to know what caused it. i am very confused about this. i am not experienced at all in lsd (these were my only two times doing it), so i cannot tell if it is or not. please help me, i cannot move into a new trip without this making sense.
have you thought about the possebility that you are extremely sensitive to acid? do you have more of those blotters? if so perhaps you could get one tested? or perhaps they were super potent blotters, dont know for sure about other stuf on a blotter, heard people talk about it but i also remember reading something about people saying that you cant put anything on blotter paper exept acid. but again i dont know for sure so any coment would be welcome:)
It seems to me that's it is acid or some other psychedelic. If it was a dissociative you would have little to strong physical effects like it hard or impossible to move. If it was a deleriant I don't think that you able to think back what you've done or could have done. With an deleriant you can walk naked without even knowing. Because you can describe everything that well I would say it a tryptamine or phenethylamine.
thank you so very much for your answers. i never thought that i am extremely sensitive to acid. but i am not that sensitive to anything else.
i forgot to say that i had a huge memory loss. after 1h of eating the blotter, i cannot remember almost anything, and this lasted for about 4 or 5 hours. as you can see, i am scared about this thing. not knowing what you did in this time is not what i consider safe, and since i always trip alone, i no longer want any adventures with it.
skoeip, where can i get a blotter tested ?
ah, and the dealer who sold it to me said: "a guy ate 3 blotters of this stuff and he was completely f&cked up". and this is a person that is very used to acid. this is strange to me because i've read people eating many blotters and not getting close to where i've been.

jahvisions, but in the part i cannot remember, i am sure i could have walk naked, picked up my car and drive, or something stupid like that. i don't even know how i didn't did it! i had no sense of judgement. i had lost reason. i could belive anything, if i could understood it. i could not understand the spoken word, it all seemed like i was listening with my head in water.

thank you again for your answers, for this is very important to me. i need to understand why this happened. if it is me or the acid.

edit: i know that a blotter varies in potency. but i've heard that today blotters have at maximum, 150-250ug. and this was no superblotter, at least i wasn't told. i paid a good price for it, though: 10€ each. but where i live is very hard to come by.
Seems like a bad acid trip to me. There's some other psychedelics that can be put on a blotter, like DOx, but it last a lot longer than 8-10h.
How was the taste of the blotter ? Lsd is pretty much tasteless, DOx are awfully bitter
Yeah, I agree, I remember reading on Erowid that basically, if you tripped after taking a blotter, then it had to be LSD, because no other substance could be potent enough to produce any effects...

I read quickly so maybe I missed something, but was it you first acid trip (don't think so, you look pretty experienced) ? If not, how were the others ?
here in holland we can bring our drugs to special testing bureau's that test the stuff for free so health riscs are kept down. dont know if you can do that in portugal. and i saw on azarius that they sell drug tests to see if your drugs is indeed the drug you think it is, perhaps there is such a test for acid.
moody, the blotter had a strong taste, like bitter but not exactly bitter. like licking a rusty nail, or burned rice.
tiax, acid over here is very hard to come by. i only had tried it once, about 3 years ago, in blotter, but it was completely different. i was at a party and i enjoyed it. i am not social at all. i love to trip alone, and had great trips on shrooms and SD (never had a bad trip on SD). i felt relaxed and easy-going. that's why i am confused. i only tried (what i think was) acid three times, one in this party and the two this strange thing. the bad trips i've had were with other people, not alone...this is simply not me. but again, i don't know the "acid roads" to tell the difference, and i am trusting every word you guys are saying.
skoeip, in portugal there's no such thing as that. i am amazed that we've reached the XXIst century with electrical power!
i am concluding that perhaps it wasn't lsd, or that i am sensitive to it ? perhaps it was a mix in the blotter ? it tasted funny...
I find that acid has a slight bitter taste, but I almost cant taste it. so probably you had something else on the blotter. but wat could be put on a blotter that has a stronge bitter taste and lasts about as long as acid?