Hello. I just signed up for an account and this is my first post. I am very interested in the idea of bridging the gap between science and spirit to explain consciousness. I try to read as much as I can about these topics. I recently read J.D. Arthurs "Salvia Divinorum". I think that the study of psychedelics and altered states of consciousness is very important and certainly adventurous and fun yet also stirs up some degree of anxiety before use.
So far I have smoked Salvia 4 times - small amount of 10x each time. I have not yet achieved a full break through or out of body experience where I fully lose my ego and physical identity in this world. Every time I have done it I have closed my eyes and kicked back. Here are quotes from the notes that I take immediately while coming down:
1st session "I felt like part of a giant set of walking legs moving at a steady pace. Was afraid to fully let go... was not high enough to fully drift away and didn't quite feel ready but if I'd smoked a bit more I don't think I'd have had a choice!"
2nd session "Felt as though I could just stand right up out of my body. Made me laugh in a gleeful way. Felt as though I was entering a new plane of reality but was not high enough to fully realize where I was going."
3rd session "Felt very cleansing. Healing. Felt like shedding skin. My body felt like dust that was being blown away in the wind. Illusion. Hologram. Launching up like a spring and then falling back down like on a parachute. My body feels as though it blends in with all of my surroundings and all of physical reality feels like shedding skin that could so quickly just vanish. I feel like I head towards becoming some type of omnipresent pure awareness that is outside of material reality."
4th session "Much lake the 3rd session. Felt as though I was headed into a very blank and empty plane of existence that coexists with this one but that we are typically unaware of. Had all of the same cleansing feels of shedding physical reality. I have not yet sensed any presences or life other than myself. Still feel apprehensive about fully letting go. Could not get my mind to shut up and just be silent and observe. Feel a bit like a child who has so much to learn. I could sort of see and feel a window or door that slowly closed itself as I came back down."
So. This is where I am at in my Salvia adventures. I have smoked alone each time. I feel that having someone present may be a distraction yet at the same time I feel that if I try a higher dose to try to get a total out of body experience perhaps I should have someone hang with me.
I would love to get any type of feedback or advice about my adventures here from any other salvia users. Thanks!
So far I have smoked Salvia 4 times - small amount of 10x each time. I have not yet achieved a full break through or out of body experience where I fully lose my ego and physical identity in this world. Every time I have done it I have closed my eyes and kicked back. Here are quotes from the notes that I take immediately while coming down:
1st session "I felt like part of a giant set of walking legs moving at a steady pace. Was afraid to fully let go... was not high enough to fully drift away and didn't quite feel ready but if I'd smoked a bit more I don't think I'd have had a choice!"
2nd session "Felt as though I could just stand right up out of my body. Made me laugh in a gleeful way. Felt as though I was entering a new plane of reality but was not high enough to fully realize where I was going."
3rd session "Felt very cleansing. Healing. Felt like shedding skin. My body felt like dust that was being blown away in the wind. Illusion. Hologram. Launching up like a spring and then falling back down like on a parachute. My body feels as though it blends in with all of my surroundings and all of physical reality feels like shedding skin that could so quickly just vanish. I feel like I head towards becoming some type of omnipresent pure awareness that is outside of material reality."
4th session "Much lake the 3rd session. Felt as though I was headed into a very blank and empty plane of existence that coexists with this one but that we are typically unaware of. Had all of the same cleansing feels of shedding physical reality. I have not yet sensed any presences or life other than myself. Still feel apprehensive about fully letting go. Could not get my mind to shut up and just be silent and observe. Feel a bit like a child who has so much to learn. I could sort of see and feel a window or door that slowly closed itself as I came back down."
So. This is where I am at in my Salvia adventures. I have smoked alone each time. I feel that having someone present may be a distraction yet at the same time I feel that if I try a higher dose to try to get a total out of body experience perhaps I should have someone hang with me.
I would love to get any type of feedback or advice about my adventures here from any other salvia users. Thanks!