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A very intriguing experience, can anyone relate to this?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion expedion
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Alright I won't make a huge post out of it. I was just very curious if anyone experienced this too whether it was on mushrooms, lsd, dmt or salvia.

A month ago I took 1 full dose of fresh mexican mushrooms. There was a moment in a trip where I was sitting on a bench outside alone in daylight. Looking to the sky and started seeing spaceships appearing in the sky. HUGE ones, they seemed like stationary ships (maybe used for unloading something). These spaceships had a huge gate infront of em. I kept staring into the sky and all of a sudden I started to see a biodome alike shape around the earth. I started to see it clearer and clearer and at a point I saw it so clear that I just felt myself shifting into the frequency that this object was resonating from and then I suddenly I felt as if I was in some white room. What seemed like a typical scenario from the matrix, being plugged into the matrix while laying on this long hospital alike bed. It was a very vivid experience. During that process of time where i was shifting into that specific frequency I started to pick up external signals. I felt as if we were being watched. Like some big brother. I felt as a spy who temporarily escaped from the matrix without them noticing it.

When I shifted into this frequency I had a short glance of the enviroment. I couldn't see so much because I was constantly looking up. But when I fully integrated into that frequency I was able to observe in it for a second or 2/3. Then suddenly I hear this HIGH peeping noise in my ear on max volume. Kicking me back to this frequency again.

I felt during that moment as if they found out I escaped from the matrix and had a glimpse of the core. So they needed to plug me back and so they did.

The enviroment can be described as dome alike, white-ish, laboratory alike feel to it.

If anyone is out there who had the same experience as I did. Please let me know. Cause I know this experience was very real. And it has become a huge part of my life now.

Let me know.


- Expedion
Haven't had an experience like that, but it sounds interesting. Can you elaborate on how it influenced your life? How did it change your worldview and your view about life/earth/humans/etc.?
Well, maybe the Matrix is real, who knows... and maybe psychedelics are the way to escape the Matrix, and the people who keep us imprisonned in this matrix make sure we don't have access to them by creating programs (government) to keep us from taking them.

Or maybe the matrix is an artistic metaphor for how we as humans keep ourselves imprisoned.
The matrix is metaphoric but there is also an outside matrix system that encourages self imprisonment.

Well I've been always leading a strange life you might say. I have always been interested in the unknown realms and such. And I do have experience with it.

Couple of months ago i've been really taking a good go at realizing myself. Disconnecting myself from the matrix and such. When I took the mushrooms I actually opened this key inside of me that gave me the possibility to break the barriere of thought and move beyond. I'm seeing hidden things now that I haven't seen before. The mechanisms behind this whole illusion is unfolding infront of me now, the programmed code you might say.

Just to get this straight I am a very toughtful person. I'm very vivid in the things I know. I base my knowledge on experience and don't just accept everything just like that. Just so you know I'm not some fluffy bunny in my own fantasy world. :). Just wanted to get that clear hehe.

- Expedion
Sounds like a classic DMT experience to me
expedion a dit:
The matrix is metaphoric but there is also an outside matrix system that encourages self imprisonment.

In my opinion there is no outside. Self imprisonment is exactly that: self imprisonment. I can see that there are things like education, the "free" market and things like that that can be seen as encouraging this imprisonment, but I believe these are modes of self-imprisonment of a group, it is, so to say, just a bigger prison. Because this prison is bigger, it might seem as though it is more powerful, but I believe that conforming to this bigger prison is another way of the individual self to imprison itself. It is just connecting with other people while doing so and this has, of course, both positive and negative aspects. The positive is that you have contact with other individuals and that to some extent you can free yourself. The negative is that you are still imprisoned and that it is harder to get to know that you're imprisoned. I wouldn't go so far as to ascribe agency to this outside matrix system, because then you might get trapped in some manichean duality where great forces of Good and Evil are in continuous battle. This duality, like most dualities, keeps people from the truth, because they pick a side and close themselves off from the Other.
To me it seems that there is an outside system. I notice that it programs people with alienating and artificial knowledge. This knowledge can't just be sprung from the human spirit because the human spirit is not made of anything artificial. It is made of what it needs. Natural shit.

Therefore I notice that these external "attacks" are of some other kind. It's a robotic alike. You have to look beyond wacky organisations and even beyond governments. The ones who created this system aren't human alike I have concluded. They are too smart and it seems THEY have something that WE need to follow constantly, appearently.

Society creates duality, but what duality. The mechanical robotic mind and the human spiritual mind. One is of us, you geuss which one.

But what you are talking about is referred to those wacky religious fundamentalists or any kind of retarded organisation.. Which indeed is very true :).

- Expedion
This is where imagination comes in. The human mind is capable of thinking up anything it wants, and also capable of then transfering that thought to reality. I believe that this whole reality is only a contruct of our own mind.

For hundreds of years, humans have thought up ideas of new ways to'improve' human life. With all these techonological advances our reality is getting more and more complex. I don't believe it is some external force that is giving us these 'artifical' idea, because, we are capable of thinking up a new artifical idea right now. Also if it is these 'external' beings that are feeding us these ideas, and were much more complex and smarter than us, I know they would not being using anything that we are in this current day. The human race has to face it, we fucked up, and fucked up bad. The route that we have took was wrong and we need to start all over again.

After reading your posts, I think its pertinent to show the last letter from David Icke, this weekend:

David Icke a dit:
This theme of 'residual self image' and the 'mental projection of your digital self' operates on many levels and represents the most powerful form of self-delusion and, thus, self-enslavement. It is the illusory state that I call 'self-identity' - the reality filter that controls the lives of billions because they don't realise that the biggest manipulator of their reality is themselves.

I once wrote that anyone who could put a name to what they believe is in a box because everything just is; we all just are. We are not Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists or atheists. These are just the labels of a bewildered mind. You cannot label the force with no name. It just is and we just are.

I will go further. Anyone with a self-identity is in a state of self-delusion and self-denial - the denial of who and what they really are. Self image immediately transfers our point of observation from the all to the small. It is the box-builder, the guard at the door to infinity.

And by self-image I mean any self-image - I am a man; I am a woman; I am white; I am black; I am a Muslim; I am a Jew; I am good; I am bad; I am lucky; I am unlucky; I am rich; I am poor; I am loving; I am hateful. Even 'I am human' is a self-identity because 'human' is a software program - a manifestation of what I call 'body consciousness'. We are not human - our vehicle is.

All of these fake identities are the fault lines that fracture infinity into illusory 'parts'. And they fracture people and peoples across the world.

What I think is that we are somehow, blinded by our culture, values, lies, etc... and the most important, by the forbiding of the Truth.
And what I mean by Truth, I mean your Truth, my Truth and their Truth... We should have the right to, explore our own Truth.. because my Truth it's not necessarily yours and vice-versa.

And we can't call Truth to something that was told us, or showed us, or whatever... We have to find our Truth with every possible tools that we were blessed with (it's called Experience)... otherwise it's useless to pursuit your Truth.

What I think that life it's all about, it's You seeking Your truth... and then you die and go wherever that word leads you to.
And that is what policys do to almost everyone in the world, they forbid Their Truth Seeking, so then life becomes meaningless to them and they'r just another walking body going around town obeying the system rules without thinking for themselves, and just following the one next to them...

But can we, actually, "catch the draggon"? :p
I experienced this high-toned beeping noise recently on a shroom trip, but I related it to stress in everyday life and saw that I needed to calm down and get rid of this noise. I meditated and finally found silence. Maybe the noise was also caused because I had taken 1 Ephedra Super Cap before I took 6g cubensis. Could have been some kind of serotonine overdose...

I had another shroom trip two days ago with 4.7g cubensis and suddenly heard this extremely loud shrieking noise that was driving me crazy. At first I thought that this must be some kind of psycho-frequency sent by evil forces to prevent people from self exploration, or that I could suddenly hear cell-phone frequencies and found out that they drive you crazy subconsciously. But then I tried to explore it scientifically and got up to locate the source of the sound. I found out it was my gas heating which was making this noise... I turned it down one step, and gone was the "mystical psycho frequency" ;)
What you experience on shrooms is not always what you think it is... :)
This noise was not coming from the outside, but from the inside. This sound can also be experienced during an OOBE right during the process of seperation between your physical and the astral body. It's not just some pans and horns you might hear somewhere outside... (LOL)

- Expedion
some people have theorized that tripping includes the temporary weakening of the barrier between conscious and subconscious. assuming that is correct, it would be logical that you are the only one who has had that exact trip, considering only you have experienced every single thing in life that you have, no more, no less. but hey, maybe im wrong.
expedion a dit:
This noise was not coming from the outside, but from the inside. This sound can also be experienced during an OOBE right during the process of seperation between your physical and the astral body. It's not just some pans and horns you might hear somewhere outside... (LOL)

- Expedion

The first one I was talking about definitely came from inside my head as well, it was like my ears were ringing, but it seemed to become louder and louder (and yet it didn't).

The second one (from the heating) felt like it was inside my head as well. That was what freaked me out at first - only after walking through the room a bit I was suddenly able to locate it outside.
tryptonaut a dit:
expedion a dit:
This noise was not coming from the outside, but from the inside. This sound can also be experienced during an OOBE right during the process of seperation between your physical and the astral body. It's not just some pans and horns you might hear somewhere outside... (LOL)

- Expedion

The first one I was talking about definitely came from inside my head as well, it was like my ears were ringing, but it seemed to become louder and louder (and yet it didn't).

The second one (from the heating) felt like it was inside my head as well. That was what freaked me out at first - only after walking through the room a bit I was suddenly able to locate it outside.

Haha yes that can happen sometimes ofcourse.

But you rarely if at all find heaters outside on a beautiful landscape with cows and shit :D.

Definitely was something.

- Expedion