Yes, i will definitly make other beds of these next year!
An uncomplete & unstructured report of the trip,for those who are interested :
Around 15:00 i drank a tea made of +- 1 gram(i used a kitchenscale that's not so accurate,but i don't think it will be more than a gram) of these dried shrooms,
after 15 minutes i felt them coming up strongly. There was a little moment of nausea,(which didn't get better when one of the cats puked on the floor, a nice start of the trip

) but it went over after half an hour or so. I think i peaked from about 16.00till 18.00. I was home alone till around 22.00 so i had some "time limit" which made me feel a little uncomfortable sometimes. The trip was very chaotic,( i don't know if it was influenced by taking the antihistamines to prevent me from being allergic all day). i remember that first ,i could hear al my thoughts in german, later on they switched to french ,spanish,english and a whole bunch of other strange languages. (my mothertongue is dutch).And i understood it competely. I had many visuals, CEV and OEV,mostly in "earth like"colours like dark green and brown, whith worms and stuff like that too. (possibly due to the fact that i picked them myself and sam worms in the earth around them).I heard my thoughts speak loudly, millions at a time.
Also, when i lied down, i sometimes kept on having like electric shocks trough my body ,i shocked a lot. But it was not really worrying me as i move a lot whith my feet whem i'm sober and laying in bed also. and it was not all the time ,just now and then.My face and mouth moved alot too sometimes.
I kept on freaking on the time also, i better had someone to explain me how late it was because i really couldn't count anymore. I had a lot of beautifull moments too. The things i've told make it look like it was "not a good trip" but it was. it could be better,a better time and place were possible but it didn't felt as a real problem, only had to put in some effort to let i all go.
Oh,a funny thing, my mother called me while i was tripping, i impulsivly took up the horn. It was quite a thrill in the beginning ,i really didn't knew where my head was,but she was so sweet ,it gave me a real warm feeling.
In the coming down i made some food,visited the forum, and felt quite good and relieved, just knowing that everything went good and the house was still as it was before (first time i made a trip on my one and in my house).
Sometimes i felt the need to talk to someone, or having someone near just to help me around whith some things(i forgot to take the fruit to my room,and really didn't wanted to go downstairs sometimes,as i felt more uncomfortable there).
Damn ,i'm really not happy whith how i described it ,it was soooo much more,i just described the surface,i remeber not so much,my thoughts went sooo damn fast and there were millions at one second.
After all, i'm very content that i tested those mushrooms, i knew from before this was not the perfect moment (whith my exams coming up and the timelimit). It was often a difficult but absolutely not a bad trip. I enjoyed riding the mushroom wave again ,it was more than half a year ago i think!
Now i'm more certain about the dose also,strong mushrooms they are! :wink: (i haven't tripped at really high doses yet)
Sorry for my bad english,i wappeared to be a better linguist 7 hours ago

I thank you all for your help, i really appreciate it!
Adios amigos,Goodnight!