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A bunch of psilocybe cyanescens!! OR NOT...?


Elfe Mécanique
Hello dear friends,

Two days ago i suddenly felt the need to go on a mushroom hunt in SWIMS garden. So, my suprise was immense when i found these psilocybe cyanescens (lookalikes?) !! :shock:

I immediately grabbed a mushroombook (not about the the magic mushrooms alone ,it's called " mushrooms species of western europe" or something like that). I looked page before page at the pictures(also internet) and characteristics of al those mushrooms, and the psilocybe cyanescens was the one who came out as most similar(completely identical it looks to me) to the ones in SWIMS garden. :shock:
They grow on pieces of bark that people lay between their plants to prevent weeds growing in between. They bruise very obviously. Everything is identical with the cyans it seems to me.
Only most of them were pretty old and dry when i discovered them (there must have been several great flushes, because the half-gone black rests of the mushrooms are still there (see picture)). The older and dryer ones(picture) also had a completely other colour of their cap as the young and wet ones(see pictures).

You must see ,the last week and a half it hasn't really rained around here,and there's a taxus preventing them from getting really wet without hard rain,so i think the difference in colour is due to that. In the book and on the internet stands this is normal and there are a few pictures who confirm it.

There are still a few new-born mushies (see picture), and i watered the bed, because i thought maybe this would stimulate new flushes as the "woodchips" were quite dry.

Also, the book stressed the importance of checking the colour of the spore print,which has to be purple-darkbrown in the P. Cyanescens. So i did and it seems to me the spores have this colour (see picture).
Now I picked a lot of them (mostly old ones, the younger ones are in the upper right corner of the picture) to be sure they don't rot away when i'm waiting for the (possible) confirmation.

Also ,does anyone knows if it's still ok to eat those older ones(those more light brown/buff ones ) (or make a tea out of them)?

I'm 90% sure this is the right species,but maybe i just want to think this :wink: ! I would be so damn happy if it was the right one, and i don't want to take the risk eating a poisonous shroom when it's not needed. :roll:

I am curious about your opinions!! Am i the lucky guy, or just another one with too high hopes :lol: ??!

Anyway,thanks in advance!!
Yes . But check every single one against all the others . Look that they all have a white stringy stem and that they blue .

The colour change comes from wetness and age . They are allright to pick and eat as long as they have no signs of mold or are dark brown direction black and slimy .
Please rezise them to about 600 X 600 .
Thankyou for the stunningly rapid answer GOD! :wink:

I will try to resize them !(i thought I already did ,but apparantly not :lol: )


edit: if anyone knows more about them ,or knows more about treating them and how long they can grow (we usualy don't have strong winters in belgium), i would be delighted to learn more! (I checked google and most growing methods for the cyans, but you never know :wink: )

I'm going to sleep with a big smile on my face tonight :D
They will grow untill the first real frost . Dry them slowly at about 16 - 18°C on a piece of papaer maybe on top of a cupboard . Keep an eye on them and if they start to go black / slimy or stink throw them away and raise the temperature . Try 1 gram dry and report back please .

Oh yes ! Congratulations .

.............. never get complacent ALLWAYS be extremely carefull what you pick and what you take .
Looks right :)

And anyways there isn't much deadly poisonous mushrooms, at worse you're going to puke ! Start with only a little !

Just don't pick those uniform white shrooms, they tend to be nasty with the exeption of the regular grocery mushroom ! Champignon de Paris !
The first frost is gone some(2) weeks ago, but it wasn't too hard,i think they started growing again!
Yes, thats the way they are drying right now, although the temperature's more like 21°C, but i can lower it if neccessary:).

I will try them out and post a little report as soon as possible. I'm studying right now, and finish exams at end of january. But i think i wil just make a trip into my soon obtained adulthood (i turn eighteen in some time) or in the new year! Damn what a gift what a gift! :mrgreen: I had the plan of growing those or the azurescens myself for so long ,and now i just stumble over them! It's magic!

I will be very carefull, and check every mushroom individually. So i can enjoy my luck some longer :wink:

Many many thanks!
O, Ahuaeynjxs, also many thanks for the advise!!
Do you mean those more white-coloured on the pictures i posted here?
Also ,they look a little les white in real life, the flash of the camera was a bit too hard. :)

Greetings,love and peace!
Oh no I meant like the amanita phalloides ! The death-angel ... pure white mushrooms are rarely trustable !

It is indeed a blessing !

I assume you are aware that the search for Soma is over ?
Haha, I'll have to start thinking about a new nickname!
TheSearchForSomaHasEnded! :lol:

(reminds me at a poem of "Toon Hermans"(a died dutch cabaretier)called "Geluk" -or "Happiness" in english. About a man that has searched for Happiness ,the big "It" his entire life so far. And when he finaly gives up, it came to him itself :wink: )

And thanks for the info! :)
It's a real pleasure, the time has come for this information to disseminate.


*points to the e-book*

Prepare to be shocked at what you learned, you will understand why this information has been kept deeply burried for only the elite to know.

This is the root (color red) of my holographic communications, there is still much more to come, I'll go around many kind of rainbows :)
First of all when you are just starting picking you should always try to bruise every one of the mushrooms you pick and if it doesnt blue throw it away .There are similar mushrooms that grow near and admidstr paches of P.Cyanescens so be very carefull .
Thats true, and the look lots like them, thing with mushrooms is they often have toxins that make you sick if it's not toxins that make you hallucinate, usually if you want them for good taste you cook them so that pretty much destroys all actives in there.

I have seen however psylocibin mushrooms that do not blue quickly, and I have seen many species of boletus that turn blue the second air touches its flesh.

I wanted to try it this summer but I didn't have the chance, the only one I found was already eaten by worms and rotting. It's listed as poisonous but I'd bet the "poison" is psylocibin , it blues so much , so quick , hmm hmm hmm :D

I'm going to sacrifice myself, if I puke, too bad ! I'll just start with .1 and eat another .1 every hour until something happens.

I found gigantic lobster mushrooms weighing many kilograms ; it's like finding a huge piece of meat in the woods, I'm vegetarian so for me it's like doubly cool :)

It looks like a big lobster hidden under the leaves, and it smells like it too, what a wonder, it tastes like chicken however, go figure !
I don't trust some of those. A lot of them look like them but some look different. The picture you have where they are on paper looks like some stems are brownish, and they do not have brown stems. They have white stems, very white. Please use caution.

peace & love
Damn.. maybe it's due to the picture itself ,or to the fact they were pretty old ones,the stems of some of most of them are indeed not white,mostly quite blueish, and they don't look super"fresh". So maybe that's the cause?that they are bruised old stems?
Do you know if there are any mushrooms that are bruised blue but are poisonous and look similar to the psilocybe cyanescens? Cos even those whith the more brownish stems have a bruised cap. I suspect them of being older.
And also : is it normal the older and dryer ones dont bruise in two seconds when i picked them, but bruises appeared slower, whithin half an hour or so?The young fresh ones bruise way faster ,whithin a minute i think.
I will inspect them thoroughly, i thank you very much for the scepticism, safety before everything!
Most of them are pretty dry now ,but i wil check them each individually!
Thanks for the info mate! :wink:

They are P.Cyanescens . Nothing that looks similar blues .
Still i'm going to be carefull ,but not so scared that i'll have an unpleasant trip:)

Thank you all!

Greetings,peace to all of you!

PS: It's going to freeze this week ,so there won't be new ones anymore i think.I discovered them just in time :wink: or can I protect them from the frost ?
Those mushrooms rarely grow alone . If you look in the direction the wind comes from and goes to you will probably discover more . After you pick a patch it usualy takes 4 or 5 days till it grows again . The frost might not kill them so keep looking every few days / weeks .