^Interesting points, I'd say that the universe is infinite (or as close to as makes little odds) in a different way, even if it's not infinite in a conventional ever expanding space/time way - thinking in the terms of chaos - being a non-linear system, the fact that so many things interact within it making every "moment" (human concept?) branch into (countless?) possibilities, then you have human / animal choice thrown in there as a sort of wildcard. - the butterfly causing the hurricane is the usual example... producing constant movement and being subject to infinite possibilities dependent on the state of whatever is contained and what the movement involved of each thing.
Ofcourse that might lead to an interesting paradox if the universe is of finite space, but infinite in an always moving, non-linear way AND exists "within" nothing, you get infinity existing within nothing.... hehehehe
Although it's possible all this is irrelevant - if you were to think of the universe as something that contains all possibilities of movement...
imagine you've got a camera that can record all of existance, "empty" space is empty black, and the presence of matter is a colour dependant on what form that matter is, set your camera up on "maximum exposure"
after enough time has passed for every conceivable possibility to happen (no chance of anything new happening) develop the photo and you'll get a white mass of every conceivable position of matter. so I suppose after a while everything will start to happen all over again but in a different way, then just keep on repeating itself.
For an ever expanding universe, I suppose you'd just have to imagine it as an expanding envelop of existance, which might eventually repeat itself, but the interaction would perhaps slow / stop as things got so far from eachother that they stopped interacting....
*sigh* ok my heads adequatly fried by that ramble... I probably contadict myself in places, but hey, I suppose its just showing my thought processes.
sorry about the long post, got carried away