A Brain Cell is the Same as the Universe

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brugmansia
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Physicists discover that the structure of a brain cell is the same as the entire universe.

"Oh God, guide me, protect me; make of me a shining lamp and a brilliant star." -- Abdu’l-Bahá

Could what we experience on heroic dosages, a comprehension of this? 8)
I'm in ur fractal univerze, doing stuff and such.

but seriously, I like that one.
I suspect the creators of these pictures that they tried to rebuild the cell as much as possible though.. nah what means suspect, I'm pretty sure they did.
and you expect me to belive this bullshit pseudo science that compares the structure of the neuron to a fake photo ?
The Universe is infinite, how can you take a picture of what it looks like and compare it to something? If those pictures are real, then what you are comparing the mouses brain to, is a section of the Universe. I'm sure, since the Universe is infinte, there is also infinite designs also, meaning you could find a design of anything out their in that infinte 'space'.

Hahahaha! Amazing! :roll:

If psychonautic’s was running a marathon against science, wed be accepting the trophy, while science still ties their shoes together.

Have fun in the sandbox guys!
the funny thing is that science is our daily bread.
how about that for a thought?
Right click.
Save image as.
Open in paint. Shrink by 50%, save.
Open full screen in windows image viewer.
Look at image with crossed eyes.

Yeah, pretty similar structure.
Pretty colors as well.

Scientific value ? Pretty slim. But it does illustrate the fractal nature of .. uh.. nature ?
user_1919 a dit:
The Universe is infinite
Not necessarily. Some scientists think that the universe has its limits. The "official truth" seems to change all the time, though. Either way it would seem logical to me that the universe is fractal-ish.
phalaris a dit:
Scientific value ? Pretty slim. But it does illustrate the fractal nature of .. uh.. nature ?
fractal nature

Exactly, drop a speck of dust in a supersaturated salt drink and watch pretty crystals form the exact same types of patterns in front of your eyes..

I guess I would like to think of these comparisons more as visual poetry, rather than as a useful scientific model for anything :D
At least I'd give this truth a higher % than the many other truths in the form of religion, followed by still 4 billion non-atheists nowadays.

And it'd be closer to the theory of relative. ;)
yeah!!!! this made my day!!! i am an inhibitor of an ultra small nerve-cell compared to the organism as a whole!!! but haha!!! i am also an organism which has the same small inhibitors!!! poor them if they only knew!!! but then... haha ... i am the universe... or an universe ... or a stage of the universe.... whatever!! being part of somethin inifinite must be cool!!

peace bros
Anybody ever read Olaf Stapledon's classics? This kind of reminds me of Nebula Maker.. :D
oh boohoohoo the universe has some Fractal'esque characteristics? Isn't alot of other mathematics based in reality too (as in, shows similarity's with)?
It'd be cool though, just the thought but as Phalaris pointed out it's not really breaking news science.
silv a dit:
oh boohoohoo the universe has some Fractal'esque characteristics? Isn't alot of other mathematics based in reality too (as in, shows similarity's with)?
It'd be cool though, just the thought but as Phalaris pointed out it's not really breaking news science.
“12:45, restate my assumptions: one: Mathematics is the language of nature. two: Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. three [...]"
anyone ever saw Pi? definitely one of my favourite movies.

there's so much mathematics in nature (especially in romanescos :mrgreen: ). Pi, the golden ratio, fractals and so forth..
I was actually reflecting on this on my last (well only) mescaline trip..

Structures readily form in the natural world, on different scales, due to different forces of attraction (gravity, chemical, nuclear). Quarks and subatomic particles bond in specific patterns to form atoms. Atoms in turn interact in different ways at different temperatures, forming specific structures that we call elements, compounds.. these form interstellar matter that through gravity and accretion become galaxies, form proto-solar system discs, then stars, planets.. on a chemical scale amino acids and organic compounds form easily and are found all over the solar system..

The whole universe can be seen as a combination of these kinds of processes of attraction and accretion that cause massive and complex structures to arise over time.

I came to see these processes as combining at a certain point in time to produce the phenomenon we call life.. as if life was the net result of all these processes in the universe, and during the trip, in seeing this entire system operating at once, "turning on" as it were, it felt as if the universe itself became "life" or "alive" in the process. I wondered if this was what could be described as "god."

I have been reading spinoza lately, it may have shaped my thinking during the trip ;)
Any measurement has a self limiting factor. A boundary condition.
Because of this, mathematical interpretations will be close to an unquantifiable reality in their composure,
yet truly arbitrary in their dimensions.
Diverse perspectives only show more clearly the unified nature of order in the universe.

What is life?
Does it only arise from the single cellular level?
Or the multiple cellular structure?
Does not what preceded a cellular structure also embody life?
For if not, how does life exist?
The truth is, the universe is life.
It’s all one organism,
With no end,
No beginning.

Just life.
misery a dit:
“12:45, restate my assumptions: one: Mathematics is the language of nature. two: Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. three [...]"
anyone ever saw Pi? definitely one of my favourite movies.

haha, I watched that film last night!
one of my favorites too, although anyone I try to show the film to just looks puzzled as if to say "I don't get it" afterwards.