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85/95% efficient solar panels exist? Did you know?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 482
Yeah me either...


2 months old, why the hell wasn't this on the front page of every newspaper in the world?


once again, the subject of people not wanting renuable energy so that they can extort every penny they can out of fossil fuels. :/

this is great news though, hopefully soon solor becomes abit cheaper so that more can afford it. because you would have to be stupid not to take the free energy of the sun, i know im in. but the prices are the only thing preventing it. :axe:
As long as the capitalistic greed-masters control humanity by repetitively conditioning all the common sense out of us, this will NEVER change. At some point it has to be realized that the people at the top rungs of the ladder DON'T WANT us to have free energy, they'd rather the whole fucking planet be ruined if they can't have it the way they want it.

It's just like some dumb-ass man who can't grasp the reality that his woman has left him, so he goes out and murders her, thinking;

" If I can't have you, no one can"

THIS possesiveness, THIS feeling of entitlement, of being 'owed', is at the very root of the problem. The people on top have been on top for so long that they think that life is not worth living if they can't be on top.

Now that I have actually said what many know intuitively, let's bring it forward into consciousness......and respond to it.
It's still baby boomers and baby boomer's sons/daughters that run this country. They are slowly losing their power, but I find it just becomes thinner (metaphorically) - it still holds us all.

These oil companies are so big because they are so big. They make fictious power and fictious status that they are somehow a 'good' thing. Look at what Siemens and Chevron's commercials contain now - it's all wind energy. Yet they don't give a shit about wind energy. Infact, energy companies HATE it, but it's almost an advertisement in itself - that they are some kind of "progressive" company willing to change. But they aren't. Its propoganda to make you believe they are 'like you'.

They still will operate on natural gas and oil for the next 50 years until it runs out. The thing is though, we really don't have that long to just burn up all the carbon on our earth. We will suffer some major consequences. Immidiate, I'm talking within the next 5 years we will see catastrophic consequences from sea levels rising, acidic oceans and overall ambient temperatures getting greater.

Tornados and hurricanes will take thousands of lives every year. Its fucked up how these companies really, blatanly do not care. They don't. Even though they have children, and want grand children, they don't give a shit if their children may have to compete for food one day. It's not really a problem since the owners and capitalistic fiends of these companies know their children will be rich, and rich people don't die in natural disasters. Poor people do.

It's fucked up. Morality comes into question often with capatilism, but this is beyond morality of a thousand people, this is the entire earth, everything we have ever learned about in history class and everything we predict important to us has come to this fundamental point in time - The earth is in a catastrophic limbo.

But I digress. global warming will not end civilization. Chaos will not erupt, the population will not decline to millions rather than the current billion... Capitalism will stir on, but it will slowly become more local. Local until sustainable and reproducible. Intelligence, empathy, and awareness will escalate to levels never seen before, and as a whole, humanity will benefit.

Capitalism sure is a fucked up way to make us learn our lesson.
IJC, I have to stop you there.. I believe capitalism is great.. It inspires creativity and uniqueness.. The oil companies.. Sure.. Granted they are a bunch of retarded, power hungry, capitalistic raving elephants, hording to get the last pineapple on the pineapple tree.. And yes, they are destroying the planet.. Sure.. And yes you are right, people need to start converting to more efficient, renewable energy sources. However.. Do you think that the oil companies are going to stop? The managers fucking hit the jackpot! They makes billions upon billions of dollars, a month.. Do you really think that they will give something like that up? Jesus, they have no higher conscience.. Or peaceful attitude.. To those people, who have the brains equivalent to 90 degree angles(They are squares) there is no remorse.. There schedule is "Make money" "Get it done" And well maybe not literally, but all they are really doing is "lets fuck everyone over to my benefit." Yes that is a flaw in capitalism.. I understand.. But making free health care so that 10 billion dollars is taken away from other companies is a socialist move, and look what it did, it made everyone else pay for some retarded, black women who just had six babies, with 6 different fathers who she doesn't know the names of.. We all have to pay for her poor ass because she fucked up her OWN life.. Also, the 10 billion dollar health care reform caused NASA to stop their apollo missions.. It lost something like 10,000 jobs in the NASA field alone.. Now was it worth 10,000 jobs and tons of creativity and space exploration and hard working American lives, just to help out that retarded black women? I don't think so. So in ways capitalism is wrong, yes.. But Socialism is not the way dude.. But we aren't going to see anything within the next five years dude.. And yes maybe thousands of lives will be lost. But what are we going to do. I am not saying your views on the oil companies is wrong, I was just challenging your views on capitalism. These conversations get very interesting :lol: . But without capitalism you have communism/socialism.. Or maybe even fascism . Do you want that? Why would you want some totalitarianistic dictator in the lead? Some commy dictator taking lives, instead of natural disasters? That just sounds a bit oxy moron.. And besides. Sure, if the whole world worked together, with no wars.. Everything would be great. but that is simply impossible, until space exploration really gets kicking.. Which isn't going to happen now, because guess what.. Oh yeah.. Socialism turned out to fuck that plan right in the ass by blowing off space exploration.. Anyways.. I don't wanna start a fight or anything, but we have our political views set aside, and that is my argument.
I'll have to wait another day to turn you around. :wink:
Haha and why is that?
Because this is my day.

" Yes that is a flaw in capitalism.. I understand.. But making free health care so that 10 billion dollars is taken away from other companies is a socialist move, and look what it did, it made everyone else pay for some retarded, black women who just had six babies, with 6 different fathers who she doesn't know the names of.. "

I hereby nominate this as 'racist post of the year'.

No, there is no 'flaw' in capitalism, the flaw is in the thinking that says you can increase your sales by 20% every year from now on. This is capitalistic thinking at its worst, and it is precisely what big companies always do. IT'S NON-SUSTAINABLE.

You said: "I believe capitalism is great.. It inspires creativity and uniqueness.. "

I say: maybe originally, before we all became drones of corporations. Remove the blinders, and see it for what it is, exploitation on an epic scale.Corporations can't cast a ballot, but they do vote with their wallets. In the 1995-96 election cycle, corporations and corporate PACs contributed $147 million to candidates running for federal office. The United States is one of the few democracies where such donations are legal. The Supreme Court affirmed the right of corporations to pay for electoral campaigns in the 1978 case First National Bank v. Bellotti. Writing for the majority, Justice Lewis Powell explained that giving cash to influence the outcome of an election "is the type of speech indispensable to decision making in a democracy, and this is no less true because the speech comes from a corporation rather than an individual."


You say: ".. It lost something like 10,000 jobs in the NASA field alone.. Now was it worth 10,000 jobs and tons of creativity and space exploration and hard working American lives, just to help out that retarded black women?"

Nice stereotyping.....I nominate this for 'Judgmental post of the year'. Since that 'retarded black woman' you deride so casually IS somewhat a 'product' of capitalist culture, capitalism has a responsibility to either PROVIDE REAL OPPORTUNITY or real assistance

You say: "So in ways capitalism is wrong, yes.. But Socialism is not the way dude.. "
I say: " Then quit looking at it in either/or dualistic terms, dude."

You: "But without capitalism you have communism/socialism.. Or maybe even fascism . Do you want that? "
Me: We already GOT fascism. WAKE UP

You: "Why would you want some totalitarianistic dictator in the lead?"
Me: Um, well, we could at least actually put a face on the wrongs being done. Unlike now where it's faceless institutions screwing everyone.

You: "Some commy dictator taking lives, instead of natural disasters? "
Me: you sound like a fucking neo-con propaganda campaign. BP destroying the gulf ( a natural disaster CAUSED by capitalism) was your precious capitalism in action. Try to defend it.

You act like socialism is going to destroy the country, well allow me to clue you in.....that Social Security check that people over 65 get.....it's a SOCIALIST program, and one that has become part of the very fabric of our lives.... Republicans AND Democrats routinely protect and defend it from cuts.....the VA hospital system? It's a SOCIALIST program too, one that provides medical services to veterans who have been harmed while serving their masters.... (perpetuating capitalism)....Unemployment benefits? SOCIALIST. Workmans comp? SOCIALIST.

Here's my point, son.....

You need to live a while longer.
I guarantee you when some fat-ass cop beats you up because he found some dope on you

'because you fuckin stinking dopers killed my niece'.....

You will understand why you shouldn't be held accountable for something that someone else did.

Do you get that?

I could stretch just a bit and tell you that the US govt has been subsidizing farmers for almost a hundred years, dating back to the great depression, and you know what?

You could define that as a form of socialism too. Corporate socialism.




"Direct payment subsidies are provided without regard to the economic need of the recipients or the financial condition of the farm economy. Established in 1996, direct payments were originally meant to wean farmers off traditional subsidies that are triggered during periods of low prices for corn, wheat, soybeans, cotton, rice, and other crops."

At least the 'retarded black woman' in your not-so-good example could demostrate need.

I want you to try to defend it.
I think spice is fine, I'll butt in if I feel the need, or you piss me off enough. :)
there not 85% efficient, the absorb 85% of the light, conversion of this absorbed energy to electricity is never 100%
Oh you're right, they suck now. Why did I post this?
Damnit.. Lol I got in a political fight, and got owned for nothing.. Depressing.. I have no arguments dude I really don't feel like arguing politics, all it does is piss people off and why argue about it if you don't need too? Especially since I am a kid, I have no right.. Lol its retarded.. Sorry dude.. And I wasn't trying to be racist, but stereotypical? Sure, so is everyone else.. Haha :finga:
spice a dit:
I guarantee you when some fat-ass cop beats you up because he found some dope on you

'because you fuckin stinking dopers killed my niece'.....

You will understand why you shouldn't be held accountable for something that someone else did.

Do you get that?


ive had to learn this lesson myself. altho im not particularly racist myself, i came from a shitty town in florida and ive been jumped by groups of people of mexican and bosnian(sp?) decent. and to this day i have trouble being friendly with people who remind me of those groups, even though i know they are nothing like the people back in florida.

EDIT: oh and i think this thread got raped btw lol.
"Sure, so is everyone else.. Haha :finga:"

are you sure that's the position you're taking?

That what you are doing is right, 'because everyone else is doing it'......

Are you looking for another nomination? Alpha-sheep, maybe?

I'm not trying to turn this into a personal attack on you. Quit making it so easy.

Being stereotypical isn't a bad thing dude.. It's not like you don't do it.. It is hard not too, it is like flinching or something..
stereotyping is what capitalism wants you to do.
Nanosage a dit:
Being stereotypical isn't a bad thing dude.. It's not like you don't do it.. It is hard not too, it is like flinching or something..

why isn't it a bad thing? if you're going to state something a tad extreme like that, you better at least make a scenario that tries to justify it. you didn't bother to explain. using a bandwagon approach "everyones doing it" is not a response that is valid or acceptable.

"it's hard not to"
it's hard for me to NOT punch some people in the mouth; it doesn't mean i dont try to rationally approach the situation.
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