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5-Meo-Mipt is like lsd

here in the forum who has experience with 5-Meo-Mipt.
it is very expensive but should be like lsd?
Uh... no. Wrong on both counts. It's neither expensive, nor is it like LSD. It's actually very mild and vaguely euphoric... makes me feel bouncy. Only very slightly trippy.

Ideal dosage seems to be around 5 mg.
I bought a gramm for 100 €
I've made 100 blotter with 1 gramm
the effect is very similar to that of LSD
with 1 blotter = for hours
it is very strong stuff!!!
In my experience with the substance, and that of those I've talked to, there was neither visual activity nor intense thought patterns. The only part that was "like LSD" was the increased energy, and the somatic experience.
and everything is LIKE chicken
In my opinion you should never compare an RC such as 5 Meo-Mipt to the problem child I have experienced both on various occasions and I would compare 5 Meo-Mipt to a mild MDMA experience, but it was certainly no LSD.
i say if you can get 5-meo-mipt, it sounds like you can get a lot better like 2ce or
ketamine even phenciclidyne - spelling wrong=PCP or just get some lsd
havnt tried pcp yet not common were i have lived love ketamine though
sidefx a dit:
i say if you can get 5-meo-mipt, it sounds like you can get a lot better like 2ce or
ketamine even phenciclidyne - spelling wrong=PCP or just get some lsd
havnt tried pcp yet not common were i have lived love ketamine though

it looks like a Mint Mot on your avatar
The mint moth (Pyrausta aurata) is a small moth from the family Crambidae, active by day.

PCP and Ketamine are Dissociatives and NMDA receptor antagonists.
Than 5-meo-mipt is a psychedelic and gives psychedelic effects because primarily from 5-HT2A receptor agonism.
So 5-meo-mipt is more like Lsd than ketamine and PCP,.
PCP is bad stuff stay.s very long inyour fat.
and ketamine is bad also , not real tripping but k-hole, so you can,t move .
so the 5-HT2A agonist like LSD and 5meo-mipt is safer.
ketamine is a dissociative anesthesia and a analgesic so you are unable to move
and if you try to move you will get dizzy and vomit,
Don't try the the PCP and Ketamine its bad stuff that don't make you go trippy like a flowerpower-Hippie.

shulgin >>>This drug, 5-MeO-MIPT, is several times more potent when taken orally than it is when smoked. 5-MeO-DMT is much less active orally than when it is smoked. As a matter of fact, it is not active at all when taken orally. No active oral level has ever been found. What a rich area for speculation. Preferential metabolism?
shulgin>>>(with 6?mg, orally) “Rapid development to 45 minutes, some shakes, uneven handwriting, and hints of time slowing. Extremely erotic. Full plateau at a +3 at the 2 1/2 hr. point, then a graceful and rather rapid drop. Easy, restful sleep. Absolutely no visuals or related sensory effects—what does one call this stoned state? Very pleasant, music extremely acceptable, tactile extraordinary. I feel that higher dosages would not contribute anything more.”
shulgin>>>with 20?mg, smoked) "Most all of it was smoked in about three or four inhalations before I felt it coming on so strongly that I lay down. Within less than a minute after I lay down, with my eyes closed, my visual field was filled with brilliant geometric patterned lines of different colors that were slowly moving. There were several sets of parallel and curved lines superimposed upon in each other. Soon after that, probably within a minute or two, I became extremely disoriented from my normal sense of being a person in a body; I was lost in an undifferentiated mass of feeling and non-specific sensation. It was similar to the overwhelming feeling of 5-MeO-DMT in quality and, as with that material, the peak phase lasted less than 30 minutes.
LSD is you wake up after sleeping after a LSD-TRIP and you feel renewed and reborn and you percieve evrything like new like evrything looks like if it is touched by god or the divine;;;;;perceiving the world as an expression of divine Oneness ...[][][][][]
Albert Hofmann writes in his book Mein Sorgenkind ((my problem child))>>>> I then slept, to awake next morning refreshed, with a clear head, though still somewhat tired physically. A sensation of well-being and renewed life flowed through me. Breakfast tasted delicious and gave me extraordinary pleasure. When I later walked out into the garden, in which the sun shone now after a spring rain, everything glistened and sparkled in a fresh light. The world was as if newly created. All my senses vibrated in a condition of highest sensitivity, which persisted for the entire day.
This self-experiment showed that LSD-25 behaved as a psychoactive substance with extraordinary properties and potency. There was to my knowledge no other known substance that evoked such profound psychic effects in such extremely low doses, http://www.psychedelic-library.org/child1.htm.
if there is something magical with FlowerPower its must be the very great invention from Albert Hofmann,
Make love & Peace not War .
Drop Acid not bombs.
cheers that is some great info Yopobear, i did not know that much about 5-Meo-Mipt does sound like my sort of experience.
And that is mad about the moth, i love moths and did not know of the name does look exactly the same a day moth aye.

And yes Albert Hoffman did not have children in his life because ever since he first was at school he loved science, his whole life he loved science and every day he was doing chemistry he LOVED it so much, and all that love attracted the most beautiful molecule.
2nd post of original poster really looks like some scam ad.
sidefx a dit:
cheers that is some great info Yopobear, i did not know that much about 5-Meo-Mipt does sound like my sort of experience.
And that is mad about the moth, i love moths and did not know of the name does look exactly the same a day moth aye.

And yes Albert Hoffman did not have children in his life because ever since he first was at school he loved science, his whole life he loved science and every day he was doing chemistry he LOVED it so much, and all that love attracted the most beautiful molecule.

did not have children ?, are your sure sidefx /?
He and his wife, Anita, who died recently, reared four children in Basel. A son died of alcoholism at 53. Survivors include several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Hofmann and his wife, Anita had four children. One son predeceased them in a battle with alcoholism. Anita died in December 2007. Hofmann suffered a fatal heart attack on April 29, 2008 around 9 AM in Basel, Switzerland, age 102.
He was predeceased by his wife Anita and is survived by two of his four children.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/ ... .chemistry

Albert Hofmann developed many drugs still used medically today such as methergine, which prevents obstetrical bleeding, the vasodilator hydergine, used in the treatment of dementia, and dihydergot, used to reduce migraines
Albert Hofmann said, “I believe that if people would learn to use LSD’s vision-inducing capability more wisely, under suitable conditions, in medical practice and in conjunction with meditation, then in the future this problem child could become a wonderchild.
5meo-mipt is not a wonderchild,
LSD is also a magical wonder just like Mescaline-Cactus, Psilocybin-mushrooms, AYAhuasca-Dmt.
these unknown research chemicals like 5meo-mipt don't got a magical traditional history.
but they are also powerfull key's to open your mind
Never Change A Winning Molecule.
"LSD wanted to tell me something," Hofmann told the gathering Friday. "It gave me an inner joy, an open mindedness, a gratefulness, open eyes and an internal sensitivity for the miracles of creation."
Bent with age but still eloquent, Hofmann said he hoped the symposium would encourage the renewed therapeutic and spiritual use of LSD in supervised settings.
When you study natural science and the miracles of creation, if you don't turn into a mystic you are not a natural scientist," said Hofmann.
http://www.wired.com/science/discoverie ... ntPage=all
Saying: 5meo-mipt is like LSD. is saying Mahatma Gandhi is like Jesus.
Maria Sabina is like Albert Hofmann.
You is like my. You see we are the same people. people is like animals.
Animals is like life, Life is like a Wonder. wonder is like Love.
LSD is specially made for western people to loose their materialistic worldview and live more spiritual in harmony with nature.
But some people see it just like fun and sometimes they say they got bad-trip and are damaged, or feel weird.
but they got to know LSD is for changing your mind and life, LSD can break you or make you.
remember LSD is a powerfull magic tool. LSD is like fire, you can warm up your food with fire, or make light with a candle.
in the wrong setting the candle can become a dangerous fire.
"I think that in human evolution it has never been as necessary to have this substance LSD," said Hofmann. "It is just a tool to turn us into what we are supposed to be."
In some sense, the primary limitation of materialism is its “obviousness”. We rely on our senses all the time, to the point where we place a great deal of trust in those senses. And rightly so, relative to ordinary functioning and survival: our senses are constantly keeping us alive,
What is disallowed from the purview of materialism is any participatory exploration of reality, because that would result in a loss of objectivity. But that participatory exploration through the “instrument” of one’s own feeling-awareness turns out to be the primary tool for exploring the Spiritual and Transcendental dimensions of reality. Thus scientific materialism inherently disallows the very means required to validate the Greater Reality, and, because it takes a reductionistic stance, it is then forced to declare that no such Greater Reality exists.
can someone explain Please how LSD fits in the story above (the two quotes)
We know Albert Hofmann, We know LSD, We know Love and Peace,
We know we are from the love generation, We know the sixties will come back,
we know our materialistic era of mass consumerism will end soon en we all become Hippies and find INNER PEACEFULNESS! :D :D PEACE.
is there a song some music that sounds like the discovery of the first LSD trip.
tripping with the right music is so wonderfull.
sidefx a dit:
cheers that is some great info Yopobear, i did not know that much about 5-Meo-Mipt does sound like my sort of experience.
And that is mad about the moth, i love moths and did not know of the name does look exactly the same a day moth aye.

why you say ´´´aye´´´´´, my englisch is not very good, don't understand ´´aye´´
if you search for aye in google images you find a very awesome animal,
His eyes are like tripping eyes. it's looks like a trippy animal.
yo , PEACE,

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