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4-Ho-Dipt & 2C-B

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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Can anyone tell me a bitt more about these 2 substances?
I read some on erowid but can't really figure out the actual effects and duration, and possible side or negative effects etc..

Thx in advance <3
I only can help you out with 2-cb.

first of all 2-cb is an phenethylamine.

Duration of 2-cb is aprox 4-6 houres

The effects are psychedelic but not that overwhelming, they are somehow more subtle or manageable then other psychedelics.
This makes it also an okay party drug, in light 10mg to medium doses 20mg above that it becomes not so pleasant anymore, expecally at partys

The only negative effect i experiend was the "bodyload" or not so pleasant body feelings.
Its fun to try but if you're at a party keep the dose low,
or first try some in a safe inviroment thats what a reconmend.

Can't help you out with 4-Ho-Dipt yet, i still gotta try it someday :wink:
You say it's psychedelic but in what way?
Kind off Mdma way? Just spacy, or more like LSD way? Visual and stuff?
Is it addictive, does it do bad damage to the body?
Of how you feel, think and insights ect, its more like Lsd then mdma.
But then its neither one of them its totally different.

Its hard to relate to other drugs, you've just got to try it to know.
But if you do like lsd i think you will like this one.. :wink:

And 2-cb isnt addictive, and it causes almost no to very little damage to the body.

Btw check erowid for 2cb information, i found it usefull:

2cb is not like acid, or psilocybin in that it does not cause amazing colourful hallucination's and shifting delusions like wall's breathing etc..

It cause's the same sort of efffect on the mind as a trip, you know that insight feeling, feeling of great exhilhiration , euphoria or joy, and causes colours to be brighter,and less intense visual effeects like pattern's shifting and changing colur etc..

God it's hard to describe. Definitely more like LSD, tha MDMA, but nowhere near as intense.

Well at low doses anyway, not many people have tried high doses. It's more like party trip, than an acid trip, where it's better to be among a small number of co pilot's tripping and doing all sort's of weird thing's, and seeing beautiful vision's. With 2cb, the difference in intensity can make you more comfortable inlarger group's, and part's etc..