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4-Acetoxy-DIPT w/ trip report!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Etherbunny
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Elfe Mécanique
Never really hear much chatter on this one. What's your opinion/experience on it's possibilities.
DIPT....ah..way back in a former life when these chemicals where only known to a few, I had what can only be called an amazing experience with this molecule. Of all the RC's this one is the most positive experience I had (foxy being by far the worst). I listened to a Luna album for about 3 hours, and it was like rolling through your ears. Unbelievable.

Later my buddy and I decided to walk across the entire city at about 3am. The amount of energy it gave was unbelievable.

I think I wrote the entire experience down somewhere, I'll try to find it and post it.

My vote though is it is worth a try.

after last night's experience.

At work now on my bb, keeping it short. I'll leave it at this;

We live inside a 5D black hole.

I loved the trip

*Editing 2nd day after trip

I'll keep this simple, after what I experienced I've found it hard to keep things simple, I want to go into great detail on everything I talk about.

I had the standard 4-ace come up time wise. But I was able to get into more of a 'The Test' trip state, very lucid and real CEVs. I traveled off earth and into the solar system, I was free to explore (traveling fast brought on pretty intense CEV patterns), I watched solar systems, nebulas, galaxys being born, stars dieing, I traveled in and out of black holes. The cool thing was that I could feel only minimal effects from the most extreme of conditions.

After a while of doing this I started coming out (the T+2:00:00 mark) so I took some more. After a little while I was back pretty much where I left off so I decided I would figure out why gravity has such little effect even out here in the depths of space. And that's when I figured out that the bulk of our gravity is being kept at bay inside the 5th dimensional 'twists' of a 5D black hole! It made perfect sense! I had to see it :


To the edge of the universe I went. And what I saw on the way blew my mind, Imagine the Discovery special Edge of the Universe, but with infinite better graphics and you get 'first hand visuals' of exactly what you needed to see to figure out what is going on. Amazing.

Well i got to the edge of the universe and I felt the 3D wall of the 5D black hole that long ago sucked our universe to it's doom.

Gave me a new way of thinking about the big bang:

A black hole the size of which we havent even begun to contemplate, sucked a whole universe into it, though it's a 5D black hole with a unstable 'spiral' and has weak points on it's way and at it's singularity, our universe isnt destroyed by the dual stretch 'spaghettification', it gets mixed shaken and seperated, the heavier matter gets sucked into the black hole while the lighter (i'm assuming) anti-matter escapes the Event Horizon (explains our predominately matter universe). We meet at the unstable singularity:


We are experiencing the life of our universe through it's first death, thus proving the 'circle of life' that after something dies it's energy (matter) moves elsewhere to eventually reestablish life.

What ya thing? I should note that I ended up listening to System of a Down Toxicity w/ Bounce and Suicide cut from the play list on repeat. Though during the come up I went for a walk and my mp3 player had Pink Floyd, The Test, queens, a little sonic youth, and kid A. Though most of the trip was spent listening to system.
i've heard lots of good about this chemical, and its (nearly identical) cousin 4-HO-DIPT. what really appeals to me is it is a tryptamine unlike many RC's which are generally phenylethylamines.

definitely on my wishlist for next year :D

how many mg did you take?


Shulgin a dit:
I truly doubt that there is another psychedelic drug, anywhere, that can match this one for speed, for intensity, for brevity, and sensitive to dose, at least one that is active orally.


Brevity: To be on a trip and then to be back pretty much in two hours and really baseline in another hour? Most unusual. If there will ever be an acceptance of drugs such as these, in a psychotherapeutic context, a short duration is of extreme value to both the patient and the therapist.
18 mg and another 18mg at T+2:00:00 for a total of 36mg. Amazing chemical, I would love to further explore this chemical. and I've been looking into 4-ho as well.

Oh and also I took this on a completely empty stomach and had benzos in case it was to much, like 2CE was at higher doses.