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2C-E , how to dose

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Hello everyone, I've just managed to get 250 mg of 2C-E, as the usual dose is around 15 mg, is there a way to dose such a small quantity without buying one of those sooooooooooooooo expensive precise to 1/1000 gr scale?

I've read something about diluating about 100 mg in 1 liter water, then drink 1/10 liter of the preparation, seems a bit rough to me...

And I possess a precise to 1/100 gr scale, could it be of any use for this ?

Thanks alot!
Should be able to work, if it dilutes completely in water and you stirr and shake it well you have a homogenous mixture of 1 liter in which 100 ml contains 10 mg of you dissolve 100 mg in it.

The question is how stable the mixture will be. Don't think you can keep it for long in water (if it will dissolve, if not or partially you have a big problem, so better find that out first). Most compounds are not that stable in solution so the potency of the water mixture can go down fast.

But if it dissolves and you have a lot of friend who also take it so you do not have to keep it, then this would be a good solution.
if once it is dissolved in the water you put it in the freezer, you can keep it for ages....

I think I read somewhere that adding some citric acid also helps preserving when in a solution

you mean you have a scale that can read 0.01 gr? then it will be +/- 10mg so if you put "100mg" in 1 liter, each dl will contain 9-11mg ,which can get quite a difference when you get to the 16-20mg range as this chem has a very steep curve of action at this range
I've seen reported that 16 to 18mg doubles the intensity and 18-20 doubles again....
I can't confirm it I still have to get my hands on some

better get a good scale....
Is very easy the doses are big 25 mg IS VERY EASY TO SEE.

If you have 100 mg you can make a division in 4 or 5 parts . Ive done it without problems
Amoak, it seems that there is a big difference between 22 and 28mg of 2C-E.
Some people are very sensitive to that difference. Again it will be irresponsible to advise to eyeball the RCs.

Do not eyeball RCs.

Save money and buy a real scale.

Save the research on that chemicals.
I know i had post here

Amoak wrote:::

" please dont try 20 mg first time it can be very strong ,mix it with water and drink slowly ."

But my post dissapered , i dont know why , is not the firt time this happen me
Something linked with DMT damage ??

Your post is in the "Kratom and sex" topic
Something linked with DMT damage ??

Your post is in the "Kratom and sex" topic

Thank s , i found it . As in the Shpongle music

Use ethanol instead of water, the solution will last longer even at room temperature
hi, firstly, however you end up doing it, remember the advice wasefraka gave and be careful.

If you haven't read PIHKAL and you're swimming in these waters, you may find it helpful to see the level of respect that the guy who created these psychedelics give them. You're playing with potent stuff, and as usual in these situations, accuracy is critical. There was a guy in my area a couple of years ago who had obtained some 2CT-21 (I think it was) as a research chemical from some dude in Las Vegas and he had no scales, only a desire to sample it and what he'd heard, so when he gets the stuff in the mail, he sticks JUST the very tip of his tongue into this stuff for a taste of whats to come.

His body temp was measured at 108.5 degrees when he finally died.
Get some scales or use shulgins tasting method to work your way up.This is how dr.s did it when he was the very first to evaluate these substances and had ZERO data to go by. Im saying take an infinitely small amount and work your way up if you use the 'rough measurement' method. This is a safe, tested way to evaluate these substances...above all, be careful.