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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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the same as 1999 ive seen in some reply's..

Wel in 2001 something really big happend.. that changed the world a lot...for those living in a cave...the WTC attack,.. thats a delay of 2 years...

For that reason i do not believe in the acctual date,.. but i do believe something wil happen close to 2012... my money is on 2014! :P

2012 wil be the downfall of spiritualism... now its rising and rising...but when all will be disapointed in 2012... lots of the new spiritual believers, will turn there backs on spiritual believes... when we least expect it...that wil be the date when it happens! (dunno what that will be thought)
mysticwarrior i don't quite get all that you want to say, but obviously you have your own view about the 2012 thing and religions and so on... yet i didnt also quite get what the connection to 2012 and everything seems to be. maybe i am too stupid to understand everything you wrote.... Wink

This must be because i am bad in explaining things in english ;) :D
Who knows. I mean, it's the end of humanity. You just can't predict that.

I watched some religious documentary thing. (
) part of it. There's a longer movie which one of my family members let me borrow: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 0314263527

There's a section in there where they speak about profits. They said apparently some profits would sit in a cave where some hallucinogenic gas seeped from deep inside the earth though the walls. So-- the profits would trip, then give the king some prophecy.

But like I said, I'm open to the idea. But it's kinda insane to predict the end of everything, you know?
The only thing I'm curious about is which next date is gonna be the "End of times" after they realise nothing happens in 2012.
2012: Disaster Pornography

mysticwarrior a dit:
mysticwarrior i don't quite get all that you want to say, but obviously you have your own view about the 2012 thing and religions and so on... yet i didnt also quite get what the connection to 2012 and everything seems to be. maybe i am too stupid to understand everything you wrote.... Wink

This must be because i am bad in explaining things in english ;) :D
I think it's very interesting what you're saying.
I've read some of the gospel of Thomas but I don't agree with some things written in it.
If possible I'd like to talk about this a bit more next wednesday. ;)
HeartCore a dit:
time wave zero by Terrence McKenna ends its wave in 2012, but only after he found out that it was the end of the mayan calender, so I'm unsure if anything will happen.

Actually Terence had calculated his timewave based upon mathematical patterns he discovered (as the first one in history), hidden in the king When sequence of the I-Ching. He intuitively (the mushroom spoke;)) felt that since this wave had a start and endpoint, he needed to find a start and end position in history for it since 'the mushroom said: this is a map of time'. He figured this out not by using the end date of the Mayan calendar as you suggest here, but by laying his wave over history and tweaking it (sllide it over the timeline of history), until he felt spikes in the wave, matched events in history. (you can find the thesis in the book invisible landscapes which he wrote together with his brother and there are also many lectures circulating, www.matrixmasters.com has a many)

It was only after the publication of Timewave Zero, that someone who had written extensively about the Mayan, pointed out to Terence that the end date of the Mayan calendar coincided with the end date of time wave zero.

What will happen, if anything (apart from the unique constellation/coniguration of the planets in relation to eachother), is not clear, which was also never claimed by Terence. He basically states it's a mystery, incomprehensible by any of us.

I think I read somewhere that after all of the calculations and fitting of periods of 'novelty' that the end of the time wave was somewhere close to the end of october 2012, then he adjusted the end to the mayan calender, to make it fit better? not sure. what ever happens, we know nothing at this time.
well the earth has been "destroyed" a bunch of times supposedly
i dont find it that hard to believe that were due for another one

and apocalypse translates to "lifting of the veil"

a lot of people argue over what that means
probably exactly what it says i hope

things never end i know that much
January '13: "Phew!"
February '13: ?
Feb '13: "Oh Shit!"
2012 is probably too soon for us to all die. There's gonna be a lot of famine first and when we find out how we have been raping the earth, the few who remain will treat her with respect. Don't fight the laws of nature.
well if nothing happens at least there's so much people talking about it that hopefully in the aftermath they'd just look around and see the bullshit in each others faces and stop believing in magical future scenarios for a change