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2000 possible dead cactus?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Ultima
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hey guys, i just got back from vacationing for 2 1/2 weeks. when i got home i saw my cactus seedlings (about 1 1/2-2 months old) and they seem to be very skinny, and a dark dark green. as soon as i saw them looking like that i got some wax paper and covered them, leaving a bit of space for air circulation.

this sucks. lol

but, on the up side, my 4x KK242 cuttings grew another inch, and are starting to get fat!
Um , er , whats the problem ? Baby cacti are small and dark green is good . The thin bit might be subjective or they have had to much water and / or fertiliser.......but them being dark green would indicate that thats not the case . Anyway dont worry as when they get older if looked after OK they will get fater . After they get fater you can cut the fat bit off and re root it . The hardest part of growing cacti is the first few months if they get over that they are hard to kill . Over watering is the bigest problem when growing cacti but it sounds like you have sussed the right amount to me .

Have you fertilised ? If so with what ? Useing the wrong fertiliser can fuck them and make them long and thin.......but then they tend to be lighter green .
i havent used any fertalizer. they are being grown in aluminum baking trays using normal dirt from outside, mixed with peat moss. some of the cacti are almost a redish colour, id say 30-40% are still alive.

ill keep you informed. ill post a pic as soon as i figure out where the camera is
so i managed to save about 90% of my cacti! when i was out of town, im almost positive the person i was having watch them didnt water them a single time, and they are sun burnt. i put some wax paper over them, and have been spraying them 2-3 times a day with a spray/mist, soaking the soil, and getting the cacti nice n moist. they are looking very healthy now, and it seems there are only about 5-10 dead cactus in each tray. they are starting to get wider, and taller, while producing a BUNCH of new spikes!

im glad i came back when i did.. i figure 1-2 more days without care would have permanently killed almost all of them.

I've had the same problem growing from seed. Maybe it's because I don't live in the desert where they get all the sun and heat but they always start out skinny. After about 2 years they get to the normal size and start to get top-heavy and bend over.

That's when you gotta cut............and eat.
yeah all my seedlings are growing now, and are actually starting to look like cactus! woot! i figure in the next 2-3 months i can transplant a bunch of em. a few are getting very fat, and others are skinnier and taller. once i get my cam, ill post some pics! (my kk242 are getting nice too!)