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1st marijuana grown, need some help about the ligth & he

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion ZeCarolas
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Matrice Périnatale
Greetings to all!
I´m about to start my own growning of marijuana, being cidral the species.
I want to know if 2 lamps of 100Watt(200Watts) are enough, or if 1 lamp it´s enough to plant only one plant. Being the first trying, I´m starting small :D
The other area I want help, is concern to the heat source. My room temperature is about 20 degrees celcious. Do I need to provide any form of heat to the closet(where lies the plant), and how can I provided it so that I don´t damage the plant.
For now it´s all, thanks for your atencion, and good smokes!
...by the way, I forgot to refer something that i think its important; i´ve got only 65cm for the plant to grow in high, is it ok, being a considerly small plant??
Thanks again!
Its going to be a challenge in that space. What type lamp do you have? HPS?

I dont know about 100WATS but a friend grew some decent bud under 200WATs HPS in a small closet. Heating should be ok, maybe you could heat a little during lights out but I personally woulnd mind 20 degrees with lights off.
the lamp it´s a common fluorescent lamp available in the supermarket´s. It´s a cold lamp, so that doesn´t provide heat and I´ve bought allready another one, so I´ve got 200 watt in ligh power.
The main concern I have, since the heat it´s ok:D, it´s the high, but the closet only allows me to grow 65 cm.
thanks again for the reply!
My little brother is growing some shit called "lowrider", it's a strain that only gets a couple feet high and it goes from seed to bud faster than any other strain as well. It's also incredibly potent :D

Just wanted to throw that out there. It's an option to look into.
Brewmaster a dit:
My little brother is growing some shit called "lowrider", it's a strain that only gets a couple feet high and it goes from seed to bud faster than any other strain as well. It's also incredibly potent :D

Just wanted to throw that out there. It's an option to look into.
when I (actually more my mother) started growing weed the first time, I just used a type that can handle the dutch weather quite well. Wasn't really planning on going professional with it, 'twas more for fun anyway :)
i suggest you buy some HPS bulbs. these are the easiest way to grow, its also under tube lightning but then youll need around 10-20 of em.
the smallest HPS bulb is 250W afaik
Indead you better use The yellow ones you can see to licht motorways do fine but not so easy to get one ha ha.
You can dicide by yourself how high you let your plant grow by reducing the light earlier so it will stop growing in hight and start to grow tops. It's lke the sun , when there is less sun the plant will produce tops. If you do not reduce the hours of light it will keep on growing in hight. :D
thanks everyone!
My seeds have just arrived, I´ll be posting the growning of the my newest baby:D
Hope it will be a strong and healthy one:D