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It was beautiful there!
I've been there before, but never been so in touch with nature and hiking around through the wild like this!
Just camping in the middle of nowhere, next to a lake is awesome!
this furthers my keenness to go to norway next year. too bad it's so damn expensive up there. I heard there are lots of mushrooms to be found in the woods
I thought this was pretty cool because I basically subconsciously drew a dragon.
I was just messing around with shapes and designs one day stoned and ended up with this:
some photos from yesterdays demonstration, it was bigger than anybody had expected. the police said it was about 10.000 people, the organisers said it was 40.000.
either way, there were a lot of people.
Good shots BP. looks like's a rather peaceful gathering of like minded people, what was the demonstration about? My german is not so good and I don't check the mainstream news that often.
Here's a picture of buddha overlooking today's semilanceata harvest.