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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brugmansia
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how come everything lumps back together in the end?
Thats the nature of the universe, it's like a breath in expansion and breathe out contraction... and everytime it forgot when it begins or when it ends so it's eternal because you begin again in the end, and each time it's a little better because of verbal consciousness like you and me which are sent here to experience it so fully and with so much intensity, that we bring back insight when we sucessfully die and go through the heart of the sun, not being enticed by the power of darkness or the peace of light-beings.

It's a fine balance, not many make it ! But we all agree it's intense !
can you imagine if the earth were like that? we wouldn't have airplanes! ok, maybe one world company for eager people with money. but transportation would be so cheap. one super big continent. a new pangea. maybe we'd have less wars as well since it would be harder to command bombings to your immediate neighbors.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
and each time it's a little better because of verbal consciousness like you and me which are sent here to experience it so fully and with so much intensity, that we bring back insight when we sucessfully die and go through the heart of the sun
You mentioned that you know the purpose of the universe. Is it related to the above?
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
we bring back insight when we sucessfully die and go through the heart of the sun

wouldn't this account for ever increasing information in the universe? it correlates with the expansion of it. don't black holes suck information? although, one could argue if there's any new information at all in the universe system. maybe it's all there waiting to be subjectively experienced. when all information has been learned there would be no more novelty to feed the system and the universe would collapse into itself in a massive big crunch, effectively producing the end of the world as we know it.

"don't black holes suck information?"

I`m not a rasist and sperm is information , what a pity mine isnt quite long enough to reach the center of the galaxy .
Yes , but it's more practical than that... the purpose of the universe is merely to make the experience more intense everytime, and the afterlife more complex of an experience... but that happens over billions of years so it's kind of irrelevant to our current experience. But eventually through means we will never be able to figure, it will become more and more perfect, with more and more variety, more senses, more colors ; that is the true vision of eternity. It cannot forget perse since we cannot know how it thinks, we can just know it's so way beyond our capacity that we ought to take it seriously, it's a kind of marriage with our souls which was done way before we took physical form.

Our purpose on earth however is to collect information that is invaluable ; in more ways we can imagine ; that will serve at all fractal levels of existance, this physical existance being the lowest or the root.

So your exeperience you consider maybe mundane might offer a key to the survival of the solar system, galaxy, universe etc... because down here is all archetypes like up there ; as above so below is a part of one truth that we can see.

I say might, because each galaxy has a critical mass of consciousness to build to "survive" "going home or the contracftion cycle" ; and galaxies clash sometimes, as is happening here with the sagitarius galaxy ; making it even more complex.

This is supposedly what happens in 2012, the end of time as a companion means that we become time, and as karma resolves in a new unique way, we become one... over, a timeline impossible to determine. It could be 100 years, it could be 2 billion.

It's the struggle to survive and learn how to die properly between the human and the reptilian agonist that gives answers to the sun... this is very hard to explain in words...

But I might try... I don't see what bases to rely upon to start however...
Thats very insightful of you ????????‚ (did that paste right?)

However if the universe is fractal it also has an unconscious, and thus it cannot know very much if all that has been learned has been... it can only know that it expanded so much that it's about to loose more in its unconscious than it can bring back sucessfully. So it contracts, collects the information, and even has a hall of mirror in itself we call the tao, which is a living machine that provides assistance to dying parts of galaxies to make sure some information is preserved, it seems very discriminative in that task. That is information from the holographic records... it's not meant to understand "god" but rather to give a sense to our purpose... because noone truely knows if it does indeed has an unconscious, it just seems to give it a direction, to make it evolve along.

So from our perspective it's a quite definitive movement, that can be calculated to a certain point. Thats why the maya know that the last cycle they can calculate is the "contraction cycle" (or 1 million something years) of the galaxy, which isn't really a contraction , rather a time freeze on its central axis, which makes a "backup" so to speak in mega radioactive crystals in its center. Thats the last cycle we're able to calculate... which organises the galaxies, or "god" we have simply no idea what it is, we cannot caracterise it in any manner.

Yes in orion's holographic records it is said that black holes are like the arms of the creator of this universe which peer through time and space to get an idea how it's going out there, and subjectively chooses to suck in some pieces, or sometimes just goes right thtough them only distorting like a telescope lens.
We are, like, ants looking at a skyscraper and wondering what the fuck is that.
Thats the nature of the universe, it's like a breath in expansion and breathe out contraction... and everytime it forgot when it begins or when it ends so it's eternal because you begin again in the end, and each time it's a little better because of verbal consciousness like you and me which are sent here to experience it so fully and with so much intensity, that we bring back insight when we sucessfully die and go through the heart of the sun, not being enticed by the power of darkness or the peace of light-beings.

There was a great discovery in the nineties showing that no, the universe is not going to contract but instead, will keep expanding with exponentially increasing speed. This expansion is going at such a rate that in a few million years, certain parts will go so fast in opposite directions that they will become unrecognizable from eachother.

I found that one of the most amazing conclusions of astrophysics in the last few decades.
Sources ?

It's all happening on such an immense scale, it would be hard to predict that we "know for sure" of anything.

That would be ridiculous... and even if I tried to explain to you that it does not happen in the third dimention, you would obviously be confused.

Citing scientific articles is like shitting on the philosopher in you, but go ahead and show us what you found, so we might discuss it.
Set the controls for the heart of the sun was right on the spot GOD