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1 gram mdma (dosage)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion ProStoner
  • Date de début Date de début
yah, do a half gram. That's good advice :retard: Why not just cut out the whole damn thing, suck it up your nose then chase it with a gallon of Jack Daniels.
What. :?
Half a gram of mdma for the entire evening realy is'nt that much.
Just enough imho.
Depends from person to person I guess.
DaZeD a dit:
What. :?
Half a gram of mdma for the entire evening realy is'nt that much.J

Then you have every bad mdma. Half a gram is crazy and very bad for your brain.

Just use about 150 mg and you will be flying high for 4 - 5 hours.
500 mg is overkill.

I once did about 400mg in one blow. The coming is so incredibly intense, it's not funny anymore, lol.

My sweet spot usually lies around 150-170mg. Luckily SWIM always gets the same quality. ;)
DevXavier a dit:
500 mg is overkill.

I once did about 400mg in one blow. The coming is so incredibly intense, it's not funny anymore, lol.

My sweet spot usually lies around 150-170mg. Luckily SWIM always gets the same quality. ;)
Well I bought half a gram at an outdoor party in august and the guy laughed when I asked him if I should take it completly or not and said half of it would be more then enough, it was mdma crystals.I started with a quarter at night and finished it in the morning.Combined with 2 blotters though, so maybe the effects where some how supprest, dunno, but it felt good for me, I do remember I was HEAVILY sweating though.
But didn't feel it was TOO much.
Ok.Seek yourself, you will find out yourself how much is enough. :wink:
How much usually contains one capsule?
Cause 2 are enough for me also.
I never have capsules..
mostly buy 1 gram and divide that in to 10 equal parts :) assuming its about 100 milligrams each and then I use 100-200 a night and thats more then enough
I have tried high dosages, with good friends or alone. It is too beautiful. It feels like a dream, that's the shame, too trippy to remember.
I get paranoid of mdma in the beginning, all these feelings, sounds, thoughts... I feel like mdma should be taken exponential, quite a big hit, then fueled with lesser each time.
yeah that's how I use mdma these days also petfles
I like taking it with some friends and chill at home.. and have a good session
LOL, it seems that lots of people have no idea of the proper MDMA dose or abused it.

500 miligrams? WTF!? Seriously, if you can take that dose on a night you must have build up an extremly high tolerance by lots of prior intakes. Which is nothing like the euphoric state by your first intakes.

I buy one gram of MDMA powder, on an entire night that lasts for 9 hours, 200 mg is enough.

Keep your tolerance for MDMA very low and save serotonin for about 4 months between each experience, take a relativly big hit, somewhere from 120 to 150 miligrams at once, and you'll FLY HEAVENLY!

MDMA is unfortunately abused way too much.