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  1. C

    What is the Matrix? reborn thread

    I don't think any of the statements I have posted here in the past one or two months have been simpleminded. In fact my views are extremely complex and subtle. Well, either I'm not intelligent at all, or the things I say aren't garbage. But whatever your conclusion may be, don't base it on...
  2. C

    What is the Matrix? reborn thread

    That's not true. I also use the term "conspiracy theorist" in a derogatory way, but I don't look up to Bush or ANY authority figure. Nor do I reject EVERYTHING people like David Icke, Alex Jones, Benjamin Fulford or Mike Adams say. The British monarchy IS evil, but they're not shapeshifting...
  3. C

    What is the Matrix? reborn thread

    If that is your preconceived notion of me (based on the past rather than the present), communication becomes a meaningless waste of time. Cheers!
  4. C

    What is the Matrix? reborn thread

    Let me clarify then: I do not discuss the DETAILS of conspiracy theories. I will not enter point by point discussions about building 7, HAARP, chemtrails and all the rest. You may also be confused about my statement because I DO talk about the rich conspiring against the poor. I also say that...
  5. C

    What is the Matrix? reborn thread

    Conspiracy theorist is certainly a derogatory term, just as "Truth Movement" is an euphemism. Not everyone who is interested in conspiracies is a conspiracy theorist. Many conspiracies are well documented. Declassified and leaked documents can all reveal genuine conspiracies going on. That the...
  6. C

    What is the Matrix? reborn thread

    Well, the forum was already fucked after years of neglect. At least zezt is keeping the English section active. But to make something clear: I'm neither a supporter of the Venus Project nor of Descartes. And I do not discuss conspiracy theories (9/11, chemtrails etc.), as they are a waste of time.
  7. C

    Gender and psychedelic culture.

    And to clear up the testosteron issue, let me quote some more from that page. Neurochemical differences Hormones Steroid hormones have several effects on brain development as well as maintenance of homeostasis throughout adulthood. One effect they exhibit is on the hypothalamus, where they...
  8. C

    Gender and psychedelic culture.

    It's not a matter of "having testosterone", but the quantity of it. From Wikipedia: On the basis of diffusion tensor imaging of 1,000 brain scans it has been shown that significant differences in wiring exist between male and female brains. Men's brains were shown to have stronger...
  9. C

    Gender and psychedelic culture.

    "It is pseudoscience" No, this is reputable science. In fact this is a field of science in which there's no room for disagreement. By the end of the second month, male fetuses start producing testosterone, which modulates their brain development. This differentiation is necessary for the...
  10. C

    What is the Matrix? reborn thread

    "He discounts 'spirit', and thus puts himself in with the patriarchal toxic myth-makers lineage." I don't see the logic in this statement. The patriarchal religions all believed in spirit. And the further you move into secular circules, the more men and women have equal rights and equal...
  11. C

    Why is no one interested that threads disappear from these forums?

    It is now clear who did it: BrainEater. And what I've understood from another member is that he was already in the habit of deleting threads that he had started himself. But recently he took it to a new level, deleting dozens of threads started by others. Though I've never had any disagreement...
  12. C

    Rock Extrême & Metal

  13. C

    What is the Matrix? reborn thread

    I think that video is mostly bullshit. First of all, there's no evidence whatsoever that the current elite of super rich families has anything to do with the Illuminati. Historically, the Illuminati were a group of intellectuals supporting Enlightenment ideals, who were opposed to the monarchies...
  14. C

    What is the Matrix? reborn thread

    I'm aware that Jacques Fresco has a rather materialistic world view. So although I like his designs and many of his ideas about culture, I do not necessarily subscribe to all his views. I'm also aware of the various conspiracy theories involving Jacques Fresco, created by right wing...
  15. C

    What is the Matrix? reborn thread

    "So-called 'education' is the first full on mind control we all face from being very young. Some of these rich evil sadists got sent to boarding school when they were kids. So they are extremely indoctrinated, because they cannot even escape that place and go home." Absolutely. Reminds me...
  16. C

    Psychonautdocs.com - Documents for serious Psychonauts

    This is a logical fallacy called Argumentum ad hominem. It indicates you don't have valid counterarguments, and so revert to character assassination in a desparate attempt to devalue what the other has said. This is typical of people driven by a certain ideology, rather than committed to reason...
  17. C

    Gender and psychedelic culture.

    Many more names here: Erowid Women & Psychoactives Vault And very relevant to this topic: Women and Psychoactives: A Brief Overview
  18. C

    Psychonautdocs.com - Documents for serious Psychonauts

    It has nothing to do with laziness. When you quote some text that is more than a few sentences, and don't point out HOW it contradicts what I wrote, I will not read it. I watched this lecture today, by developmental biologist Lewis Wolpert. He's presenting his case very well. No bullshit...
  19. C

    Psychonautdocs.com - Documents for serious Psychonauts

    No. If you want to make a point, do so in your own words, and make sure it's relevant to the things I wrote. You can't expect others to read lengthy articles. And whether someone calls those differences "bullshit" is irrelevant. Creationists call evolution bullshit and in an argument will urge...
  20. C

    Gender and psychedelic culture.

    The people I interviewed were Kathleen Harrison, Alysson Grey, Carolyn Garcia ("Mountain Girl") and Joanna Harcourt-Smith. The interviews can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/user/psychonautchannel/videos The names of the other women speaking at the conference can be found here: Welt...
  21. C

    Gender and psychedelic culture.

    When I went to the World Psychedelic Forum in Basel, Switzerland, in 2008, I encountered (and interviewed) many female psychedelic 'celebrities'. They were mostly anthropologists, psychotherapists (for example involved in ibogaine treatment) and artists. Very few of them had published books, but...
  22. C

    Entheogens of Antiquity: The Golden Apples of Immortality

    This article was written by Scott Teitsworth - author of Krishna in the Sky with Diamonds - and appeared in the PsypressUK 2013: Anthology of Pharmacography. PsypressUK 2014 is out now and available here: PsypressUK 2014 I recently discovered a fascinating connection between ancient Indian and...
  23. C

    Psychonautdocs.com - Documents for serious Psychonauts

    I'd rather keep bumping THIS thread, because of its OP (documents that are of interest to all serious psychonauts). Moreoever, I have already presented my position here (and so has zezt), so I don't feel like repeating it elsewhere.
  24. C

    Principia Discordia

    Anyone here familiar with the Principia Discordia? http://www.principiadiscordia.com/ "The time has come for people to start thinking for themselves. Towing other people’s lines and doing other peoples bidding has not worked so far. In fact, it's getting hard to avoid noticing just how...
  25. C

    The Eleusinian Mysteries

    This is a restored thread (the original one was deleted by a former moderator). Some comments from the original thread: Abej^a G. wrote: yeah man good work!!! you made me curious! I find it... Amrita: in Hindu mythology is -water of eternal life- ...in fact, -immortal-... for the...
  26. C

    The Eleusinian Mysteries

    "After having acquired all which it was possible for him to learn of the Greek philosophers and, presumably, become an initiate in the Eleusinian mysteries, Pythagoras went to Egypt, and after many rebuffs and refusals, finally succeeded in securing initiation in the Mysteries of Isis...
  27. C

    Where has my/our thread titled What is the Matrix? gone??!

    Yes, that works to some extent. Unfortunately, google only caches the first page of each thread. But I will restore some of the shorter threads that way. The Matrix thread was several pages however.
  28. C

    Psychonautdocs.com - Documents for serious Psychonauts

    There's nothing patriarchal about my stance. Patriarchy is "a social system in which males are the primary authority figures central to social organization, occupying roles of political leadership, moral authority, and control of property, and where fathers hold authority over women and...
  29. C

    How can you gain insight from a drug?

    Yes, I know. Grammar and rhetoric are the other two aspects of the trivium. And as you may be aware, I value those greatly (with rhetoric being about expressing oneself CLEARLY rather than persuasively; I'm not fond of rhetoric used for manipulative purposes). Well, IF this is HeartCore's view...
  30. C

    How can you gain insight from a drug?

    No, I was already familiar with the logical fallacies long before I heard about Jan Irvin's interest in the Trivium, and have always had mixed feelings about them. On the one hand they're extremely useful (as you point out particularly in the context of talking and writing, or more specifically...
  31. C

    Psychonautdocs.com - Documents for serious Psychonauts

    Because this weekend I was busy playing with my kids, and on Monday had to work again. But the mystery has been solved. BrainEater went full retard.
  32. C

    Where has my/our thread titled What is the Matrix? gone??!

    MYSTERY SOLVED: And he didn't just delete that thread. He deleted DOZENS of threads! And it goes on for several pages. Hey Braineater: YOU SUCK!!!!
  33. C

    Where has my/our thread titled What is the Matrix? gone??!

    I do care, a lot. In the past we have banned members for deleting their posts (making threads unintelligible). Deleting threads is even worse, because fellow forum members have spent valuable time composing their comments. Only a person with total disregard for others would delete a...
  34. C

    Psychonautdocs.com - Documents for serious Psychonauts

    Zezt, you are free to turn your back on biology, neurology and neurochemistry. Likewise I'm free to appreciate scientific progress. And there's no doubt about it that men and women have different bodies and therefore different nervous systems, modulated by different hormones. You may call it BS...
  35. C

    Psychonautdocs.com - Documents for serious Psychonauts

    Timothy Leary, Terence McKenna, Alan Watts, Robert Anton Wilson, Ken Kesey, Bill Hicks, Joe Rogan...all men. There are some prominent women in the psychedelic movement, for example Kathleen Harrison, Allyson Grey, Carolyn Garcia and Ann Shulgin, but they are much less vocal than the men are...
  36. C

    Psychonautdocs.com - Documents for serious Psychonauts

    Hahaha... Indeed. But this is not unique to psychedelic research. Most great philosophers, mathematicians and scientists were men. And so were the pioneers in the areas of humanistic and transpersonal psychology. And hasn't this forum been "dominated" by men too? In fact, aren't most online...
  37. C

    How can you gain insight from a drug?

    It doesn't get more retarded than this: Jan Irvin, How To Stop Chemtrails - YouTube [YOUTUBE]
  38. C

    How can you gain insight from a drug?

    Yes, although there's certainly some value in being familiar with the logical fallacies, simply learning those fallacies by heart (and repeating them by rote) is not going to help you discover the truth of existence, nor does it protect you from cognitive bias and buying into deluded ideas (like...
  39. C


    Good luck with the meadery! I used to sell mead, a couple of years ago. Not made by myself, but by a Dutch beekeeper (the brand name was Ambrosia, which was also the name of my shop). People would come from far and wide to purchase a few boxes.
  40. C

    RT Breaking the Set - interview with Alex and Allyson Grey

    "On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin calls out the Foreign Policy Initiative or FPI, a DC neocon think tank that rose out of the ashes of PNAC. Abby discusses the real motivation behind their recent attacks against the credibility of Breaking the Set; advocating for a revival of...
  41. C

    What Are The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Cannabis?

    Cannabis itself is relatively neutral in its effects, so smoking cannabis doesn't guarantee spiritual development. It's what you do aside from smoking cannabis that determines whether the smoking is helpful or detrimental to your personal growth. Cannabis can be a source of inspiration for...
  42. C

    Psychonautdocs.com - Documents for serious Psychonauts

    This is a great collection of research papers, videos, podcasts and websites related to transpersonal psychology and psychedelic therapy: Documents for serious Psychonauts PDF Files: A Review of Transpersonal Theory and Its Application to the Practice of Psychotherapy...
  43. C

    Music for psychonauts. Music while you trip

    This YouTube channel has great uploads: The Psychedelic Muse - YouTube I'm now listening to...Ancestral Lullabies. Ancestral Lullabies [Full Compilation] - YouTube
  44. C

    Rock Extrême & Metal

    Mon fils: [video=youtube;ivX4Nrsz0o0] [video=youtube;B3GRaknf-9U] [video=youtube;2Fg_qF4Njkc]
  45. C

    Piratenpartij: geef cannabisteelt vrij

    Piratenpartij: geef cannabisteelt vrij om criminaliteit te stoppen en banen te creëren. Tegen beter weten in blijft Nederland vasthouden aan een streng drugsbeleid. Dit is een aanpak die bewezen niet werkt en de maatschappij veel geld kost. De Piratenpartij ziet een goed alternatief in het...
  46. C


    Nowadays most vaccines don't contain thiomersal anymore, nor is it still believed that occasional ingestion of tiny amounts of thiomersal is harmful: Thiomersal is an organomercury compound used as a preservative in vaccines since the 1930s to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination.[5]...
  47. C


    Nowadays most vaccines don't contain thiomersal anymore, nor is it still believed that occasional ingestion of tiny amounts of thiomersal is harmful: Thiomersal is an organomercury compound used as a preservative in vaccines since the 1930s to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination.[5]...
  48. C

    if you ask me, enlightenment does care how you get there...

    For context, I'll post the entire chapter here. The Lazy Man's Guide To Enlightenment, by Thaddeus Golas, 1972 CHAPTER TEN How You Get There There are many paths to enlightenment. Some of us who have expanded to a degree of illumination have thereafter preached the dogmatic certainty of one...
  49. C

    if you ask me, enlightenment does care how you get there...

    Can you explain what it is exactly that you find stupid about the phrase? You think enlightenment is dependent on one particular course of action? One particular tradition? One particular method? To me the statement means it doesn't matter how you get there (meditation, psychedelics, study of...
  50. C

    To fill the universe with more pink elephants!

    Welcome Rups! :+1: You can say that again! :rolleyes:
  51. C

    Helloooo sunshine! :D

    Great! It's nice to see so many new members. Welcome! :D
  52. C

    New, but not really new :)

    My favorites too. :D Welcome Max!
  53. C


    Welcome! :D
  54. C

    Hoe dit forum weer actief te krijgen!

    Ah, alweer terug gevonden. Idee van het Silent Center had ik in dit topic in oktober 2007 ter sprake gebracht. Maar vervolgens, met het oog op meelezende autoriteiten, grotendeels gedelete. Gelukkig had ik het ook aan iemand gemaild, dus de tekst heb ik nog. Een paar citaten: I want to create a...
  55. C

    Hoe dit forum weer actief te krijgen!

    Bakkie koffie lijkt me een goed idee. Ik ben nu vaak bij je in de buurt, dus zou je een dezer dagen op kunnen halen. Hoef je enkel de trein terug te nemen. Maar boerderij is een groot woord hoor. Boerderijtje omschrijft het beter. Al gaan er nog wel een paar ruimtes bij gebouwd worden (het...
  56. C

    CM here

    Thanks Monad! By the way, I love your name, avatar and location. A couple of months ago I helped create a website which is pretty much all about the monad: http://www.mathmonism.com
  57. C

    Who is still around?? I havnt been on for years!

    I'm back. And my aim is to make this a lively, spam-free forum again. Stay tuned. :)
  58. C

    Hoe dit forum weer actief te krijgen!

    Hoi Mystic! De afgelopen weken (of maanden) was de registratiepagina defect. Dit is nu gerepareerd, dus we kunnen weer kennissen uitnodigen en nieuwe leden verwelkomen. Ik zal proberen om weer regelmatig nieuwsberichten te plaatsen, of nieuwe topics te beginnen. Ik heb de afgelopen 5 jaar...
  59. C

    How can you gain insight from a drug?

    You left out one factor: the presence of one or two sitters. Since the experience leading up to the point of ego-death can be terrifying, we need some encouragement to stop resisting and instead push through to the other side. Whether that sitter is a psychotherapist, a shaman or a good friend...
  60. C

    Information about traffic code in Nederland regarding use of cannabis (and alcohol)

    The use of cannabis in traffic is illegal. Generally the police only check for alcohol in your breath, but if they have reason to believe you're high, or if you got involved in an accident, they can also let you do a saliva test. If it turns out you've been smoking cannabis, you can get a fine...
  61. C

    CM here

    Greetings psychonauts! Boy, it's been a while: almost five years since I frequented this forum. I've lived in different places since then, studied different philosophies, and seen my children (now 12 and 14) transform into amazingly talented and perceptive individuals. I have made new friends...
  62. C


    A blatant lie was exposed in this thread, but it has been removed. Someone deemed it more important to remove a lie than to address the liar. The emotional undercurrents of GOD's attitude towards me were expressed in the first post by Daniel, which from my perspective consisted of a whole list...
  63. C


    Sorry Forkbender. It must have been really weird for you, trying to log into that account and not getting in. It must have been a source of stress for you, not just that particular day but all the way up to the present. You must have felt deeply disappointed about me. And so must others have...
  64. C


    Yes, not could. I should have handled it differently.
  65. C

    Psychonautica 77 - Stan Grof seminar pt.4

    Nice one Max. Good that you asked that question, he gave a very interesting answer. Looking forward to the next Freakout Friday.
  66. C


    Yes, I crossed the line. And I understand nobody agrees with me. I will no longer defend my action. I apologize. I apologize to all members whom I've wronged. I feel embarrassed about it. It was silly. Maybe I could have handled it differently. It felt like the right thing to do, but I guess...
  67. C


    The reason why I want to know whether you all read the first posts by Daniel is that it contained a lot of assumptions about my private life, including my own thought processses and trip experiences. Part of a civilized solution of this conflict would be that we go over all these misgivings one...
  68. C


    Thanks Space. Heh, not sure what you mean exactly, but it reminds me of a scene in a movie I saw the day before yesterday: The Love Guru
  69. C


    Doesn't make much of a difference. Pinealjerker was my first account here, and I joined after Shroomlady personally invited me. That was indeed early 2007, not 2006. Practically all of the content of that site was written before 2007, most of it between 2003 and 2006. I've said a couple of...
  70. C


    P.S.: I realize I cannot possibly convince you that I have no more administrative rights. This doubt of yours almost crashed the forum, gave rise to a provocative sock puppet and conspiracy theories. To prevent further damage to the forum, I have the following suggestion. You ban "Caduceus...
  71. C


    So did you, or did you not? Well, those posts were in violation of the forum rules (I guess that's why they were removed), but so was the person who created the sock puppet. That's why all moderators have to study them for themselves, otherwise how can they make a fair assessment of the...
  72. C


    Just some observations after a good night's rest: I didn't receive any further PM's. Daniel's posts have been removed, but I can't see who did this, or for what reason. It seems his account has been deleted rather than frozen. It's also unclear to me whether all the moderators and...
  73. C


    To all the moderators: do not forget to study the four posts by Daniel.
  74. C


    Hi Nomada, I just sent an explanation to Tiax, and I'll send you a copy in a few seconds. Any else who wants to read it, let me know.
  75. C


    OK, I'll send you a PM, which will be an English translation of the PM I wrote in answer to magickmumu's question on the previous page.
  76. C


    Oleg/GOD has returned as Daniel. If anyone wants to read my response to what he has written so far, let me know by PM. I will not respond in public.
  77. C

    Your greatest fear.

    I understand, and fortunately there's not much to fear. They live in a safe environment and are by nature cautious. Me worrying about possible doom scenarios is not going to help them, and like you said may even have averse effects. In her case it was as follows: she had taken a break from her...
  78. C

    Your greatest fear.

    No, they live with their mother, but I see them every weekend. Actually of all the things that happened in recent years, the physical pain was worst, because there was no way I could forget about that. While trying to fall asleep, tripping or playing with my kids, the signal was always there...
  79. C

    Kundalini yoga

    I didn't realize, or forgot rather, that in the West Kundalini Yoga is usually related to the teachings of Yogi Bhajan. As I read just now on Wikipedia: "While adhering to the three pillars of Patanjali's traditional yoga system (discipline, self-awareness and self-dedication) Kundalini Yoga...
  80. C

    Ice ?

    Indeed. I naively thought the topic was about ice hash...
  81. C

    Your greatest fear.

    This happened to me within a time span of 6 years. First my beloved brother died, then my grandmother went blind, another grandmother died, then my father died, and my blind grandmother received euthanasia. In this period my mother almost lost her leg due to post-traumatic dystrophy (which we...
  82. C


    Right. And it was meant to last until Dr.Leospace would come back from his holiday, so we could discuss what needed to be done. It wasn't even meant as a "kick". When threads were being split, and all moderators including the Site Admin continued to turn a blind eye to GOD's behavior, I decided...
  83. C

    Cannabis shows promise as treatment for swine flu

    During the flu mucus may take on any color: yellow, green...
  84. C


    Surely the current debacle alienated some members, and I agree there haven't been as many inspiring or thought-provoking topics as there used to be, but it's difficult to say it's because of a particular thing that happened, or because of someone's presence or absence. On many forums post...
  85. C

    Cannabis shows promise as treatment for swine flu

    Because a chronic discharge of sticky mucus could be the result of a sinus infection. Yellow is OK. After vaporizing, my tongue always gets covered by a yellow layer, so I can imagine your mucus also turns yellow.
  86. C


    That's not what I was referring to. All my colleagues know what I've done, we do discuss such things over lunch you know, but since they have not been a witness to all that occurred in the past one or two years, they have no way to tell whether it was a wrong or right thing to do. From a...
  87. C

    Along for the ride

    "Space is king or so I sing a subway to Venus" Welcome to the forum Spaceking!
  88. C

    Evolution? Or are we only getting dumber?

    My thoughts exactly. It saddens me... :cry: It is. Do you think there will be a tipping point, where knowledge conquers the troublemakers, and reigns the world from that time onward?
  89. C

    Cannabis shows promise as treatment for swine flu

    Is it a fluid or a sticky mucus? And does it have other characteristics, like a strong taste?
  90. C

    ET's and UFO's

    I know what I saw (trailer, three minutes) http://www.iknowwhatisawthemovie.com/
  91. C

    Your greatest fear.

    Hmm, now that you mention it, that (getting stuck somewhere) used to be a fear of mine, but not anymore.
  92. C

    Cannabis shows promise as treatment for swine flu

    When you have a cold, the increase of mucus is your body's way of getting rid of the infection. Hence the runny nose, a symptom that should never be suppressed. Or as someone else said it at getridofthings.com: "Mucus is a very natural part of your body. And you don't want to get rid of it...
  93. C

    Your greatest fear.

    LOL, very familiar! Just two or three weeks ago I took five blotters and when I was starting to peak I called my ex-wife (who had requested this). After some incoherent talk as well as ecstatic rapture (because of the incantation), I started having visions of accidents, chaos, physical decay and...
  94. C

    Cannabis shows promise as treatment for swine flu

    If you smoke the plant shown in that picture, you're gonna get a bad cough!! This article is quite old, from April. I remember it appearing as a press release right after the swine flue hit the media. Sounded like a premature conclusion at the time, or an advertisement for certain cannabis...
  95. C


    Nice to hear from you again chimp!