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Le forum des amateur·ices de drogues et de l'exploration de l'esprit

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  1. T

    Chat room feature

    Okay, an unofficial irc chat room for psychonaut.com already exists the following link will help you join the room with an IRC client http://www.psychonaut.com/events-friends/27388-psychonaut-irc-chatroom.html to join the chat room using a web browser use this link...
  2. T

    #Psychonaut IRC-chatroom

    Bump. Start using chat everyone, it would be fun connecting with all you creative and intelligent psychonauts
  3. T

    What happened to Ketamine?

    I've done ketamine only once till now when a doctor psychonaut gave me a fresh bottle of it. I had the most ego crushing experience on ketamine 3 years back when I entered the k-hole. I couldn't move and was taken to a completely different world, it did teach me a lot of secrets about life and...
  4. T

    Chat room feature

    Come on admins of this website! A live psychonaut chat would be a very creative outflow and inflow of live information on psychonautism for everyone
  5. T

    Psychonaut or Druggie?

    I think there is a thin line between psychonautism and being a druggie, and it's easy to tip over to the druggie side. Your regular pothead is not a psychonaut. A real psychonaut would travel his or her mind using psychedelics and then ingrain and imply what has been learned from the experience...
  6. T

    Psychedelic drugs, magical thinking and psychosis.

    Nice read. Especially for people like me who have experienced both the bliss and psychosis on psychedelics. A good trip could alter your life for the better and a bad one could either teach you immensely about life or take you to a state of psychosis. Set and setting and the mind state prior to...
  7. T

    Chat room feature

    These are one of my favorite forums about psychedelics and philosophy with amazing discussions going on. It would be fun if you could add a chat room feature to this website, as it would help psychonaut interact with other fellow psychonauts live. Imagine having a chat while having some...
  8. T

    movies & reality

    If you can't contribute to a topic intelligibly without a condescending attitude I suggest you don't post at all. Think before hitting the reply button 'dude'
  9. T

    mind of no expectation

    I think we humans will always be in tunnel vision mode. That tunnel may cover maybe infinite consciousness or it may be narrowed down to doing a small task at hand or some studies, but it's always through a tunnel, either you may be focusing on the vast consciousness or on the small task but...
  10. T

    Art is the result of a subconscious human madness

    Are you saying that Tigers raised by a normal human or circus people are same as Tigers raised by Buddhist monks?? Even water crystals have proven to change their form through our thinking, imagine the effects the large number of meditative monks must be having on those tigers, you wouldn't...
  11. T

    Art is the result of a subconscious human madness

    I am not talking about negative or positive, I'm talking about the shift in art once a person learns to accept the emptiness of life. Sure, life exists in a variety of emotions and mental states, the emotions come and go as projections on this empty screen, but in the end what is left is...
  12. T

    a little bit traumatised braineater

    I can relate with you BrainEater There are too many stupid (or should i say unaware) people around talking simply for the sake of it, talks revolving mostly around money, disease, materialistic possessions or something negative. The media is filled with negative news, fights, accidents...
  13. T

    mind of no expectation

    Traveling is a great eye opening experience, especially if you travel and hitchhike to foreign places. I think traveling to foreign places expands your consciousness and forces you to see life from different angles, also it makes you feel more alive. However, it can also be an escape from life...
  14. T

    What's the difference between the different kinds of ecstasy ?

    Traditionally ecstasy is the street name primarily for the chemical MDMA, but pills are usually mixed with a variety of others drugs like speed, MDA etc. The intensity of your pill will depend on the quality and quantity of MDMA in it, which will be pretty difficult to predict. You wouldn't...
  15. T

    Art is the result of a subconscious human madness

    An evolved society would not mean a utopia without any problems. Problems would still be there, only our energies would be directed from power, duty, suicide etc. to emptiness, sex, creativity, nature, music, functional work, traveling etc. Such a drama less reality is definitely possible and...
  16. T

    Art is the result of a subconscious human madness

    ^ forget animated movies, I just used them as an example, I'm simply discussing here, not imposing my view on anyone. What I'm trying to say is, in an evolved society there wouldn't be much drama to create movies like the Hamlet, so people wouldn't be able to relate to it. Of course maybe we'd...
  17. T

    Art is the result of a subconscious human madness

    By madness i don't mean the literal psychiatric definition of madness. I'm talking about the subconscious or conscious distortions that exist in almost the entire humanity, which will supposedly go away as we mentally evolve. The subconscious madness that makes us rejoice in dark art or...
  18. T

    Art is the result of a subconscious human madness

    I'm not talking about burrying your head in the sand when the dark emotions do arise in life as my heart is large enough for both light and dark natured reality as well, nor am i condemning anybodies choice of art. All I'm wondering is if as i read originally would art or choice of...
  19. T

    Art is the result of a subconscious human madness

    Meditation has nothing to do with hippie fascism, i know you're being sarcastic but that is exaggerating the entire meaning of meditation. By meditation i don't mean only the stereotypical cliche of sitting cross legged with your eyes closed, i mean living in the present moment while...
  20. T

    Art is the result of a subconscious human madness

    What if you do meditation as a form of catharsis?? That would be like sublimating your madness instead of throwing it on a canvas. Then would you still be motivated to produce movies filled with drama or twisted art? Maybe if we all meditated regularly we would prefer more simplicity in our...
  21. T

    Art is the result of a subconscious human madness

    Also, if you notice many movies contain so much drama and lots of art contains twisted images as well. As I became more centered in life my interest in twisted movies dropped, I enjoy more of animated movies that have fantasy, surreal ness but wisdom in it. In an 'enlightened' society maybe we...
  22. T


    Okay, finally made kratom tea yesterday and got no nausea at all. How long am I supposed to boil it??
  23. T

    Art is the result of a subconscious human madness

    Long time ago I'd read some place that art is a result of the subconscious madness in our human mind, when our mind releases the madness then art disappears. I can't find the source anymore, but do you think it's true?? From my personal experience I find some truth in that statement. I was most...
  24. T

    mind of no expectation

    Depends the way you look at it. If you keep an end result in mind it's easier to mold the present into something that will give results in the future. I'm all for living in the present moment, but definitely we need to be cautious of unforeseen circumstances that arise in the future. You need to...
  25. T


    Bump, anyone ?? I'm liking the high, but for some reason am getting nausea......
  26. T


    For some reason, I'm getting nausea after consuming kratom, despite the fact that my kratom powder is of high quality. Any tips to reduce the nausea?? :puke: Am I consuming too much?? Or is my method of consumption wrong?? I've been taking some in a spoon and swallowing it with water. I'm sick...
  27. T

    movies & reality

    Spirited Away was another mind expanding animated film
  28. T

    mind of no expectation

    I don't plan my emotional states, but I try to keep a mind of no expectation while living in the present moment. The mind is such that we need to chalk down our future goals and ambitions, and at times whenever we live in the future we're full of anxiety, but at the same time we need to think...
  29. T


    In my case, I used to get a little lazy after smoking cannabis, or too engrossed in doing fun things like eating, watching videos or traveling. I think it also depends on the kind of strain you use and the set and setting.
  30. T


    I got creative after I started smoking cannabis. I came up with two digital images using a software at school. But now that I've experienced being creative on cannabis and other psychedelics, I feel I can tap into that creative state without any psychedelics, simply meditation is enough. And...
  31. T

    movies & reality

    Lets discuss movies that expand your mind without getting too dark in this thread: Life of Pi is one from my side, Titanic was another. I want to watch Contact Amongst the animated are Up, Wall-E Entertaining animated ones are Shrek - All parts, Tintin, Madagascar, Puss in boots
  32. T

    movies & reality

    ^ Animated movies are the future
  33. T

    Colorado, Washington VICTORY

    Change is happening = )
  34. T

    The effects of Cannabis on your Dreams?

    I've smoked hash which has a higher percentage of THC as well, but again i got life like dreams when i would take a break from smoking. Like some crazyyy dreams.... I still get them... Before cannabis happened to me my dreams were never so intense
  35. T

    2012 do u believe the mayans???

    When the world will end it will end, again i stick to my view that the Mayans could not have predicted it. Till it ends we might make it a beautiful heaven worth living in for everybody and the future generations to come. Also, you never know if modern technology could eliminate the problem...
  36. T

    2012 do u believe the mayans???

    Don't you think more and more people are 'waking up' now than ever before? Working conditions and general lifestyle has become better/is becoming better for most of humanity than earlier. We no longer have ridiculous concepts like slavery or untouchability which were present in earlier times in...
  37. T

    The effects of Cannabis on your Dreams?

    I smoke strains of naturally grown outdoor weed which have a good CBD to THC ratio cause i feel its way safer on the mind and kills a lot of anxiety than high THC strains. Usually, its when i take a break from cannabis I get ultra life like dreams which seem as if I'm awake in an alternate...
  38. T


    I did power yoga for two years after which I started weight training with a personal trainer at a gym around 5 months back. I learned all the forms of the exercise at the gym and then quit it to create my own gym at my place with compound barbell training. I usually have a spotter whenever i...
  39. T

    Truffles/Philosopher stones

    What do you mean by PC? I found this site that accepts cards and delivers spores internationally, but I think those are spores of cubensis mushrooms. Would it be easy to go those? Here is the link Spores Which type would be the easiest to grow? Thanks for an elaborate informative reply
  40. T

    Truffles/Philosopher stones

    Any legit sites you guys know that will sell truffle spores and ship them internationally?? Is it legal to ship the spores?? I've heard cultivating truffles is not too difficult.
  41. T

    Truffles/Philosopher stones

    Cultosaurus, i'll contemplate of growing them myself, but i don't really have the privacy to cultivate them, so i'll save that plan for later. Have any of you OUTSIDE of Holland been able to receive the truffles in recent times? PM me some sources or list them here if you know any legitimate...
  42. T

    Truffles/Philosopher stones

    Hey guys, i read about the Magic Truffles on this site, i absolutely had no idea about them till i read a post on the topic. I've done mushrooms and acid earlier, and I'm kind of done with most psychedelics other than weed, but still I might want to give them a try =) so can you recommend any...
  43. T

    How can I succeed in life?

    If the feeling is there you probably DO have the potential to be moderately successful, besides success is something very personal, it's definition will vary according to the person. Don't get caught in the trap where you're constantly comparing yourself to others as we're conditioned to do so...
  44. T

    Amanita Muscaria smoked

    Are you sure? I tried again, this time only rolled it with the tobacco minus the weed and I definitely felt the high again =) It doesn't feel like a high from smoking toxic substances, but has a clean feel to it. Will one dried flat amanita muscaria cap when consumed give a high?
  45. T

    Amanita Muscaria smoked

    I forgot to add this combination of A. Muscaria Skin (red/orange) + Tobacco + Grass could also amplify your sexual experience, and i definitely missed my ex for a short amount of time during my high ;) The smoke can be slightly harsh, but its definitely not that much of a challenge to inhale...
  46. T

    Amanita Muscaria smoked

    This was my first time with A. Muscaria. As i had only one dried cap of Amanita Muscaria i had no option but to smoke it, cause I assumed one cap when eaten would give a negligible high. After this experience I'm contemplating of getting a few more pieces maybe. I rolled up 1/5th of the...
  47. T

    my first experience with amanita muscaria

    I've heard Amanita Muscaria can be rolled with tobacco and smoked as well. What are the effects when smoked? How long does the high last?
  48. T

    Humans are nothing but pigs.

    +1 I agree with this one hundred percent, I'm living in a third world country and I'm experiencing the drawbacks first hand. This is coming from a person who has traveled to many developed places in the world including United States several times. Thankfully even though I come from a backward...
  49. T

    heal the body with the mind?

    Sure, everything cannot be healed by the mind alone, but you can always use those techniques as a supplement to your medicines. I'm sure a person would heal faster with medicines and meditation/mindfulness than with medicines alone. Plus the effects would last for a longer time
  50. T

    movies & reality

    And I agree with your post brah =) lovely one One thing that is positive about watching movies is you can learn something about life from a good movie without experiencing it first hand. It allows you to live a little more and expand your vision a little, also you can avoid making mistakes in...
  51. T

    Are humans really evolving or are we programmed as other animals??

    ^ I agree with you on most of the points, but I think of money more as a tool and a medium of exchange, store. It's similar to a hammer, it can be used to create wonderful things or for destruction, it depends on the intention, mentality and level of awakening of the wielder. Besides, if people...
  52. T

    Are humans really evolving or are we programmed as other animals??

    One person's needs may be another person's wants. One may be complacent staying in an apartment a 3rd world country, another will only be happy in a villa with air conditioning. Although basic needs are all common, beyond that it gets slightly subjective. Someone's thinking may be on the...
  53. T

    Are humans really evolving or are we programmed as other animals??

    "Every morning in Africa, When the Sun rises, A deer awakens, Knowing it has to outrun the fastest Lion, Or, be hunted to death... But... When the Sun rises, A lion awakens, Knowing it has to outrun the slowest deer, Or, be starved to death... It does not matter whether you are a deer or lion...
  54. T

    the compulsion of society to judge

    Wow, firstly you guys write amazing stuff, its great learning experience to read your posts. We talk about others judging but the truth is we all judge although we may not speak it out loud. Our mind is consciously or subconsciously constantly forming minor/major judgements when we perceive...
  55. T

    Are humans really evolving or are we programmed as other animals??

    Another query i had for you guys. Law of attraction says the more love you give out the more positivity, harmony and love you attract in your own life then how Mafia leaders/Terrorist Leaders/Heroin or Meth and other megalomaniacs attract such a massive amount of money?? These are the scum of...
  56. T

    Are humans really evolving or are we programmed as other animals??

    As you said animals kill when they are hungry or threatened, thus they are putting their own needs above the animal they are eating. Can't we compare this to the current corporate world where the 'stronger' human is exploiting the 'weaker' human to attain his goals by using currency as a medium...
  57. T

    Are humans really evolving or are we programmed as other animals??

    Lately there is a lot of scientific/spiritual news saying that we are energy vibrating at certain frequency and we can change the world by using our own energy. So basically if everything is energy there is no difference at the core of all forms and everything comes out of one source...
  58. T

    how do i get past restlessness?

    Osho Dynamic Meditation & Kundalini Meditation are active meditation techniques that are fun to do. Basically, they involve activity and catharsis at start which prepare you to sit calmly afterwards so you won't really feel restless. Another fun to do meditation is the Osho gibberish...
  59. T

    Old weed vs nowadays weed

    +1 I stick to good old fashioned weed which has a higher CBD compared to THC. Somehow i like that high more and consider it way safer on the mind than weed with high THC. Earlier when i used to smoke high THC hash i used to feel a little sedated, now after a break of 1 year i smoke weed rarely...
  60. T

    Your creative work, second edition

    Jesus christ your art is amazing! Have you thought of becoming an professional abstract painter.......
  61. T

    how do i get past restlessness?

    I think you're overanalyzing your restlessness cause some restlessness is bound to be there where you're meditating for a long time in a fixed position. It is something very innate in most human beings. If your restlessness is so intense that you cannot focus on your meditation technique at...
  62. T

    2012 do u believe the mayans???

    +1 The primitive should not be taken too seriously in such matters. Its like taking an opinion from the neanderthal man to repair a modern computer. Man has never been as evolved as he is right now - mentally, spiritually, scientifically, technologically. Definitely modern lifestyle/man has new...
  63. T

    glands and chakras

    I've always doubted the presence of Chakra's and considered them as fiction although i'm open to the fact that i may be wrong. If the entire body is an energy field, why is enlightenment referred to the crown chakra?? The entire body is vibrating matter/energy with a consciousness. Isn't the...
  64. T


    Do not completely dismiss your emotions that you are doing something 'wrong' during a trip. Sometimes it can just indicate you have learned enough from tripping and its time to integrate and implement those experiences in your daily life. Basically after a certain amount of trips, there are...
  65. T

    heal the body with the mind?

    Majority of the illnesses present in our body are psychosomatic, i.e. they have physical symptoms but emerge from mental problems. I truly believe you can heal your body by healing your mind with practices like exercise, yoga, meditation, living in the present moment, programming your...
  66. T

    movies & reality

    I think movies are a medium an average man gets to live his dreams which are usually influenced by upbringing, culture or media. Eg: People who deep down want to be a tough guy gangster but didn't become one in real life are obsessed with gangster movies like Godfather. People who like the idea...
  67. T

    animals as therapists

    Animals are therapists in their own way. When you pet a dog or a cat your brain releases this chemical oxytocin which makes one feel relaxed & stress free. I have two dogs & I feel they contribute a lot of happiness & love to my house. Animals like dogs are friendly & egoless in most cases which...
  68. T

    Cocaine & Olanzapine

    Hey no problem, i understand your warning. According to my recreational usage i was thinking about using it around 5-6 times a year. Provided everything goes well the 1st time (I'm not sure I'll be doing it yet) Will i still get hooked on if i do it 5-6 times a year
  69. T

    Cocaine & Olanzapine

    Thanks for your reply. Are you sure that there is no dangerous interactions between cocaine and olanzapine though? I value my life and i don't want any psychosis or death. I have done MDMA several times without any addiction or dependence to the substance. Will i be able to do the same with...
  70. T

    Cocaine & Olanzapine

    Thanks for the warning. I've done MDMA without any psychological problems. In that case will i be able to do cocaine without a psychosis too?? I don't mind if the effects of cocaine are reduced.
  71. T

    Cocaine & Olanzapine

    Olanzapine is psychiatric medicine. If i skip it for a day and do coke instead will the combination it be dangerous? And by recreational use of cocaine i mean few times in a year.
  72. T

    Cocaine & Olanzapine

    I have been prescribed Oleanz (Olanzapine) by the doctor for medical reasons. If i skip my pill for a day and do cocaine on the day will the substances still react?? Is it safe to do cocaine while on Olanzapine?? Also, can cocaine be used recreationally or if you are a user you have to be...
  73. T

    Do you ever get tired of "drugs"?

    I guess everyone reaches a stage where you get done with psychedelics or want to experience them less often. So you are kind of satisfied with the number of psychedelic experiences you have had. Especially in case of weed. Smoking weed everyday gets boring. Its more fun to smoke it less often...
  74. T

    Will Acid Help??

    Hi guys. I have been a pothead for the past 5 years, but still somehow i managed to do my graduation pretty decently. I've finally decided to wake up and get a hold over my life and be functional. I want to leave my past aside and start off fresh. I want to smoke less pot and get into a good...
  75. T


    You're a lucky chap. I too used to have my friends whenever i wanted earlier. Now i miss those days.
  76. T

    Input on marijuana lifestyles worldwide

    Cops in my country do not notice marijuana or hash in most cases unless you are blatant about it. Then you get caught and you have to pay a fine. There are plenty of smokers in my city, several times few of us gather and smoke in the park. Otherwise most smokers smoke indoors.
  77. T

    How Often? Why?

    I smoke around 4-5 times a week lately which is too much for me. Usually it is by the end of the day. I use it for recreational and meditative purpose. I also exercise and do a form of yoga and meditation. Slowly i plan to cut down to 2 days a week :)
  78. T


    I wholly agree with you. But in certain cases pills are necessary to cure the problem. I myself was depressed few months back, but now its eased due to regular exercise and yoga
  79. T


    Hi guys, until few months back i always had people around me. Now due to change in the situation i just meet few friends scattered over the week and my fiance is in another city for a few more months for a job so i'm pretty lonely. Any other psychonauts with few friends and a lot of time on...
  80. T

    LSD and death metal

    lol ^ anyway, Try some psychedelic music, its made for tripping download some chillout,dark & morning from http://www.psymania.com/ and see the fun when you trip
  81. T

    Pot and social anxiety

    +1 I used to be all anxious after getting stoned earlier. But now i can converse perfectly even after getting stoned. Or head for class or gym. Maybe its the LSD that has opened my mind up ;) Another tip is use eye-drops. At times after getting stoned the eyes get red which makes one feel...
  82. T


    Give her acid and magic mushrooms. Open her mind up. A good relationship is one which revolves around freedom, trust, truth and honesty :)
  83. T

    Psychonautic Sex...

    +1 I know many girls who after meeting me want to try psychedelics as well. Just be open to meeting all kinds of people. Be really open minded about it and you'll probably bump into some psychonaut chicks or convert a girl into one ;) Working on all areas of your life really helps this matter.
  84. T

    snorting molly

    Lol, 5 grams of mdma in a day is abuse. I prefer doing very few times a year, low doses. Unless its some kind of big festival i wouldn't do mdma without months of gaps in between ;)
  85. T

    Kundalini yoga

    Yoga is good for the flexibility of your body and to a certain extent your strength. If its power yoga, its good for fitness and strength too.. that's it. For exploring your mind learn some good meditations.
  86. T

    First time MDMA

    Hope your friend had a good time on MDMA :) (i mean if its clean crystals it HAS to be a lot of fun) Just don't do it often. Take long gaps of several (4-6) months if he plans to use it again. And for gods sake don't re-dose it on a comedown.
  87. T

    LSD.. is it going the way of the dodo?

    Never had any problem getting my hands on some good acid in the form of drops or blotters like Shiva oms or Hoffman's. Usually i get it if i go on a holiday to this city which is an 8 hr drive from my city. This place used to be a famous place for psychedelic trance music at one time. Parties...
  88. T

    First time doing "LSD"

    Meditate before, clear your mind as someone said. Make sure you are completely free when you do it. Keep some pre-rolled joints. Try doing it in a beautiful place if possible. The LSD comedown is the best feeling ever. Maybe if you have a gf you can have sex with her then :) Definitely...
  89. T


    I feel there is a possibility that LGBT is a result of strong conditioning and sexual repression. Maybe its not very natural. Maybe...
  90. T

    What would you tell your kids?

    I'll also encourage my child into meditation when they are around the age of 14-15years, that is a few years before they do any psychedelic including weed. I'm sure that way they will benefit, understand and mainly handle their psychedelic experience much better. And before they decided to...
  91. T

    My first "bad" trip

    Maybe your mushroom dose was massive. Oh yeah, the lsd afterglow rocks... =) Its so much fun to smoke joints in place with a lovely view.
  92. T

    What would you tell your kids?

    I'll tell my kids the truth about my psychedelic use. I'll let them know the fun, learning and the dangers in doing psychedelics. But all this is after they turn atleast 18-19years of age. In case they want to try any psychedelics like ayahuasca, lsd, mdma its after the age of 19years. I'll...
  93. T


    My partner is my life partner too. So basically you guys are open to sex outside your relationship??
  94. T

    My first "bad" trip

    Yep, 2 tabs is way too much for the 1st time. I think doing acid involves good & bad thoughts both. No trip can be 100% good. I've never had a sick feeling physically though. Yep.... =)
  95. T

    Meditation: Tips.

    Been practicing the Art of Living meditations for the last 3 months. They were pretty good. Soon I'm gonna try them stoned. Next Sunday gonna try out the meditations at the Osho resort located in my city :D
  96. T

    Last time on LSD-25

    Took a break from pot in May, June, July. Meditated regularly, been working also. Now I've started smoking a bit of pot in August :) So far so good... I also got my final results in June, scored the best amongst all years of my graduation :) This was one of the semesters i smoked pot. But i...
  97. T


    My partner and I have been together for 3 years, its been a great journey obviously with highs & lows (The bad times make the good times more special). We've grown a lot together and understood each other and life better over the years. We have had close friends but for sex we are exclusive to...
  98. T

    Drug related famous people

    Albert Hoffmann :P Steve Jobs Richard Branson Brad Pitt
  99. T


    Try a meditation program which is taught in person, that way you can find out if the technique works is genuine. Also its alot easier to learn it that way. If its the real deal you will know what relaxation truely is than sitting in various awkward positions without any guidance...... The...