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Would love to help the boards since I have learned a lot here but I don't have a lot of time to devote to the boards as I once did. I haven't had time for much other than work since I started to work for myself recently. :crybaby:
Shroomery IRC Refuge here. Shroomery.org the forum is up and running but the IRC server is still down. I am not going to list any names of those involved but its been a pain in the ass. A lot of us relocated to another IRC server for the mean time. I still hang out with most of the main crew...
This ban is already in effect. October 2012 is not the date it went into effect as soon as Obama signed it. Check the DEA schedules you will find shit listed.
BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) — Jonathan Hoffman frantically told a 911 dispatcher he had been shot in the chest by his grandmother and was going to die, a police detective testified Monday.
By the time officers arrived at the family's upscale condo in a Detroit suburb, at least four more...
I could probably help out with some of the graphic design side of it for the cover and etc. I am not skilled with anything regarding fractals but I am decent and I have knowledge of typography. It is just a matter of being able to find the time while in college. 8)
The U.S. federal government's Department of Health and Human Services seems about ready to award exclusive rights to apply marijuana as a medical therapeutic. You read that correctly: "exclusive rights."
You may recall that Toke of the Town columnist Ron Marczyk pointed out that the U.S...
I got to play the very first Hang drum that was imported into the USA a few years ago. It was a truly amazing instrument. I was in an Alchemical Fire Circle and I heard this instrument and was like "I know that sound!" I looked over and there was a guy totally in tune with his Hang. After...
I haven't started brewing my own mostly because of limited space and finances. I can say however that I currently work part time for a micro brewer/brew pub. I would at some point like to brew my own beer in the future as I have gotten to where I am becoming a beer snob after working where I...
Currently I am studying Web Design & Interactive Media. I am hoping to find some work at some point in the near future. Since I am still in school learning this stuff and have a lot to learn I would come very cheap as far as cost for me to design and code a site. I can say though that I am...
He estado pensando en mudarse a España desde los Estados Unidos en los últimos años. Tenía la esperanza de que alguien podría explicarme qué son las leyes sobre cultivo de hongos y el cannabis para uso personal. Un amigo dijo que el cultivo de cannabis para uso personal se tolera. Lo que se...
Awesome to hear that you finally got to try the LSD molecule. I have been dying to find the time for a good mental reset but between college and life in general I haven't been able to find the time to sit back and enjoy myself. It is always nice to turn the brain into a living amusement park...
I always new my state sucked. Friends and myself have been wondering how long it was going to be until they banned salvia. I could care less about the Cathinones. My community has had an increase of violent home invasions and robberies due to the usage of those substances. A friend of mine's...
I hope to eventually move to the West Coast or maybe Hawaii some day. I would however like to move overseas to Europe. There are a lot more electronic music parties there than here in the United States.
It is nice to see that there were a bunch of posts on this thread that I had started a long while back. After being offline for so long I totally forgot to even check threads that I had posted on or started. I can say though that I look back to those days that i was riding the train regularly...
Hey guys. It has been a while since I have posted due to how busy I have been with continuing my education. I have also been trying to hunt for a job which has been a rather dreadful task to be honest. I can however say that my grades at my college for Web Design & Interactive Media are...
HOPE - Charity Compilation for Japan Earthquake & Tsunami
Volume 1: Japanese Night Music is now Released!
Volumes 2-5: International Night Music, Techno/Progressive/Discodelic, Full On Psytrance & Ambient/Downtempo compilations coming soon!
Donate & Download at...
Just checking back in I figured I would give a recent update. I been working under the table now for about two weeks. i am not getting the amount of money that I wanted but its money just the same. Shit has been rather hectic lately due to working over 40 hours a week and doing coursework. I...
Welcome. Any particular genre you into? I try to goto as many events as possible though I have been limited on my ability to goto events pretty much since last year. Glad to see that you found the site and are interested in learning more about the topics that are enclosed within this forum.
I can only imagine how fucked up I will be the first time I get stoned after my supervision is up. I used to smoke around 112 grams a week which equals out to 16 grams a day. I swear I was a burn out for several months after i stopped smoking due to incarceration. The funny thing is I forget...
Thanks. I appreciate it. I started my classes today. I finished one assignment already and almost have a second one finished. I just have to write a paragraph on a few things to go along with my upload of the work I did in photoshop. I was goign to do my thing in Illustrator but there ws...
Kooky is normal in the psychonaut community I believe. We all are a little different then the normal status quo. That is what makes us unique. If we were all cast from the same mold I think we would be a bunch of very dull people. I like the individual personalities that most bring to the...
Welcome to the community. There are a lot of good people on this forum. I have been here a while and still and slowly getting to know people because I don't always have the time to post. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the appropriate sections of the site and I am sure that...
Thanks for your words and thoughts on this subject. I am a bit more motivated then I was before my arrest in regards to legal things at least. However, I still have my moments where I truly feel as if I am doomed for failure. I wish I could say that I don't doubt my future but even with going...
Yesturday marked the 3rd week since my release from prison and I am now officially enrolled into The Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online Division for Web Design & Interactive. I am trying to not waste anytime with getting this show on the road. I had talked to a friend that owns a tattoo shop...
Got an email today from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh online division saying that I was accepted for admissions into their Web Design & Interactive Media program. Now all I have to do is figure out how the fuck i am goign to afford the tuition for an Art Institute! :shock: I wonder how much...
Well I guess I can kiss the machine operator job good bye. The company didn't call me but I logged into the workforce development system website for my state and saw that I wasn't hired through thhe company i been waiting for my background check to come back for. So much for a shitty ass...
Almost everywhere does background checks here. The position I applied for and am waiting to hear back from is for a machine operator position running an injecion mold maching. You were correct in figuring that I am in the USA. I honestly can say that i wish I wasn't though. I recently put in...
Thanks guys. I can only hope that things will work out. All of this has me rather discouraged. So much for freedom of religion. I can't even have my sacraments because of having to worry about some asshole coming in my home. Not to mention that I could end up back in prison just for...
Mine came fro when I was tripping @ a party and this old hag surprised the shit out of me by putting her hand on my shoulder while I was spaced the fuck out listening to some tunes. I jumped out my seat about 2 feet & screamed I'm Tripping Stupid! The lady had a habit of bothering all the...
I hope that I can get on someone's wifi once i get to my mom's later today. I have to figure out a job so I can pay for the net at her place. Hopefully this one company will get back to me despite my felonies. Talk to you peeps soon.
I've been going to this site for a few years now. Basilisk is a really awesome guy I've communicated with him in the past quite a bit. He doesn't put anything but the best up on the site. He is rather picky about what he posts. Also Ekoplex is epic. I've caught him @ Gaian MInd Summer...
Just thought that I would post the community after being incarcerated for most of this past year. I was arrested last March for Possesion with intent charges for multiple counts that included LSD, Shrooms, hashish & Cannabis. Thankfully the District Attorney was an idiot. The DA had on my...
Head teachers have called for urgent action over the legal drug mephedrone following the death of two teenagers.
The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) says it has the same dangers as any Class A drug and the government should consider a ban.
Louis Wainwright, 18, and Nicholas Smith...
I have yet to try many RC including the JWH class chems. I find myself rather suspect of unnatural things other then the semi synthetics that have been with us since Hoffman & Shulgin made LSD & MDMA. This is for the most part its due to not much studies on potential harmful effects. Other...
Has JWH-018 been proven to aid in Cancer like JWH-015? Being that this is a synthetic shouldn't there be a way for the FDA to patent this for a medicine? The FDA can't honestly say that it doesn't work since there has been studies. So why can't they just approve the shit? Or at least run...
They were talking about this on the news the other day as the guy departed from the Capitol city of my state. Where as I support the whole down with the govt. thing, in regards to his family life there was a lot of talk about his instability & etc I do not condone that. At least this wasn't...
Haha NICE another party in my backyard :D WOOTI missed this event last year guess I don't have to go far this year! Anyone going to this event? Anyone know if Gaian Mind going on this year I heard the Producer of the Festival retired through the grapevine. :( Should be a fun event :partyman:
I just got one question. WTF are they thinking? They already got the oil. Just because clandestine chemists use said product for their own means doesn't mean there aren't other uses. Don't countries like these need money? I mean seriously whats 14 tons of Sas worth realistically? I know I sure...
How much money you think politicians get in kickbacks/bribes/investments from big Pharmaceutical companies, to look the other way? They have to be cashing in. This like this reminds me of the story line of Alan Moore's V For Vendetta. Tho in the movie they were into manufacturing disease and...
Just makes me wonder how long some of the drugs i got would last If i was buried with them. Open up my tomb & find a container of DMT could you still smoke it thousands of years later & it not degrade to badly?
Yeah for real wtf is that shit about. The government comes up with the most retarded excuses for why they do shit. I'm wondering what they will go after next.
By Peter Mucha
Inquirer Staff Writer
Federal agents are cracking down on imports of a synthetic marijuana that has started appearing in the Philadelpha area.
It is not illegal to possess the substance in any state, but officials say Food and Drug Adminstration regulations bar its import and...
Personally I think "Crazy" is about as hard to define as "Normal". I see it as each of these could be a multitude of different things depending on who you ask and what the given situation is. Some might think those that think outside the box are crazy but history has proven that sometimes...
Dosing on a very frequent basis is a waste to me. I'm guilty of having 6 month periods of what I call saturation when I fell into a source for liquid. In all honestly it becomes a waste. I hope you have a good supply if you continue on this cycle. Ever think of saving some for a rainy day?
My first day trip in a decade was last year @ Starscape I ate around the same dosage. I totally forgot how AMAZING day trips can be with the added light allowing one to see all the colors. WOW is all I can say one of my top 3 trips of all time. :rolleyes:
God I wish I had the funds for this event. I have wanted to check out Easter Island since I was a young boy. Such a mysterious place. Would be a totally awesome place to experience a once in a 1 and a 1/2 millennium event like that. :partyman: :thumbsup:
My old job I had smoking was the easiest way to not lose your job due to snapping out on idiots. Fortunately my boss smoked herb. It was other things that had me lose employment. Everyone would pretty much clam bake during lunch breaks @ my old job.
True that. I remember when i used to enjoy coming to this site because I can learn things. I guess I could goto another site from now on to find the information I need but that defeats the point. This is the best site i have found that has intelligent people on it. I have noticed a decline of...
I definitely get cabin fever. Its even worse this year considering we got like 36" of snow in the last week. So can't wait for festival season again. I need to move somewhere warmer.
Likewise. I don't quite get it considering i provide content to the forum as much as I can & i don't spam the site. I been a member here for years. I might not post as much as some but i never did anything to deserve being removed from a user group that can read said forums. I thought this is...
Key to Cocaine Addiction May Lead to Treatment
In tests with mice, researchers can track epigenetic processes triggered by chronic use
THURSDAY, Jan. 7 (HealthDay News) -- A key mechanism in the brain that helps explain how people become addicted to cocaine has been identified by U.S...
TUESDAY, Jan. 5 (HealthDay News) -- Researchers have some good news for cocaine addicts: New findings suggest that a kind of protein could help them beat their addiction.
The protein, known as cocaine esterase, is a naturally occurring bacterial enzyme. It breaks down cocaine, which is thought...
Source: Reuters
By Prak Chan Thul
PHNOM PENH, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Cambodia is cracking down on a raw ingredient for the club-drug ecstasy by wiping out stocks of an oil made from the roots of a rare rainforest tree, an official said on Thursday.
Cambodian authorities, with help from Australian...
Thought I would post this up. I don't live in Jersey but a friend of mine does so I figured it would be beneficial info for others.
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/12/nyreg ... juana.html
In my normal day to day life I would have to say knowledge, enlightenment/spirituality, and survival before material. Lately tho since the economy has been bad its been more about monetary first just so I know I have a roof over my head and food to eat.
I got 2 feet of snow outside my door. So I got nothing better to do. At least I learn stuff here. There are much worse places to hang out on the internet.
Anyone on this forum study ever study Music Industry? Was looking for some colleges/universities that offer programs in the USA & maybe abroad. Really got into electronic music & thought it would be rather sweet to see about learning some skills professionally. Then use those for my own...
Not sure which tek was used. I could ask next time i visit my friends state. He showed me everything in person. I do know how ever he used a DMT Fumerate Tek from DMT Nexus. From what SWIM told me Acetone leaves a really clean product.
SWIM told me he likes to use Acetone. But SWIM also prepares Fumerate from Freebase. So Maybe there is a reason for this choice? I know Acetone is easy to get & used to make Fumerate. I personally haven't dabbled in extractions or reworking of the molecule but plenty of my friends have. JUST...
Are the Amtrak Police Dogs not trained in sniffing out various cannabis related products or other things :?: Passing through a major city terminal to board a train to get closer to home I encountered a dog that was within 5 feet of me. I was carrying about 60 grams of Nepalese hash. How the...
Ok i hope Google works for translating cause the words were jumbled when i translated your question into English. I wish i could speak Dutch would make things a lot easier. Anyways, if anyone else knows if this is right or wrong let me know so i know how accurate Google is.
140 pond aquarel...
I've tried consuming MDMA a few various ways. Best experience i have had by far yet was "Parachuting" 200mg of pure white crystal. I found the burn from molly to be a bit unpleasant like someone stabbing the inside of my nose with something. Onset seemed fast but I still got hit harder imho...
MDAI worth looking into? I found limited information on Wikipedia. Other then that I have found minimal usage & documentation on the substance itself. I just learned of a legit supplier & MDMA/MDA is currently unavailable in my area. Would this work well as a legal substitute?
Goto a art supply store buy your self 140 lb water color paper (#14 it was previously known as) Costs like $12 for a tablet of 10 sheets. If you ask for #14 water color they may think your making blotters. So watch asking for the paper. I got kicked out the local art store when i went to buy it...
Any Ideas of sites that would carry a selection of glass containers i could put kief from my grinder in to keep it fresh until i have an abundance to make a decent amount of hash? There used to be a shop that sold jars with cork tops near by but the local laws here in my area of PA cut down on...
Ive been fortunate to be able to say that I have had access for well over a year. Makes up for the years of nothing. Im also happy that what i pay now is less then what it used to be as well
I always seem to get a runny nose while dosed even if i am not sick. Just the way my sinuses are. I been thinking of dosing this weekend but i think i am comming up with what might become the flu. The past few days have been dreadful which is why i didnt dose yesturday. Tho on a normal day...
Ever hear the phrase "you gotta crawl before you walk? I am a experienced psychonaut & i rarely take that much unless the time & situation are just right
I for one havent heard of this site personally. Where i live in the states they seem to put all this kind of news behind them as they dont want to lose control over the people. Personally i would say about 95% of the people I know in the States either smokes religiously or used to at some point...