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  1. Mrboxey

    One World Government: Possible?

    You know, I have been hearing a lot about the NWO, and the goal of one world government, some people even go as far to say as the one world government will be run by the UN. I don't know, I think that while communications, and methods of control and monitoring have improved drastically over...
  2. Mrboxey

    What do you think?

    Looks pretty good to me. Where are you keeping them? What is your intended preparation method? I would say you have done pretty well though, when did you start these?
  3. Mrboxey

    What do you think?

    I think someone is going to have a party? Or what exactly are you expecting as a response? Are we supposed to look at it, and give an opinion on how it looks, or are we supposed to give an opinion on to strength, choice, uses... That question is so open ended it could be anything that you are...
  4. Mrboxey

    Perfect recipe for Pot Brownies?

    Really? Well, yes, assuming that you use traditional ingredients, nobody should have any adverse reactions, and people know what are in brownies, right? Also, I don't know, has anyone ever had an allergic reaction to cannabis? I haven't seen any mention online....
  5. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    Watson, cowboy, Video Games
  6. Mrboxey

    Tripping for the Holidays:

    Alright, so the holidays are just around the corner... And I was wondering which is better you think... Just smoke cannabis now and then, or make a bunch of edibles and just sort of go with the flow for a straight 4 days? Anyone have any thoughts/opinions on this? It certainly is a time for...
  7. Mrboxey

    the money system is evil

    Everything in the universe goes in cycles. Life, History, and even the universe itself. Everything has a beginning, a middle, and an end. It's like Conception, Birth, and then Death. It happens over and over again, and there are those that believe that there is a pattern to everything...
  8. Mrboxey


    8PM whoa... Dude, by this time I am usually just winding down... LOL... Wow... I guess I have really lost my tough since I have become a family man.... 8PM is about 2 hours to bed time for me.... I guess you could say that my life is really boring now huh.... LOL :D
  9. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    Clues, Line, Xanax...
  10. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    throat, blood, destiny
  11. Mrboxey


    Yes... You know... I haven't really "wanted" anything for a while... But this is one game that I definitely "want"..... Man... I have slipped out of my minimalist ways again... DAMN YOU MATERIALISM..... You keep finding a way back into our lives! :P
  12. Mrboxey

    Sandy Hurricane

    Well, this happened a long time ago, but the actual results are still being dealt with... The mainstream media isn't reporting on it, as it's not "important" anymore. Many people are homeless, or will soon be because the insurance won't cover the flooding.. Same thing happened with Hurricane...
  13. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    purple, christmas, lies
  14. Mrboxey

    Anus Game: It's Fun I promise!

    Final Fantasy Anus......
  15. Mrboxey


    Haven't seen that movie yet... some people say it was good, but the fact that they swapped out Matt Damon really messed with the image.. Worth seeing?
  16. Mrboxey

    the money system is evil

    Some interesting points. However, isn't the use of magick sort of getting back to my original hypothesis that if given an easier way out of things mankind will do it? Magick is sort of like a short cut? At least I see it that way sometimes.. But then.. By that same generalization, you could...
  17. Mrboxey


    1) What is the longest period of time you have meditated? I would say probably about 2 hours to 3 hours. Although I don't know if I would call this meditation, or reflection. It generally happens that once every 6 months I have to take a trip. This trip involves me getting on a bus out of the...
  18. Mrboxey


    Well, even if rezzin has some THC left in it, it is definitely sticky and nasty, and I don't know what else you would do with it, it's literally like tar.. Even if it does have THC, I can't see it being enough to get you the same feeling unless you mixed it with other fresh stuff, and still it's...
  19. Mrboxey

    The effects of Cannabis on your Dreams?

    Hmmm.... Yes... Over thinking things can get your head in a twist... Maybe you should consider "dumbing down" when you smoke sometimes, and just flip on some music videos or some cheech and chong, nothing too deep there! :D Just relax, enjoy the ride, and when you are done, sleep it off, and...
  20. Mrboxey

    A rather odd experience!

    I have never really "tripped" with the whole hallucinations either. I have however heard some trippy music before... The only experience I can say that we have had sort of similar to this is when I was in Central America, we were smoking some "creepy" a weird mix of cannabis and some other...
  21. Mrboxey

    the money system is evil

    Again, it's not as simple as just changing the system. Any sort of wide spread change would take centuries at best. The only way we are going to get out of the money slavery system is if another system from outside comes in and demands that we change to their different system, and the only way...
  22. Mrboxey

    how do i get past restlessness?

    A nice cup of green tea works wonders too :)
  23. Mrboxey

    how to delete oneself from the internet

    Meh... I used to think it was awful, so much information floating around about me on the net... Until I realized, that someone would have to be REALLY bored to be interested in what I do or who I am connected to. So, let them have all the information they want on me, they'll never make it...
  24. Mrboxey


    They see me trollin' and Tokin' always smokin, trying to catch me postin dirty...... LOL That could be an awesome parody song, thanks for the idea... I'm go out and make a million bucks with it now :D
  25. Mrboxey

    Advice for a inexperienced tripper

    Very True... I made this mistake myself... I figured we would have some shroom tea before work one day, we normally did wake and bakes, so we figured we could hack it... Let's just say that day at work SUCKED the big one, and the day after sucked even more because we had to explain a LOT of...
  26. Mrboxey

    Best Strain?

    Blue Cheese is good for walking? LOL... what kind of walk do you go on with Blue Cheese? Do you go walking around the city, or in a park, or maybe in a woods when you do that? I find being stoned and walking through a forest or park is best, getting stoned and walking around the city is just...
  27. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    Marilyn Monroe, bank, Jennifer Lopez
  28. Mrboxey


    Yeah, it was cool in GTA San Andreas how you could get buff etc, and how exercise made you thin and how if you were muscular you could jump higher fences etc.. It was all in all a more realistic feel to it, and for that reason it made an awesome game.
  29. Mrboxey


    Smoking stems and seeds isn't good, however, if you want a really non-wasteful experience you can always take the stalk and smoke the weed from there, that way there isn't any waste from the plant, and there isn't really any resin (rezzin) to speak of.... Or you can always just use roaches and...
  30. Mrboxey

    Dangerous and extremely invigorating!

    Ah to the east huh? Some interesting and powerful stuff to be had there for sure... However, some of the strongest stuff I have ever had came straight out of Costa Rica, on the top of Chirripo. They say it can be used to see the future, and possibly even gain insight to the vastness of the...
  31. Mrboxey


    Everyone gotta be into the brand new dance... Gungdam Star!!! That song is so stuck in my head it's ridiculous.... I don't get how it got to be so popular.. But yes, when I'm drunk I would sooo dance to that. Don't judge me! :p However, dancing is good for the soul as it has been mentioned...
  32. Mrboxey

    Another Game

    I just finished reading what this game is about, and wonder how this is a game?
  33. Mrboxey

    AGE OLD TOPIC- Psychedelics, Dissociatives, or Deliriants?

    I would have to say my list differs slightly to yours: 1) Dissociatives 2) Psychedelics 3) Deliriants Although, to be fair I have to say that Deliriants shouldn't be on my list at all. I find that psychedelics are alright if you are looking for a good time and really want to party, and...
  34. Mrboxey

    The effects of Cannabis on your Dreams?

    Sounds like someone is having one of those "lucid dreams" right now :D Good stuff then?
  35. Mrboxey

    The effects of Cannabis on your Dreams?

    Guess, I'm just weird then... Oh well, I wonder what will happen if I stop it completely then? Be interesting to see the dreams then...
  36. Mrboxey

    Best Strain?

    Never had Neville's Haze, going to have to see if I can pick up some seeds. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find any "GOOD" cannabis strains around here, most of what they import from "Asia" is some strain I haven't heard of, and it's just nasty as hell, and tends to give headaches more...
  37. Mrboxey


    You want a workout you should go for ninjitsu or jujitsu if you can. It's brutal. Kickboxing is good for Cardio too though :) You know what else? That Brazilian dance/fighting style.
  38. Mrboxey

    Best Strain?

    What's the best strain you have ever tried? I would have to say for flavor for me it's a toss up between Californian Orange, BubbleGum, and Lemon Haze. For effect, I would have to say BC Bud, followed by Purple Haze and White Widow... What about you guys? Favorite strains?
  39. Mrboxey

    Anus Game: It's Fun I promise!

    Ok, so this is a game we all used to play as kids.. (Get your mind outta the gutter, it ain't like that!) So what you do, is you take the name of a movie, group, TV show, series, song or whatever, and replace one word in the title with the Word "Anus". And Hilarity ensues! For example: My...
  40. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    classy, cash, ass
  41. Mrboxey


    When was the next fallout anyway? GTA is Spring, I'm guessing March or thereabouts.. Fallout was supposed to be summer I thought?
  42. Mrboxey

    The effects of Cannabis on your Dreams?

    Yes, I suppose if you smoke a strain that has a higher CBD to THC ratio you wouldn't dream.. I guess mainly it's with the higher THC strains that the dreams come with. Hmmm... I guess nobody here prefers the strains with higher THC then?
  43. Mrboxey


    Rezzin is not something you want to be smoking or eating in my opinion. I think it's much like the others described here: Like the black shit if you run your finger inside an exhaust pipe of a car.. To me it doesn't have enough value to be of any use.. And remember the old saying for cigs "Only...
  44. Mrboxey

    Advice for a inexperienced tripper

    Couple of bits of advice: 1. LIMIT your intake: As suggested before, only do 1.5 g at first to see where it goes, and then if it feels alright, drop more, or just experience the ride as it is. 2. DON'T drink the tea: The tea is very tricky, and sometimes it can take a bit longer to feel the...
  45. Mrboxey


    Having dreams like that is perfectly normal sometimes. As people have mentioned, interpreting the dreams can be very subjective. And objective observation of the dreams often isn't very objective either. However, I'm sure most in the field of psychiatry would say that your feelings of...
  46. Mrboxey

    how do i get past restlessness?

    I have found that a good cardio workout an hour to an hour and a half before climbing into bed works wonders. However, climb into bed any earlier than that after the workout, and it just makes you more restless.. At least in my experience. So, about an hour before you plan on sleeping, get a...
  47. Mrboxey

    Recurring Dream

    Hmmm... Wasn'tt hat the whole idea behind the "Strangers" or "The Pod People", "The Invaders" perhaps where the pods replaced people as they slept? Anyway, I highly doubt the recurring dream in this case is aliens :D You can look up dream interpretation online, there are quite a few sites...
  48. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    Blondes, Weed, Coffin
  49. Mrboxey

    Word Association Game

    Drive, Wealth, Death Analyze THAT!
  50. Mrboxey

    The effects of Cannabis on your Dreams?

    What was the strain? Was it a higher concentration of CBD to THC? You didn't have any dreams at all? Also same question to mezzo... Was the strain you were smoking relatively higher in concentration of CBD to THC? Sounds like it might have been. When I experienced the most vivid dreams it...
  51. Mrboxey

    the money system is evil

    The whole reason that we couldn't change to a more "Fair" system is that those at the top would not want to give up some of what they have to have a more "fair" system. Even communism had its problems. I'm not saying we need to go to communism, or that communism is bad, or good for that matter...
  52. Mrboxey

    Recurring Dream

    Something to do with anxiety I think... Is anything really troubling you as of late? That sort of symbology in dreams usually means something along those lines... So think long and hard if anything is really bothering you, and maybe talk about it with someone, and see if those dreams stop...
  53. Mrboxey

    The effects of Cannabis on your Dreams?

    Does anyone here notice how if you are stoned or high, your dreams become a lot more real and vibrant? I have had a few experiences where I could have sworn the experience felt just like real life.. Now, on the other hand of this, when I wake up from my normal dreams, I very rarely get the...
  54. Mrboxey

    the money system is evil

    While the money system is slavery, we choose to as how much we want to be a slave to it. As was mentioned in some posts above, if we can learn to live within our means, and not need to have a bunch of crap we "think" we need, and learn to just be happy with where we are (as long as our needs...
  55. Mrboxey

    Perfect recipe for Pot Brownies?

    So, the holidays are fast approaching and I love the fact that we can have some pot brownies and enjoy them at parties... Has anyone got any really good recipes for pot brownies? I have been looking around, but I'm looking for something new and exciting, any help would be greatly...
  56. Mrboxey


    I was always curious about that. Never realized they were designed so that the when you run you don't crash down with the heels. One place you can go running barefoot and it is quite the workout is on the beach, especially if the sand is uneven. It doesn't seem like it, but when you run on the...
  57. Mrboxey

    Bringing LSD Back!!!! Distribution , production etc

    I have a feeling that LSD will never get to the point of acceptance that Cannabis has... Well, maybe, we were saying the same thing about cannabis not so long ago (1990s) and look where it is today? So... A way to get LSD back and maybe even legalized, is to do a lot of research on it, and...
  58. Mrboxey

    what are dreams??

    I find a lot of dreams for me these days (when I do dream) fade really fast once I'm awake. I'd love to recall my dreams more so I can analyze them more. However, as one gets more tired, they tend to dream less. I have been working quite a bit lately, so therefore I am dreaming less I guess...
  59. Mrboxey

    How can I succeed in life?

    How to succeed in this life... Here's a really simple way.. Well it isn't really simple, but it's worked for me, and is pretty much the best way to go. 1. Be true to yourself - don't compromise your values or your value systems even if you feel it might get you ahead more quickly 2. Treat...
  60. Mrboxey


    Am I the only one that is waiting on this latest installment of the GTA series? I can't wait for this game to come out, I can see many wasted weekend hours already :D They have really improved the graphics, and have added some additional modes that are being kept secret until the launch...
  61. Mrboxey

    Colorado, Washington VICTORY

    This is good news... Very soon, the rest of the US will follow suit. Once the tax $$$ start rolling in, there won't be any looking back. Then Canada will fall in line, and then the rest of the world... Pretty soon you'll be able to roll a spliff in any airport and not need to worry about...
  62. Mrboxey

    what are dreams??

    Yes... I don't quite understand why sometimes in dreams, I fight so hard against them lol.. It's like for example, even if I know it's a dream, I very rarely ever do something in a dream I wouldn't do in the "waking" world... It's really weird. Like for example, I can't steal a car in a...
  63. Mrboxey

    what are dreams??

    Actually, in terms of lucid dreaming and really getting an insight into how powerful dreams can be, you need to check out the movie "INCEPTION". Awesome movie. The ending was really interesting as well... He had an elevator for all his different memories and crap too.. Lucid dreaming can...
  64. Mrboxey

    what are dreams??

    Dreams are really interesting things... It has also been theorized that dreams may in fact be you astral traveling to another dimension. Sometimes you can be in control, and other times you cannot. Sort of like "The Matrix". If you visualize yourself doing it, you can do it... However, I am...
  65. Mrboxey


    I like to keep an open mind. I think there are things out there in the world and universe that we just cannot see all the time, or maybe we tune them out. Everything is connected. I don't know if you would call it fate, or destiny, but I do believe that we have free will. However, that being...
  66. Mrboxey

    the compulsion of society to judge

    I think what it comes down to is we as human beings have this compulsion to make everything fit into a neat and tidy little box, so that we can feel in control. We do this by judging people and assigning them to predefined groups. It makes our lives easier if we can just lump everyone who even...
  67. Mrboxey


    Never yawned... Although I remember seeing other people yawn and their jaws just extend to unbelievable lengths.... I always linked yawning with boredom more than being tired. As mentioned, it's the bodies way of telling you to stay alert perhaps.. But then, why is it when we yawn we feel more...
  68. Mrboxey

    spicy food

    That's an urban legend and isn't true. I eat spicy foods all the time, and this has never happened to me. In fact, I have never once heard of anyone ever experiencing this. It's just a myth. While it can cause irritable bowels, it doesn't cause hemorrhoids. Spicy foods are actually good for...
  69. Mrboxey


    OK... I have been really curious about these five fingers. Are they really more comfortable? What is the benefit to using them over normal sneakers? You'll have to forgive me here but I don't go jogging or anything, but the only time I wore "toed" shoes was my ninjitsu footies but those only had...
  70. Mrboxey

    Hello Everybody!

    Just wanted to shout out some greets! I think this is going to be a great place to hang out. Let me give a bit of background: I'm Canadian, but I live in Central America (Nicaragua). Love it down here cause no one rags on me about anything. :D That and I can't stand the snow! I'm 26, and...