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Contenu récent par lobsterapples

  1. lobsterapples

    the dank anxiety [help for an ex-stoner]

    So i've heard 2 main explanations of why pot gives some ppl more paranoia then others (besides just putting it off to genetics which i find limiting): 1- pot exposes existing problems and be equivalent to having a bad trip via finding disturbing things in the unconscious 2- pot "vibrates" at a...
  2. lobsterapples

    Is the universe intelligent?

    [Y'all shouldn't stop at evolution.... :snakeman:] uh oh watch out, transhumanist in the house :lol: if we see ourselves as simple life forms within a larger much more complex something 'form', like the germs living in our gut, then wouldn't trans humanism be the equivalent of cancer for the...
  3. lobsterapples

    Getting our evolution back in hands! But how?

    Prophetic sayings + Twitter + not being Jaden Smith = world changed:unibrow:
  4. lobsterapples

    The Eleusinian Mysteries

    from a purely subjective perspective i like the ergot theory the most, it gives more meaning to the synthesis of lsd and the psychedelic revolution in the 60s, and gives more direction to my own use of the good ol' lysergic ive never heard that about the poppy chemical being an antidote though...
  5. lobsterapples

    The place where most drugs are legal!

    hmmm cool, but why Gallium metal and who's jenny wakeman??? sounds offbeat but my mind is a free enough country thanks for the offer is it similar to Christiania in Copenhagen?
  6. lobsterapples

    Evaluating drugs based on consciousness evolving potential (Look at this graph!!!)

    So this comes from a website called Deoxy.org and it has some mighty interesting implications for psychonautics. on the far right you can see how different drugs and practices are ranked according to their chakra and circuit (look up robert anton wilson 8 circuit consciousness) and its much less...
  7. lobsterapples

    What is Art?

    in my humble opinion art is the representation or projection of an internal something... it could be anything! all the way from a thought or emotion to vast metaphysical assumptions like unity or duality, and meaning in life. Imagination is one of the things that separates humans from all the...
  8. lobsterapples

    In terms of loosing your mind, Is LSD the most dangerous

    to me there is always an air of madness to any long lasting hallucinogen, madness simply meaning knowledge that most ppls sober reality is incompatible with. As for how the duration of a drug affect this i think the longer u spend tripping the more time there is to be caught in a mental tongue...
  9. lobsterapples


    ?this is news to me?
  10. lobsterapples

    i think my DNA needs THC...

    this is less unbelievable than i thought, when i first read the link lol u should read about Leary and Robert Anton Wilson's models for consciousness, if weed does bring u up a level than power to u, blaze away! sadly i can no longer enjoy the once blissful state ganja gave me, now it just makes...
  11. lobsterapples

    The Quid Method.

    true dat... long lives many wives is what i always say
  12. lobsterapples

    Achieving break through/out of body with Salvia

    the Mazateca natives never smoke salvia, they say the spirit becomes angry when burned so they will only ever quid/eat the leaves. I'll leave metaphysics up to the listener but either way theyve gotta know a thing or two about how to get off the ground because they r the only civilization to use...
  13. lobsterapples

    My first salvia trip!

    Start with small pinches, and burning the entire bowl with a jet lighter for the entire hit. It has reverse tolerance so if u want u can set yourself up for a weekend of frequent use until u breakthrough, each use slightly larger pinch. Just keep taking as big hits as u can manage, the first...
  14. lobsterapples

    Is the universe intelligent?

    ^^^true say wee monkeys like ourselves (im assuming no one has bought e-bay nano transplants yet) cannot hope to fully understand such concepts... though thinking about them is useful for expanding awareness and wider ranges of thought, the hope of grasping this concept would b the same as the...
  15. lobsterapples

    life mentality pro scan minus false dichotomy agony functions

    this is very jumbled and discombobulated... my eyes melted into the keyboard half way down the page [not personal, just technical] read this jungle crossection again, pick your leaves and put them on display with care no one least of all a noob like me wants to see this hullabaloo thrown about...