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Le forum des amateur·ices de drogues et de l'exploration de l'esprit

Contenu récent par HermesTrismegistus

  1. H

    Hoe dit forum weer actief te krijgen!

    Btw, leuk om te zien dat jou oorspronkelijke account weer leeft :D
  2. H

    Hoe dit forum weer actief te krijgen!

    Geweldig! Ik ben helemaal van de partij om mee te helpen dit forum weer een tweede leven te gaan geven. Een boerderij nog wel :D Binnenkort dan maar een bakkie koffie doen? :P
  3. H

    Evidence of Psilocybin “Magic Mushrooms” Growing New Brain Cells

    Very interesting!Evidence of Psilocybin
  4. H

    Hoe dit forum weer actief te krijgen!

    Hoi mensen, In het verleden was psychonaut een zeer druk bezocht forum voor psychonauten. Ook het Nederlandse werd druk bezocht. Echter, momenteel lijkt het forum te zijn uitgestorven. Ik heb een topic geopend in het engelse deel, om te kijken of er nog animo is onder de enkele bezoekers die...
  5. H

    let me leave

    Well i don't think you really have to explain, because one way or the other, many of us are in the situation you are in. Perhaps, you didn't meet the right people and its time for you to go on an adventure! The frustration/anger you feel needs to get released, because if you swallow and...
  6. H

    hello, hii

    Welcome :)
  7. H

    Romania Legalizes Medical Marijuana, Becomes 10th EU Country To Permit Theraputic Use

    Authorized medical patients in Romania may now use marijuana to allay their pain under new provisions in two of the country's narcotic laws. Romania legalized medical marijuana this week, becoming the 10th member of the European Union to do so, according to local reports.Romania Legalizes...
  8. H

    The CIA, mind control and psychedelics

    When i where still younger we had some lessons in communication(dam i hated it), but i still remember one practice during one of those lessons which i kind of liked. We all had to sit in a circle, the teacher wispered a word in the ear of a student that was sitting next to him, this student had...
  9. H

    .R.I.P. Bastiaan

    I`m an astrologer, and i would suggest to read about mythology of neptune. Yes, it shows the innerworld and its an important force within someones personality. But neptune also has everything to do with delusions, frauds, self deceptions and its no wonder that Psychedelics belong to neptune's...
  10. H

    .R.I.P. Bastiaan

    Hi God, I`m a bit of surprised to see you're active again, but in a good way ;) Ah man, i remember those days very very well. And altough i couldn't handle you're direct way of putting things in words, i'll now do believe you where so right about a lot of things. And i also realise how...
  11. H

    .R.I.P. Bastiaan

    Its really scarry to see someone in such a state of mind, if there is at that time, any working mind at all. I don;t think the hospital would be a solution for anyone in such a state of beeing. I think Bastiaan was just a another victim of a society that asks a way to much off ppl, which made...
  12. H

    .R.I.P. Bastiaan

    I`m not sure if i had to share this story here, but i need to get rid of some thoughts to find peace with some bad news that i heard yesterday. This is a long story that started years ago, my username was in those days Mysticwarrior. Maybe some do remember still remember me. In those days i...
  13. H

    Nederlander in duitsland opgepakt voor qat

    BREMEN - De Duitse politie heeft in de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag een 41-jarige Nederlander opgepakt, die in een bestelbus 1340 kilo qat vervoerde. Duitse politie pakt Nederlander met ton qat | nu.nl/binnenland | Het laatste nieuws het eerst op nu.nl
  14. H

    police interrogation psychology

    As i where a activist in the past, i have been jailed multiple time for nonses reason. But interrogation was always a part, since i where a activist they always tried to find out as much as possible. But i must admit, the most cops suck at this psychology of interrogation. I would talk about...
  15. H

    Goodbye Facebook

    Its not only facebook, it is internet itself which can be totally filtered down so company's/governments can find out stuff and can observe behavior....