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Le forum des amateur·ices de drogues et de l'exploration de l'esprit

Contenu récent par GOD

  1. GOD

    Water Cured Weed?

    JFC !!! What a fuckin stupid idea !!!! ....... A lot of the high from grass comes from the THC acid ........ wich when heated gets changed into THC ....... thats why we have to cook grass so we can eat it ......... the heat decarboxylates the THC acid to THC ...........THC acid is water soluable...
  2. GOD

    The age of responsibility

    Several hundred years ago a few middle class unempolyed people = Philosophers ........ realised that because they could see and recognise themselves in a mirror they must exist ......... ' I think therfore i am ( wonderfull ) ' . This was announced to be a part of a new philosophical age = the...
  3. GOD

    7th of july G20 in Hamburg

    This is getting frighteningly freaky . The government have now reworded the threat that the americans can shoot anyone who they think might be a danger . Now they say that the americans will be allowed to defend themselves ....... wich is exactly the same . Hamburg has a population of about 2...
  4. GOD

    7th of july G20 in Hamburg

    Trump is comming to yurp for a meeting with the other nazis bastards that are dominating the planet and destroying it . IF you can please come and protest . This is going to be a debakle . The whole of hamburg will be on lockdown by tens of thousands of german pigs and soldiers and thousands of...
  5. GOD

    Dutch web host legal problems

    Dutch web host problems Can anyone please help us . We have massive problems with a dutch web host . We had a contract with them for several years . They never fullfilled the contract and we had one problem after another with them . They ignored a lot of our requests to update their software so...
  6. GOD

    Hash Mob

    The amis can smoke . Other countrys have also changed their laws to become more sensible . Obama told the world he used to smoke .......... BUT ...... our governments are still commiting drug war crimes against us . FUCK THEM . We all know what flash mobs are .......... and what facefuck...
  7. GOD

    Yup, we we're hacked...

    You need to get a competent person to install sensible software for you . The PHPBB site was fucked first by the person that put the joomla bridge in . It left 1 critical hole and 6 or 7 serious holes in it . The site was open like a barn door . I PMd administrators and offered to explain...
  8. GOD

    Need help for mushrooms identification

    Do not eat those mushrooms . They are not Psilocybe Cyanescens . Never pick mushrooms that you havent 100 % identifyed . Get yourself a GOOD book by an internationaly famous expert and read it a few times and learn how to identify mushrooms properly . Dont pick mushrooms that have turned...
  9. GOD

    .R.I.P. Bastiaan

    @ Mystic --- > He was a nice guy but after a few months here it was obvious that he was mentaly confused . BUT ...... so are a lot of people here now and so were a hell of a lot of the people that used to hang around here untill caduceus and his friends killed this site . Dont you remember all...
  10. GOD


    Shit i`m bored sitting here ...... alone...... waiting....... so here my tune........ Listen to it LOUD............. and listen to the words............. Wake me up when your ready to start again if aya can do it so can i........
  11. GOD


    Listen to the words..... Wow !!!! Its gone quiet here alone in the confessional.........have we all declaired universal love and peace and gone to bed........again........or is this a solo....... OK then heres something to fill the time a bit........... I hope we all sleep well and dont...
  12. GOD


    Sorry Norm ( ) i wasnt being transsexual when i apologised to the lovely ladys and forgot you .
  13. GOD


    @ our South American friend.......The holy church of the psychonuts mystery Kult Klub Klan company syndicate limiteds poet lauriate and poetry nobel prize winner from 2008 and 2009 speaks wonderfull words as usual and made me nearly shit my pants with laughter and have a mental orgasm . Cmf...
  14. GOD


    I think i explained what i think about astrology , and that i`m not against it . If i didnt do it well enough for anyone to understand please ask and i will explain . I´m against what some people make out of it . I also think that i explained what a psychonaut is = every conscious being is a...
  15. GOD


    "GOD, in your eyes everyone is wrong. Is this not a little strange? Don't you think some of them, maybe could be right about what they say?" I dont understand that could you please explain ? Wich everyone ? Are you includeing me in that everyone ? I was looking for the thread where this...