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Le forum des amateur·ices de drogues et de l'exploration de l'esprit

Résultats de la recherche

  1. GOD

    Water Cured Weed?

    JFC !!! What a fuckin stupid idea !!!! ....... A lot of the high from grass comes from the THC acid ........ wich when heated gets changed into THC ....... thats why we have to cook grass so we can eat it ......... the heat decarboxylates the THC acid to THC ...........THC acid is water soluable...
  2. GOD

    The age of responsibility

    Several hundred years ago a few middle class unempolyed people = Philosophers ........ realised that because they could see and recognise themselves in a mirror they must exist ......... ' I think therfore i am ( wonderfull ) ' . This was announced to be a part of a new philosophical age = the...
  3. GOD

    7th of july G20 in Hamburg

    This is getting frighteningly freaky . The government have now reworded the threat that the americans can shoot anyone who they think might be a danger . Now they say that the americans will be allowed to defend themselves ....... wich is exactly the same . Hamburg has a population of about 2...
  4. GOD

    7th of july G20 in Hamburg

    Trump is comming to yurp for a meeting with the other nazis bastards that are dominating the planet and destroying it . IF you can please come and protest . This is going to be a debakle . The whole of hamburg will be on lockdown by tens of thousands of german pigs and soldiers and thousands of...
  5. GOD

    Dutch web host legal problems

    Dutch web host problems Can anyone please help us . We have massive problems with a dutch web host . We had a contract with them for several years . They never fullfilled the contract and we had one problem after another with them . They ignored a lot of our requests to update their software so...
  6. GOD

    Hash Mob

    The amis can smoke . Other countrys have also changed their laws to become more sensible . Obama told the world he used to smoke .......... BUT ...... our governments are still commiting drug war crimes against us . FUCK THEM . We all know what flash mobs are .......... and what facefuck...
  7. GOD

    Yup, we we're hacked...

    You need to get a competent person to install sensible software for you . The PHPBB site was fucked first by the person that put the joomla bridge in . It left 1 critical hole and 6 or 7 serious holes in it . The site was open like a barn door . I PMd administrators and offered to explain...
  8. GOD

    Need help for mushrooms identification

    Do not eat those mushrooms . They are not Psilocybe Cyanescens . Never pick mushrooms that you havent 100 % identifyed . Get yourself a GOOD book by an internationaly famous expert and read it a few times and learn how to identify mushrooms properly . Dont pick mushrooms that have turned...
  9. GOD

    .R.I.P. Bastiaan

    @ Mystic --- > He was a nice guy but after a few months here it was obvious that he was mentaly confused . BUT ...... so are a lot of people here now and so were a hell of a lot of the people that used to hang around here untill caduceus and his friends killed this site . Dont you remember all...
  10. GOD


    Shit i`m bored sitting here ...... alone...... waiting....... so here my tune........ Listen to it LOUD............. and listen to the words............. Wake me up when your ready to start again if aya can do it so can i........
  11. GOD


    Listen to the words..... Wow !!!! Its gone quiet here alone in the confessional.........have we all declaired universal love and peace and gone to bed........again........or is this a solo....... OK then heres something to fill the time a bit........... I hope we all sleep well and dont...
  12. GOD


    Sorry Norm ( ) i wasnt being transsexual when i apologised to the lovely ladys and forgot you .
  13. GOD


    @ our South American friend.......The holy church of the psychonuts mystery Kult Klub Klan company syndicate limiteds poet lauriate and poetry nobel prize winner from 2008 and 2009 speaks wonderfull words as usual and made me nearly shit my pants with laughter and have a mental orgasm . Cmf...
  14. GOD


    I think i explained what i think about astrology , and that i`m not against it . If i didnt do it well enough for anyone to understand please ask and i will explain . I´m against what some people make out of it . I also think that i explained what a psychonaut is = every conscious being is a...
  15. GOD


    "GOD, in your eyes everyone is wrong. Is this not a little strange? Don't you think some of them, maybe could be right about what they say?" I dont understand that could you please explain ? Wich everyone ? Are you includeing me in that everyone ? I was looking for the thread where this...
  16. GOD


    Thanks St.Bot . It would be cool if you kept an eye on this thread please and keep helping to solve this problem if there is need . I hope other people will join in trying to solve the problems and that people will stop pouring oil on the fire to gain personal advantage out of it . I edited...
  17. GOD


    Thanks St.Bot . It was high time that someone tried to deal with this honestly and neutraly . I cant speak for Restin but as far as i can see his name is in green but he hasnt been reinstated to any of his moderator positions and that should have automaticaly have happened . His name should...
  18. GOD


    "GOD is not interested in any fair solution. " I am . You arent .What was the point in your posts . Non of them was positive and constructive or about makeing peace or solveing problems . What are you scared of ? What sort of fair solution do you mean . Sugest one and see what the members who...
  19. GOD


    This shouldnt have been alowed to have gone this far . There are two problems . The war against me and the way the site is being manipulated . Someone neutral should have stepped in and arbitrated and mediated . A thread should have been opened that all the members can see where that could have...
  20. GOD


    I already explained that . And again there was nothing disgusting , nothing private and nothing untrue in that post . I repeated and comented on things that caduceus had said himself about his life publicly on this forum and i asked about the fotos that he had made and posted on this forum of...
  21. GOD


    " I just see this forum getting destroyed because of a few ego's. " YES . Yours and a few others who are being disshonest and trying to brush the dirt under the carpet . What are you frightened off ? Why dont you want this cleared up ? And dont say its the good of the forum . The forum is very...
  22. GOD


    Yep hitlker was wrong to murder the jews and he said sorry so lets just forget it . ( and dont anyone come with stupid shit about compairing caduceus to hitler . I didnt do that and only a moron could think that ) . Obviously you havent noticed that this is a discussion forum = where people...
  23. GOD


    mystic warrior its also time to explain how you got to know about the PM i sent to leospace asking for clarity and why you lied about its content . I still have it and if leospace doesnt mind i can post it for everyone to see and judge for themselves .
  24. GOD


    Jewses fucking christ you fuckers are crass . You dont see anything but yourselves and you dont read what i or anyone else says or think about anything thats been happening . All you do is stick your heads in the sand and try to pretend you havent seen anything , run away from any comunal...
  25. GOD


    Thank you aya . You probably missinterpreted something i said about my daughter . If you want to know anything about me or my daughter please ask and i will do my best to explain . ( I`d like to thank the person that pointed out to me that wotsit can also mean plonka / chopper in english . Thank...
  26. GOD


    Pinilejerker is still a member and has the number 6692 and he joined on the 5th of april 2007 . You said in a thread that you had been here since 2006 . He gave his www adress as http://www.woerdengezond.nl/ Strangely after reading all the posts on psychonaut where you and some of your...
  27. GOD


    The emperor wears no clothes AGAIN . "I can't see who did this, or for what reason. It seems his account has been deleted rather than frozen. " Please explain that fully . What did you do ? How did you do it ? Ordinary members with no administrator powers cant do that . The only way for...
  28. GOD


  29. GOD


    And also look at the times when they were posted and the time when the god is daniel post was posted to get it in perspective . Then remember how long it took anyone that hadnt got acess to the administrator acount to say for sure that getafix is caduceus or that Mr.Smith was any of his...
  30. GOD


    Pardon ? Against the forum rules !!!!! What about caduceus posting in 5 diferent user names and useing at least two different ones at the same time . What about the mutual respect rule and explain how that fits with the way all the people that want answers are being misslead , lead around in...
  31. GOD


    I can understand you but please dont close it or the members , especialy the ones asking for answers , will never know the truth about what has been happening and their legitimate questions wont get answered . The only thing that will happen is that i will still be the scapegoat that got...
  32. GOD


    Thanks Tiax . You just pointed the way to a truth . Yes i was Daniel and i did it after remembering that caduceus has posted under several names . I did it with the point of finding out if caduceus still has acess to the administrator account as that would be the only way to come to the...
  33. GOD


    Sorry Daniel . Its a pathetic red herring . It`s just another atempt to disrail this thread , to not answer questions , to not explain his behaviour and to not have to take responsibility for his words , deeds , for all the times he has broken the rules and the two times he has hijacked the...
  34. GOD


    Technicly i`ve been un-"banned" but the conditions put on me and the threats made against me prevernt me from takeing part in the forum . GODbye .
  35. GOD

    Unsolved Issues

    "Good morning campers" . I still think that this thread needs splitting . Its samys thread and i want him to have it back . But back to the group therapy . There are issues here that need to be cleared up , its been going on since 2006 and as was said before if they arent its not going to...
  36. GOD

    Unsolved Issues

    What does everyone think about splitting this thread again ? 1 :- so Wotsit can have his thread back again and the help he deserves and 2 :- because i have the feeling that there will be more posts on this subject . I hope we all sleep well and remember where we left off tomorow .
  37. GOD

    The ayahuasca effect - The role of MAOI's

    OK . Me too .
  38. GOD

    Why do we have this intelligence?

    "i think the real question isn't why we are intelligent, it's what are we going to do with it? " I think the questions are .... are we intelligent and if we are why are we and the planet in the shit ?
  39. GOD

    The ayahuasca effect - The role of MAOI's

    "Au contraire" Quote "Q" . It is exactly the scientific definition of proof = an experiment that has and can be done with the same results and that for at least 6000 years . How many scientific proofs acepted today can boast that ?
  40. GOD

    "The End?"

    Do Re Me Fart Sol La Ti Do . Or so i learnt it with the psychonuts anal orchestra . Linear time is a part / thing / rule of our universe ( not only ours ) but for the multiverse / 10 th / 11th dimension , or whatever one might call it if it "exists". is irelevant . Linear time is first a start...
  41. GOD

    The ayahuasca effect - The role of MAOI's

    What the fuck has belief got to do with physical proof = the fact that the people in the Amazons dont have webed feet . ( Yes i know thats not well put but if a person thinks about it and trys to understand it they would have to admit what i mean is right ) .
  42. GOD

    Unsolved Issues

    Shit . I have the mother of all undenyable proofs but if i say it im afraid ( the wrong word but i cant think of another one ) that it might be taken that i`m being an ego cunt that is trying to have the last word , cause trouble and wont stop argueing . I`m honestly not . Its just that what i...
  43. GOD

    Unsolved Issues

    What one person thinks is tact is bollocks to another . In the same way as mutual respect is . I personaly think that that rule is 100 % crap and should be deleted / erased as , in my opinion , it can and is used by some people to try to force other people not to mention / proove that what they...
  44. GOD

    The ayahuasca effect - The role of MAOI's

    I think that perhaps 6000 years of human bio-assay is scientific proof . Ask your mates in six thousand years about chemical MAOIs...... and look if their kids , kids have webed feet . Thalidamide was safe.............
  45. GOD

    "The End?"

    Doesnt physics say that energy cant be created or destroyed and that it can only be transformed / changed ? And what about , i think its called , quantum mechanics that says every thing is posible ? I think that as science cant fully explain life but still acepts it it would be foolish to...
  46. GOD

    Unsolved Issues

    To answer your question Restin . A big part of transpersonal therapy = psycho therapy with a person who has been given a psychedelic drug is to let him spill his beans , to let him face and answer his own issues . When therapists are trained they are taught not to project things on their...
  47. GOD

    The ayahuasca effect - The role of MAOI's

    But wouldnt that be anecdotal / subjective and not a reliable way of prooveing anything for exactly the reasons mentioned above . I have 100 grams of capi in front of me now and i think it was a member called endlessness or endless ( sorry ) that said it alone would be hallucinogenic and...
  48. GOD

    2000 possible dead cactus?

    Um , er , whats the problem ? Baby cacti are small and dark green is good . The thin bit might be subjective or they have had to much water and / or fertiliser.......but them being dark green would indicate that thats not the case . Anyway dont worry as when they get older if looked after OK...
  49. GOD

    "The End?"

    My education and intelligence tells me that there is no proof that there is anything after death . But "white light" near death experiences and meditation have shown me things that were the strongest and clearest , and for me the most valid and believable , expeiences i have ever had . I am now...
  50. GOD

    The ayahuasca effect - The role of MAOI's

    I`m very interested in this subject but have difficulty in following a lot of what has been said because the english ( not the scientific terms ) is above my head . So far i think i have understood that no one knows if MAOIs potentiate Psilocybin , that any "evidence" that it does is anecdotal...
  51. GOD

    Is this cactus ready?

    There is only one way to find out if that cactus is "ready" and thats eat it . From looking at it i doubt it very much . I think its to young and its to small .
  52. GOD

    Unsolved Issues

    Someone pointed this out to me and i was asked to clear it up other wise i wouldnt be posting . "you've threatened me before, in a private message." When ? What was the date ? In what conection ? I cant remember doing that . Post a FULL screen shot of it here so people can see if its true and...
  53. GOD

    Unsolved Issues

    Yes , yes i know i said it was my last post but this is worth it . Well said Fork . A post that wasnt for or against anyone . One that should make the posters here thing a little more neutraly about whats going on . What does get you mean ? Come and get you and take you to court ? To the...
  54. GOD

    For those that know me only...

    Dont be crass . A persons life is sacred and playing games with a person who needs help and is threatening to comit suicide is about as evil and low as a person can sink . Call me what you want in your blindness , ignorance and contempt . You dont know me and you dont know what i`m capeable of ...
  55. GOD

    Ego softening techniques

    Again i havent read the thread just the title so if i`m off topic please ignore me . Theres only one way to soften your ego and thats examine everything you do and think and be ULTRA honest about it . Put thought betwen action and reaction and be very disiplined . Nothing is free you will have...
  56. GOD


    Could that be because your not the center of attention ?
  57. GOD

    For those that know me only...

    Listen guy . either stop being a pain in the arse and continualy moaning and whineing about the world you have created for yourself and blameing everyone else for your problems or take someone elses advice . You have three choices . Kill yourself ( wich you wont do as then you couldnt play the...
  58. GOD

    Why do we have this intelligence?

    Yep , the people who now think that they are inteligent and gods gift to the planet might develope into stupid impotent mutants and the bushmen / aboribinies take over . I dont realy think that . I think that we will either learn to be more like them or the whole planet will go down . Are you...
  59. GOD

    What would your gift to humanity be?

    My sperm .
  60. GOD

    Is there a tolerance

    Who cares how long it stays in a persons system . The psychelogical effects are in my opinion longer lasting than the physiological ones . Less is more . ( at least in this case ) . For example with cannabis . In my experience it takes at least 6 weeks after takeing 3 sucks on a pure pipe to...
  61. GOD

    Drug related famous people

    A sense of humor is a very big help in life , a shield against takeing oneself to seriously , and if anyone takes what i often say seriously they only have themselves to blame .
  62. GOD

    Call for Support! Private TOR network needs donated relays.

    I cant be bothered to read all the posts here but here are a few comments / opinions . Forget CCC they are an exclusive blender verein ( dickheads ) who are realy an arse lick club where one has to be in with the in crowd . They havent got a clue about XP and only play with shit linux . How...
  63. GOD


    The singing bit yes , i try to fart along with it and can keep the tact but it harder to keep in tune . I have discovered how to change the tone by putting my fingers up my bum but as i never wash the sandwiches i make afterwards taste a little odd .
  64. GOD

    Amanita Hunting

    If you mean posting the video here no . The server would shit out if there were files that big on it . = space is expensive and so is bandwidth . Plus JFC imagine if the site was full of everyones favorite shit videos !!!! One would have to search through masses of utter crap to find the good...
  65. GOD

    Drug related famous people

    Being continualy attacked and defending myself sucsessfuly on psychonuts.com. Selling / growing / produceing the drugs that some of your parents had taken before they fucked and you were concieved . ( and for fucking your moms while your dads were at work bringing home the bacon ) . Growing...
  66. GOD

    Drug related famous people

    Me . Ronald regan smoked grass . Yes it was moses but the bible says it was a thorn bush . Cannabis doesnt have thorns . Acacias , wich grow in the area , do have thorns and contain DMT . Cannabis doesnt have that effect either DMT does . Sorry but for me rleigeous nuts who try swimming the...
  67. GOD


    Dont know where he went but i know where he should be = in a psychiatric prison . The point of the videos was the lyrics ( not the questionable part ) .
  68. GOD


    Well well HC . You surprise me . Thanks . You got the message of the song . Garry glitter = Paul Francis Gadd . Do you all know that name ? He was just in the news because he was arrested in Thailand for paedophilia . In the song i posted there are two lines about naughty little boys and...
  69. GOD

    I love you guys.

    " I love you guys." Thanks . I love me too . You must have as good taste as me .
  70. GOD

    Is there a tolerance

    Yes . Its tollerance . Stop abuseing drugs and you will get a real trip every time . The abuseing drugs bit wasnt an insult . The fact that the effects are less means that you took to much and / or to often = abuse . The biggest secrets of drugs are good info and self controle . Remember one...
  71. GOD

    ogm and feminised seed

    I think that before anyone starts experimenting with hormons they should find out EXACTLY what they are doing , especialy about posible health risks . The fact that plants are diploide or polyploide doesnt mean that they are stronger . They are usualy a bit fatter and healthyer . Their strength...
  72. GOD


    Shit !!!! Someone get a mop and a bucket of water quick . I hope i didnt get any stains on my trousers . I shall go look and wash my hands straight away .
  73. GOD


    I had a lot of very small but very anoying things come up in my life all at once that needed fixing and had to get the how and why clear in my head . So i closed all the doors and windows sat down and watched way over 100 , i think over 200 , Doctor Who TV programs . Last night everything became...
  74. GOD

    For those that know me only...

    Tell him the truth . Wotsit you and this thread are the reason that i came back to the site . When i`ve slept a bit and condensed my thoughts i will post one more post in this thread . I want to get the wording right and get it as small as posible so it is obvious and cant be missunderstood ...
  75. GOD

    Why do we have this intelligence?

    I didnt read the thread so sorry if i`m off topic . There is a very sensible and compelling theory that we owe everything to comets / lumps of things from space . Most uranium , nickel and oil = the things that our society and developement depend on are found in meteorite craters . And the...
  76. GOD


    I used to get liter bottles of the shit and it is shit . I dont care what anyone else says it doesnt get you high......thats why doctors prescribe it for junkys . Heroin isnt as nice as morphine or diconal and if a person hasnt had it from a chemists he hasnt had it . What is sold in europe as...
  77. GOD


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVbfMwiS ... re=related Heres the karaoke version so that "The psychonuts anal orchestra" can learn the words and join in . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dItHkXO8 ... re=related If you read the words there are two very prophetic lines in it . I wonder if anyone...
  78. GOD

    New, with a question.

    Get him to go to a doctiors but dont tell the doctor anything about drugs . Think of what has happened as a warning sign and do something about it before it gets worse . Find the reasons , eat good , sleep good , do some exercise and take less drugs ? As it didnt only happen to him it could be...
  79. GOD

    Whale wars on antartica, what's your opinion?

    The theme of the thread is "Whale wars on antartica, what's your opinion?" . Thats what i was and am talking about . Your posts have nothing to do with the theme , their only content is agression , insults and threats to me . You derailed this thread and dont seem to have anything positive or...
  80. GOD

    Whale wars on antartica, what's your opinion?

    Mycophile dont send me any more abusive PMs . If you have something to say say it in public and dont insult and threaten me again . I`m still waiting for you to answer any of my questions or points and / or for you to make any comments on the theme of the thread . All you have done is throw...
  81. GOD

    The annual World Drug Report

    "Want to know how many people use drugs in your country? These are the latest numbers" "The annual World Drug Report, published today by the UN office on drugs and crime, charts what it sees as the decline in production of cocaine and heroin but a rise in amphetamines and synthetic drugs. The...
  82. GOD

    Whale wars on antartica, what's your opinion?

    You just came into a thread and made negative comments about me that have nothing to do with the theme of the thread . If you havent got anything to say i`d be pleased not to have to hear it again . What about the questions i asked and the points i made ? Cant you answer them ? Arent they...
  83. GOD

    Whale wars on antartica, what's your opinion?

    Its a forum and everyone can take part . If YOU dont like a thread why dont you ignore it and stop shoveing your negative looser shit in my face . If the theme of a thread doesnt interest me i dont take part in it Why should whales have anymore rights to life than any other being ? Remember a...
  84. GOD

    Peanut Butter

    I have never seen anyone ever be sick or have diahorea after takeing mushrooms , neither have any of my friends . IF people get sick in that way i think its because of contaminated mushrooms , fear ( after reading to many silly books ) and / or not takeing care of set and setting . Dont eat...
  85. GOD

    Is your tool clean

    Whats a platzak ? And did you get it because your tool wasnt clean ?
  86. GOD

    Whale wars on antartica, what's your opinion?

    Whales ? fuck whales . Have they got any more or less right to live than anything else ? Are you bored ? Dont you have enought to do with your lives ? You hipocritical fuckers , you think a little moaning about whales does anything ?............ excvept buy your consciousnesses off ? Alibi heros...
  87. GOD

    Is your tool clean

    Does yours stink ? When do you clean it ? How do you clean it ? Does it work better afterwards ?
  88. GOD

    Wirtetapping by Canadian ISPs

    "Bill Forces Canadian ISPs to Install Wiretapping Equipment Subscriber information to be released without warrants Canada considers forcing ISPs to install wiretapping equipment on their networks According to a new bill introduced in Canada, Internet service providers will have to dig deep...
  89. GOD

    What is abuse ?

    What is drug abuse ? How can we recognise it ? Do you do it ?
  90. GOD

    Cannabis knocking me out? :O

    RushNerd , that post was totaly unjustifyed . If you want to be abuseive fuck off and do it somewhere else . If someone eats half way sensible they dont neeed vitamin suplamenmts . Multi vitamin suplaments cause vitamin imbalances because an individual needs , IF he needs , an individual amount...
  91. GOD

    Cannabis knocking me out? :O

    Keep away from vitamin suplaments you dont need them , they dont help and they are very expensive . They can also cause you problems . Cannabis doesnt knock people out abuseing it does .
  92. GOD

    New, with a question.

    Dante you are not a doctor . Low blood preasure doesnt cause seizures or convulsions . Are you sure your drugs were clean ? Why were you mixing drugs ? If i were your friends i would check my drugs and go to a doctors and ask about epilepsy / seizure tests . Dont tell the doctor you had been...
  93. GOD

    Fake MDMA....Just in the UK?

    What dont you agree with ? Only dickheads get ripped off . If your not in the position to do the buisness dont do it . If someone tries to ripp you off kick shit out of them publicly . Your talking about the street scene . Anyone who buys from the street is a dickhead and only has themselves...
  94. GOD


    Either youll have to do it in private with whoever wants to help or youll have to have 2 threads . One to talk about things and one , a stickey where people cant post , to post the results on the forum . Its a LOT of work . Your also going to have massive problems keeping facts and opinions in...
  95. GOD

    mini indoor cultivation candidate (cubes and cyans)

    I didnt look at it but if you can recreate the conditions where mushrooms grow ......mushrooms should groiw .
  96. GOD

    word association part deux.

    Natursekt .
  97. GOD

    word association part deux.

  98. GOD

    word association part deux.

  99. GOD


    Do it the other way round then and maybe use things from the wiki in your project . How do you think the actual doing of it could be organised ?
  100. GOD

    good bye

    If you go i hope you have a good life , are happy and reach your aims . I`ll miss you and your posts , especialy the funny ones . You added something good when you came to the forum and when ( If ) you go it will be a loss for the forum and us all . Please think about it . I hope you dont go .