The more research and reading I've done into that part of the world, the less I've been able to choose a side. My opinion is that I don't have an opinion other than that there is a long term bloody war of the most stereotypical nature (we are right, they are wrong) conflict occurring.
Both sides demand you agree with them completely or they call names, assume you are either an anti semite or a fascist or something. Both sides shout to drown out criticism, so it is hard to hear an opposing point of view. Both sides have committed obscene acts against private citizens and women and children.
The bottom line is that both sides have chosen to perpetuate the violence. Just because one side has political and media clout in the west doesn't necessarily make them more right or wrong than the other side.
And it didn't start in 1948 either, there were massacres of jews and violence in retaliation happening in the 1930s. Actually that land has been fought over throughout recorded history.
If the problem is to ever be resolved, both sides need to stop looking to the past and start looking forward. There are definitely a lot of people in that part of the world who want the conflict to end.. perhaps someday