"And God, Mokum also spelled as Makom and it's another name for the centre of Amsterdam"
After reading that i am a little confused , i dont understand why you said that or what you mean . I take it you mean:-
"Mokum also spelled as Makom is another name for the centre of Amsterdam"
Halleluja , congratulations , but what has that to do with anything i said . And why the green icon . Did i say anything wrong or anything that isnt true ? Was it because i was the first to great Zeep and try to help him ???? After he had waited for more than a day and no one noticed that he had greeted us and replyed to him ? I did it because i thought it was shamefull to ignore someone , a guest , who had come and greeted us and asked for our help . Where i come from when anyone comes and knocks on our door we let him in with open arms , look after him and try to help him . We dont ignore him .