I've done smoked/eaten marihuana/hasisch, drunk alcohol, smoked dmt, eaten Peruvianus(30 g couple of times). inhaled N2O, eaten/drunk mushrooms. insufflated speed. snorted cocaine, smoked cocaine. taken xtc/mdma. took morfine, tramadol, benzodiazepines. BHWR and morning glory(which had no noticeble effect). ephedra, some 'natural xtc' something with sativa and lsa i believe. and ether. that's about it I think.
ether was the most disguisting thing I ever had. I have been really sich after consuming to much alcohol. smoking cocaine gave me an uncomfortable feeling. But I think the I was the most frightned after one of my mushroom experiences, like I thought I lost my mind. I've told before that in my experiences mushrooms are more chaotic the mescaline because even with good preparation i always have a few moments I feel really uncomfotable.