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Your most unpleasant experience?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brugmansia
  • Date de début Date de début
got lost and stuck uderground after smoking a joint. got jammed in a tiny passage and thaught id have to be rescued(they have to break bones to get you out!!!)
I've done smoked/eaten marihuana/hasisch, drunk alcohol, smoked dmt, eaten Peruvianus(30 g couple of times). inhaled N2O, eaten/drunk mushrooms. insufflated speed. snorted cocaine, smoked cocaine. taken xtc/mdma. took morfine, tramadol, benzodiazepines. BHWR and morning glory(which had no noticeble effect). ephedra, some 'natural xtc' something with sativa and lsa i believe. and ether. that's about it I think.

ether was the most disguisting thing I ever had. I have been really sich after consuming to much alcohol. smoking cocaine gave me an uncomfortable feeling. But I think the I was the most frightned after one of my mushroom experiences, like I thought I lost my mind. I've told before that in my experiences mushrooms are more chaotic the mescaline because even with good preparation i always have a few moments I feel really uncomfotable.
Used so much/long speed that I completely exhausted my body.
I was feeling down for 2/3 weeks, the only thing I did was sleeping, and eating a little bit.
I went to sleep, I took a shower, I ate a bit and went to bed again, and that for 2/3 weeks.
Was up on meth for... 3-5weeks, smoked/snorted close to an ounce in that amount of time. I finally was home in my room alone trying to catch some zzz's when I had a horrible trip/anxiety attack. I basically passed out thinking I was dead/about to die. Haven't wanted the stuff since! :D
meth seems to be quite a common cause of bad experiences. small burnouts can be like a drug in itself but yhe full toast is hell. i still take other peoples but never look for it. i think when your young youve more reserves then suddenly theyre gone but it takes a while to realise and change your habits.

edit: one of the worse experiences for me was getting caught in monofilament fishing net, stertched accross a river to catch plastic ducks during a civic fair.
i was one of 4 divers in the water a lifeguards,two on each side of the river someone had the bright idea of catching the plastic ducks in the net and didnt
tell us. my buddy that day, whos now sadly dead, pulled me up losening the net and i untangled myself. the worse bit to untangle was my knife (for cutting net) and sheath strapped to my ankle. i carry 2 knives now in the water