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Your choice of cactus and why

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion ziggysage
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I've found bridgsii and peruvianus seeds available online, and am trying to decide which ones to cultivate. I've got two san pedro cuttings in the garden, as well as a root system which will hopefully get some pups soon. In the long-term, I would love to get my hands on some williamsii as well, but I'm in NZ so it's no easy feat.

Anyway, of bridgsii, peruvianus, pachanoi and williamsii, what is your cactus of choice when using for psychonautic purposes, and why?

I know they all have their ups and downs and potency can vary wildly, but if you HAD to choose. :)

i only ever tried pervianus and it was a light trip but still warm, calming and profound (of course i could have doubled the dose...)

if you want to try them first there are a lot of legal vendors online that sell peruvianus and pachanoi cuttings and dried powder. although i imagine it must be very enjoyable and rewarding to grow your own :D
Thanks for your response :) Forgot to mention that I have tried pachanoi. My friend and I drank the juice yielded from two foot-long cuttings. It was a pleasant, warm and spiritually enlightening experience. We drank it over a long period of time, so the effects took hours to set in. When they did, they probably lasted around 5 hours. It felt as though we could have taken more (we should have drank it faster and perhaps boiled longer) if I do san pedro again I will intensify the dose.

Is the peruvian torch generally considered to be more potent than san pedro?
Why? Let me tell U something, people in Peru and areas around Peru doesn't know any other cacti then San Pedro. OK they know them but they doesn't KNOW them!, if U got me. :!: I know that U have.

San Pedro cacti is sold in Peru (and/also on Ecuador, Columbia, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia) market, bazaar, local shop, apothecary,by "true" and 'TRUE' medicine workers or (doctors with M.D. and shamans) but U will never find Echinopsis Peruviana or E. Terscheckii!
They aren't even know to main S. American people as entheogen. San Pedro is saint for first, "avatar from San Pedro on Earth or his flesh", "high ranking one" - keeper and guardian of heaven doors. But cacti with name Peruvianus or just Latin copy name like Tercsheckii aren't even names picked by people of area where this cacti really habit. They are only scientists and wonderer's psychedelic sniffing trough discoveries. White European people found mescaline in those two mentioned cacti.
I really do not know for sure why people where this cacti habit doesn't use them. Forgotten story, sorry. But I remember something bout curse or poison but really do not remember 100% sure. Also something else pick in my mind, psychedelic slugs - snails, snails which are resilient to alkaloids from Tricho cacti which are cooked and consumed just like S.Pedro's cacti. Cause snail lives on Peruvianus cacti and his tissue is over filled with mescaline and other analogs of that potent hallucinogen.

This is only one part why U should buy, grow and use S.Pedro and not other species of that cacti. Hope U hear enough. 8) :)

Thanks Goran, I will heed your advice. I'll keep growing the San Pedro cuttings in my garden and might buy some seedlings online, because I can't get enough!

No one can! I also think to get 50++ San Pedro seeds for newcomer season.
Why? Peyote cacti which I have grow staidly but slow, verrryy sloowww. Growing? I can indefinably grow new seed sprouts and place them into household desert green house. What the hell I am going to do with all of them? 10 years need to pass if I have intentions to "voyage" and some kind of selling/trading activity usually invites black stinky spirits.

Yes, I have illegal cacti which can cost me 5 years in prison and know what is most ironically? I have more or less just for 5 600mg voyages!
One voyage equally one age in jail! :roll:
Fuck it, nicely, with smile.
Be Hendrix?