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yopo with a vaporizer?

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I was wondering if anyone has smoked yopo seeds with a vaporizer and had a successful dmt trip?

I do not have an expensive vaporizer with a temp control, just a regular one so if anyone has had a successful experience with one like mine let me know. Thankyou
This is a hard one, with Yopo I'm almost positive it will not work.
I'm still trying to find a vaporiser that does evaporate dmt, but just the extracted dmt... And even that's hard to find out.

So to answer your question, no I don't think so.
Especially the cheap vaporisers are set for evaporating THC out of marihuana and THC evaporates from 200 to 210 degrees celcius.
DMT needs a lower temperature, so I think the DMT will go to waste.
And maybe with yopo seeds the DMT won't even come out...
Smoking yopo seeds will do absolutely nothing no matter how you do it. Vaporizor or no vaporizor.
DMT goes at 90 degrees celcius. Cannot find the source right now.

So don't take this remark as fact.
You would have to know the average potency of yopo. Say, its 1% (which is quite high), that means for every mg of dmt, you need to smoke 100mg of material. A good dose of 50mg would then require you to smoke 5 grams of yopo seeds within 90 seconds (max!). So even if you could vaporize, you still would have to smoke soo mucn to get an effect that I dont think its possible.

Say that potency is 2% (unheard of as far as I know, I'm still waiting for some Mexican rootbark that is supposedly 1.8%), you still have to smoke 2.5 grams in this short timeframe.

Maybe a simple extraction would work but I dont know.
A good dose of 50mg would then require you to smoke 5 grams of yopo seeds within 90 seconds (max!)

If you smoke 5 grams of real yopo seeds (Anadenathera Peregrina) , not the colubrina that all most shops sell , you will have the worst and strong bad trip of your life.
I had receive real Peregrina and I can tell that with 4 seeds smoked in a small pipe I have very very powerful trips , very more powerful then a ayahuasca with mimosa or Vidris species.
Peregrina have DMT and 5-MEO-DMT , and Colubrina have 5-meo-DMT and Bufutenine , and this makes all the diffrence , and even the taste when smoked is completly diffrent from Colubrina and no nause or physycal disconfort
is it possible to do extraction on yopo? i have some and i were planning to smoke it because i don't want to snort it :?
is it possible to do extraction on yopo? i have some and i were planning to smoke it because i don't want to snort it

If they are yopo ( Anedathera Peregrina ) , and if you can smoke 4 or 5 seeds within some seconds , you don t need to do an extract , but if you prefer i have seen many easy methods to do 4 x and 8x extract in the web. But I always smoke the seeds and always have been successful.
Amoak, have you ever smoked actual crystaline DMT?

I find it hard to believe you're getting a full blown DMT experience from smoking peregrina. You would be the first person in the history of the world to do so.
Amoak, have you ever smoked actual crystaline DMT?

I find it hard to believe you're getting a full blown DMT experience from smoking peregrina. You would be the first person in the history of the world to do so.

I don t have say i m getting a full blown DMT experience , but a full blown yopo experience (DMT and 5-Meo-DMT) , the principal effects in yopo came from 5-MEO-DMT . And you don t have hear about full blown experiences because 95% of the shop (like azarius and other shops from aroun the world ) sell Colubrina seeds (Cebil) and say that is yopo (peregrina) , and colubrina is very diffrent from yopo in alcaloids composition , and there is a big confusion between the shops to identify it because is dificult , but now we knows that Peregrina only grows in Brazil.

I don t have smoke crystaline DMT , but I had smoke DMT extracts , and i ve been smoke + or - 100 mg last time ( 1,5 grams extract) , and I can tell you the yopo is not very diffrent from my DMT experiences , and I think yopo is physical more strong but less visual because the 5-MEO-DMT and other tryptamines that havent been study ( but with the eyes closed I think is the same or better) , in my opinion .

And i not the first person in the world getting full blown experiences with yopo if you search in the web you will see a lot of reports about full blown and strong yopo experiences and even about scary and very bad trips , yopo trips can be very powerful with the correct material .

I know only one shop with real Anadenathera Peregrina seeds from brazil.
The principal tryptamine in the Anadenathera Colubrina is bufotenine and it have very diffrents effectsof 5-meo-dmt and is know for the physical pain and is less visual , and in large doses can cause death , so make attention if somebody want smoke large amounts of colubrina .

Peregrina seeds looks like Colubrina but when you smoked the smell and the taste are very diffrent and it have less or no nausea , i had somke both several times , and i really advise to smoke peregrina seeds , they are amazing and colorful and is IMPOSSIBLE to have no effects you smoke the seeds within seconds.
The principal tryptamine in the Anadenathera Colubrina is bufotenine and it have very diffrents effectsof 5-meo-dmt and is know for the physical pain and is less visual , and in large doses can cause death , so make attention if somebody want smoke large amounts of colubrina .

I too was under the impression that the seeds of Peregrina and Colubrina were both the same in type of DMT content. Those "yopo" seeds I tried to smoke, might not be the real yopo afterall.

any sources to this comparison of Peregrina seeds with Colubrina seeds ?
any sources to this comparison of Peregrina seeds with Colubrina seeds ?


Yes , i had read in Plants of the Gods , it have a very rich information about Peregrina and Colubrina each one has its chapters Yopo cahpter and Cebil chapter , from page 116 to 123 ,they have diffrent history diffrent alcaloids but similar uses and you also can see in erowid but they does not much information about that but I think you can find in the web .

In the seeds of colubrina 12‰ of bufotenin was found others with 4% , and traces of 5-MEO-DMT , DMT DMT-N-OXIDE and 5-HO-DMT-N-OXIDE were found , old test of the seeds contained 15mg/g of bufotenin the principal active alcaloid .

In the seeds of Peregrina , DMT and 5-hydroxy-DMT are the principal actives tryptamines , and it have also 2-methyl and 1,2-di-methyl-methoxytetrahydro-b-carboline.
Still, smoking 5 grams of seeds within 90 seconds seems like a real challenge to me

You don t need to smoke 5 grams .
1 gram of Colubrina seeds can have 15 mg / g of bufotenin and this is more that sufficient for a bufotenin trip if you take more you can die.
amoak a dit:
Still, smoking 5 grams of seeds within 90 seconds seems like a real challenge to me

You don t need to smoke 5 grams .
1 gram of Colubrina seeds can have 15 mg / g of bufotenin and this is more that sufficient for a bufotenin trip if you take more you can die.

Thats new, trying to trip off bufotenine. I wasnt aware people actually wanted to do that. Only info I was aware of, was negative, as this from erowid:

Bufotenine (5-OH-DMT) is another DMT relative. This compound is vaguely referred to as "noxious" by Jonathan Ott. Apparently 10mg of pure 5-OH-DMT injected is enough to cause "dramatic circulatory crises." There appears to be debate over the psychedelic qualities of bufotenine. However, McLeod & Sitaram, Shulgin, and Fabins & Hawkings all report the presence of psychotomimetic effects. Bufotenine causes anxiety, circulatory distress, skin flushing, and percieved color distortions. Injected doses of 16 mg (over 3 min. IV drip) have been reported. At this dose, the symptoms of mild skin flushing to extreme purple cast appear. Subjects also report a great deal of psychological distress and fear at this dose. Doses of 8 mg produce mild skin flushing and increased anxiety. Doses of 2-4 mg of bufotenine do not produce hallucinogenic effects. The above discussed negative side effects at 16 mg last for approximately 10 minutes. Other side effects reported are sweating, nausea, yellowed vision, and perception of colored spots. So it appears that bufotenine is a nasty drug to be avoided, Not only does it tend to induce panic, it also appears to have the potential for a fatal overdose, although no case studies to this effect have been found for humans.

Which caused me more of less to give up on extracting DMT from Phalaris. But is this info wrong? Is bufotenin in fact an enjoyable psychedelic?
[/quote]Which caused me more of less to give up on extracting DMT from Phalaris. But is this info wrong? Is bufotenin in fact an enjoyable psychedelic?

No , is not a an enjoyable psychedelic , i m trying to tell you this , like a say if you had read the post it can cause death and is know to cause nausea and phisycal pain .

But Peregrina don t have Bufutenin only Colubrina , in peregrina they had only found traces , in Peregrina is mainly DMT and 5-Meo-DMT.
I read the post but was confused about this:

You don t need to smoke 5 grams .
1 gram of Colubrina seeds can have 15 mg / g of bufotenin and this is more that sufficient for a bufotenin trip if you take more you can die.

Which let me to think that you where actually aiming for a bufotenin trip. Sorry.