Yoko Ono in court over footage of John Lennon

Caduceus Mercurius

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John Lennon's widow Yoko Ono is due in court next week to prevent the publication of footage showing the former Beatle smoking cannabis.

Massachussetts-based company World Wide Video is claiming ownership of nine hours of video footage which shows Lennon using drugs, as well as discussing putting the hallucinogen LSD into the tea of then US president Richard Nixon.

The company wishes to release the black-and-white reel as a two-hour film entitled 3 Days in the Life, according to the Reuters news agency.

Having paid more than $1 million (£500,000) for the footage - filmed weeks before the Beatles' breakup in 1970 - World Wide Video attempted to screen the film at the private Berwick Academy in Maine last year, only for an injunction from Ono's lawyers to prevent the premiere.


While Ono claims to own the copyright to the tapes, having purchased them legally from World Wide Video, the Massachussetts firm asserts that it purchased 24 original videotapes and their copyrights from Anthony Cox, Ono's former husband, in 2000.

But after the deal with Mr Cox - who shot the film between February 8th and February 11th 1970 at Lennon's English estate - was closed, World Wide claims the tapes were stolen.

A New Hampshire man agreed to return copies of the tapes after a separate civil suit the following year and promised to locate the originals, which are now held by Ono.

In a telephone interview with Reuters, World Wide's lawyer said: "The decision that should be made in the case is who in fact does have the copyright.

"We're saying that we legitimately own the copyright to this film."

A preliminary hearing is due to take place on April 30th.

Noooo waaaaaaay, John Lennon did drugs?
Shit man, the world's comming to an end, if even the alltime heroes took drugs

LOL :mrgreen:
Why you say that?
Or the government...
I mean governments have killed lots of people that told us to Love
isn't that the main goal ?
forget about loving, when you can work and have a great bank account!
you HAVE to know that you can't trust no one, and therefore, you will not be trusted, even if you spread love and cautious understanding/questioning of you are told. i have lost plenty of friends because of this. good friends that i thought were thinking beings.
if people thought a little more and forget about backstabbing, because we could all HAVE A GOOD LIFE without even working and losing that enormous amount of time, using it to properly raise your kids and not to leave them to rot in schools where you supposedly learn, but in fact, you are continually castrated, with very little competent teachers/friends/parents. we would, then, be human beings instead of work horses that are simply meant to push vagons.
what is money ? what does money worth if it values itself ? haven't we lost the real meaning of it ? of course we need it, so we wouldn't have to trade chickens to get bread and butter. it was meant to SIMPLIFY trading, and therefore living. are our lifes simplier with today's full-throttle capitalism, that made us all SLAVES to an unreal agent, who has unlimited power ?
why the need to buy loving persons ? give them proper jobs and fame ? worship all that they have made, even if it was not meant to be even known ? this video is complete bullshit, it is worthless. why don't they film paul mccartney having a shit and put it to auction on ebay ? that's art, so they say. it even has a "conceptual" label and everything. is it art ? i belive it is, but when i read a shakespear novel, i am not making it, am i ?
everyone is confused, like when you destroy the entrance to the place where ants live (i don't know the name), they get annoyed and start building it again - they can even make a different entrance! we are not capable of such.
I'm surprised you didn't know John lennon has take LSD :| (and other drugs)
I like his books (john & yoko ballad :))

who do you think he wrote Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds :D
yourownworld, we were being ironic.
the beatles will always be the most influential band of all time for me. i am a great fan of them, specially because i am a musician and have learned a lot about tonality with them. and lucy in the sky with diamonds was written both by him and paul mccartney. and every band member has stated that the song is not about LSD, it is a simple coincidence that the acronyms coincide.
Lion a dit:
it's my feeling..

...why you feel that way?

I'm not trying to tease you, I don't understand why you make that remark.

Space is right, John was killed by the government. The CIA had files on him and Nixon hated him. I know it sounds conspiracy but this time the alternative scenario is that some recently-touched-by-Jesus guy went crazy and shot John because he felt like it. I used to believe that and thought it was such a tragedy, but now I know better. It's all a big charade.

This is a very interesting read on the subject: http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/4764.html
My opinion is that Yoko Ono made John Lennon crazy. Somehow I think she's involved in the death of John Lennon.
Yeah and because of her the beatles broke up

They loved each other, man, why would she be involved in his assasination???????????
Did you read about John after he left the beatles ?

To me it doesn't sounds like she made him crazy, the songs he wrote without the beatles may be a lot better than the beatles ones.

It seem like he felt not good with the band , not the band itself but how it was hard to support all the things arround

btw John is a real brother , so sensitive and friendly

I know what they said about Lucy in the sky, but considering it was written when they were in their LSD period, make me think they may have not said the truth (maybe to stay away from saying "try lsd")
???????? a dit:
Yeah and because of her the beatles broke up

They loved each other, man, why would she be involved in his assasination???????????

same shit with kurt cobain
what?? Lennon's case is very different than Cobain's. Where are you drawing the similarities?

edit: did you read my url?