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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Goedendagmensen
  • Date de début Date de début


This weekend I took XTC for the first time.
And it released some kind of gay feelings.

What does this mean?
could mean that ur gay..
but xtc/mdma makes u very loved up so, that means that u feel love for everyone man or women.. and that u could hug everyone
that's all I can tell... cause u dont give me much more details
I hug and kiss other men all the time when I'm on MDMA. :)

Sex during some fine MDMA crystals is superb sex, my girlfriend and I did it once. One of the best times ever I'd say. :)
Goedendagmensen a dit:
This weekend I took XTC for the first time.
And it released some kind of gay feelings.

What does this mean?

What do you mean by "kind of gay feelings" exactly?
'cause it could be that at that moment you could feel atracted to other people (male, female, doesn't matter) or was it an idea that came out of yourself like: Man I think I like men. (I personally think it was the first of these to options, cause I know the feeling on MDMA :mrgreen:)

It doesn't have to mean anything.
Those feelings are very natural to have on mdma, it's all love and all good :):thumbsup:
Yeah, I know the feeling to,

one time, I had some xtc and after it kicked in
i bought some candy
I was dancing around, everyone was my friend and I gave them all some candy!

that was a really great feeling, and I cannot say it was gay!
You might always lose some of your trained male protectionist behaviour on mdma and behave a little "gay". But this is only what is considered gay by definition (like a man who says "I love you" in public is considered gay).
If you're having problems with that, well, then I guess you can't take mdma...