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Xtc and anti-depressants

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I am wondering about this combination. I have been on anti-depressants for more than a year. Due to treatment I am doing much better now. I am currently lowering my dosis (I am on fluoxetine (Prozac)) and am almost down to nothing atm. Due to Prozac having a long half life (2 weeks) it will probably take a month before it is totally out of my system. I am wondering what the effect of xtc would be atm, since it also effect serotine. I have talked to my shrink about this and he didn't know much about it, tho did say something about serotine receptors getting over sensitive. Now my question is if anyone here has any experience with this type of situation, or knows more about. Any feedback would be welcomed. Thanks in advance

I had been on fluoxetine for a year and I quit it because the side effects became more than the beneficial effects. I even felt better after quitting. The first time I took some very little coke and a good amount of amphetamines was half a year later and everything was perfect. That won't help you much because you're still on fluoxetine. The only thing I can tell you is that when I was still on fluoxetine I could drink a hell of a lot of alcohol and the effect was more ecstatic than just alcohol alone. So, I think you should be careful with serotonine-flushing drugs when still on fluoxetine. I'd say start with very little and see how you feel, that would be the only way to see what it's like... (and by very little I really mean [/i]very little! Be careful! You don't want to risk a serotonine shock which can be very unpleasant and dangerous!)
Thanks a lot for the replies :) Think I'll stick to shrooms for the moment and maybe try E again in a year or so
SSRI and SNRI(N for norandrenalin), reduces effects of agonistic substances in synaptic hole.In contraire antidepresants help in way of protection of neurons and if you took it after E consuption-8hours after oxidating metabolits of md** are going be rolled back to synaptic hole and resoult is protection of serotonin and norandrenalin tunels in post synapse.To put it in easy sentence-SSRI reduce effect of md** but protect yours brain. 8)
I am wondering about the same thing. I am on a anti depressent called Paroxetine, it's an SSRI, for two months now. I have to take one tablet each day and I am doing a lot better now.
Tonight, we have a big party and it has been a long time ago that I have used xtc (more then a year now). We will go with a big group of friends, so it will be great fun, just like old times :wink:
I have looked on the internet about this, but everywhere they say, big quantaties can give you a serotine overdose.
But what when I will only take a little? Maybe one tablet over the whole night, 1/4 tablet per time? Would there be a big risk then?
I hope you can help me with this ....
From what I have read SSRI's block the good effects of 'e'. A quarter of a pill won't work anyway, since most pills are less than a full dose to starts with (less than 125-50mg MDMA-- if at all). If you are not sure about mixing the drugs, it's probably better to avoid.