it was certainly very inspiring. Some really great speakers - i was truly inspired by both Thomas Roberts & Michael Winkleman and their idea of creating a company out of the psychedelic therapy market and having it appear on the NASDAQ as LSDD
)) A dream perhaps, but that's where it starts! We need more dreamers in the world. Well i'd certainly buy shares in that company!!!
Winkleman is doing great work in taking forth Terrance McKenna's revised theory of evolution - it makes so much sense...
Listening to Stan Grov's talk on the roots of violence and greed, so spot on. And such a cool, unpretentious guy.
Rick Doblin from MAPS was also a great inspiration - i love how he kept referiing to the "psychedelic reniassance" - it so is the time for it!!!
And my all time fave had to be Kathleen Harrison. I like how she spoke from the heart and her experiences rather than the technical scientific stuff. She had such a beautiful aura around her - i remember speaking to some guy in the audience who said "i've fallen in love with her"...
One of the best parts though was hearing other "oridnary folk" like you and me share their experiences. In fact i didnt feel we had enough of a platform for this and i'll make a suggestion to the organisers for the next conference (praying there is one). As a musician i would have loved to perform some of my music and im sure there are several others with something to share. It would have been cool to have a party at the conference as well to be able to mix with people outisde of the lectures, including some of the speakers!!!
Im planning on creating a myspace/facebook page for the attendees to keep in touch - let me know if you guys are interested in connecting and i'll send a link.
Light and love,
P.S. Like you shroomlady i feel very inspired to make use of some psychedelics this spring/summer! Cant wait!!!