First of all I would like to state my personal stance to help clarify the origin and intent of the project.
I have no particular standing in the field, like the majority of psy enthusiasts, other than a strong passion for healing and the mysteries of the mind.
I yearn to share the experience with others in a qualified manner and deeply believe in it's therapeutic potential as well as our inherent right to explore it.
As of yet, I have seen no mainstream action-orientated attempts that allow any participant to have a hand in reinforcing what they believe, a way to cut through all the diversities of the field to a simplistic progressive mean. So the best first step, I thought, would be to just collect numbers.
And yes, that is still where it stands. Make no mistake, we are aware of the lack of a next step to be made, but many positive connections are being created and many people seem to be quite motivated as a result.
But now we have a step up. In under two months, nearly 400 people who say without a doubt on a legitimate document that they do and will support the furthering of psychedelic research and education. I see this as dormant potential, a catalyst waiting to happen.
Now that more people are on board, we are just reaching the stage of considering where to go now, we have members of MAPS, the NDRI, Erowid, Gaia Media, as well as many other behind the concept, and new visions are on the horizon.
I believe a statistical commonality is crucial, and I fully encourage anyone to disagree with any alternative in mind. How do you foresee a coming together in our name in a way that will produce results? Offer us some clear goals, and we, with our numbers, will surely do everything in our power to heed to that call.
We have just started tossing around the idea of ways to start lobbying for the cause, we have started approaching various entheogen vendors to mutually display banners, we have basically approached just about every psychedelic related group that we can think of, but every time we go back we have more numbers and the concept of gathering more together seems that much more worthy.
Please, if you have any ideas, share them. If you have a way to produce another cause that will completely put ours to waste, we couldn't be happier.
In this time, the knowledge is out there, enough people will make the stand, we just need to have a viable enough way for them to do that, and it is something that we all share a calling for.
I hope to see all of you in the future, please let us know.
-Jason S. (fireseed)